#!/bin/bash # #healthcheck on munin #check process and alert. # #programed by rti (hiroyuki fujie) super.rti@gmail.com @super_rti #LICENSE: NYSL (public domain) # #config file # /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node # #example minimum config #--------------------------------------------------- #[healthcheck_process] #env.process_1 httpd #--------------------------------------------------- # #chcek two process #--------------------------------------------------- #[healthcheck_process] #env.process_1 httpd #env.process_2 samba #--------------------------------------------------- # #chcek three process #--------------------------------------------------- #[healthcheck_process] #env.process_1 httpd #env.process_2 samba #env.process_3 mysqld #--------------------------------------------------- # # # #edakari speed up. CHECKMAX=`env | grep process_ | wc -l` let CHECKMAX="$CHECKMAX + 1" if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then if [ $CHECKMAX -le 1 ]; then echo no exit 1 fi echo yes exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo 'graph_title process memory Usage(MB)' echo "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0 --vertical-label MB" echo 'graph_scale no' echo 'graph_vlabel process memory' echo 'graph_category healthcheck' echo 'graph_info This graph shows the Memory used by process' for(( I = 1; I < $CHECKMAX; ++I )) do eval process=\$process_${I} eval alertmemory=\$alertmemory_${I} if [ "x${process}" = "x" ]; then continue fi echo "$process.label $process" echo "$process.info Memory used by $process" echo "$process.draw LINE2" echo "$process.min -10" echo "$process.critical 0:" done exit 0 fi for(( I = 1; I < $CHECKMAX; ++I )) do eval process=\$process_${I} if [ "x${process}" = "x" ]; then continue fi vrets=(`ps u --no-headers -C $process | awk 'BEGIN { count = 0 ; sum = 0; } { count ++ ; sum += $6/1024 ; } END { printf("%d %d\n",count,sum); }'`) count=${vrets[0]} value=${vrets[1]} if [ $count -le 0 ]; then echo "$process.value -10" echo "$process.extinfo process down" else echo "$process.value $value" fi done