
104 lines
2.0 KiB
Executable File

# IRCd Monitoring for Munin
# by Martin Weinelt
# $Log$
# Revision 1.0 2009/09/16 05:03:31 UTC hexa-
# Initial Release featuring
# autoconf-support,
# reading user/channels/operators count
#%# capabilities=autoconf
$_nick = "munin-ircd";
$_host = "tcp://localhost"; // change to ssl:// or tls:// for ssl-tunneled-connection, tcp:// for tcp-socket
$_port = 6667;
if (isset($argv['1']) && $argv['1'] == "config") {
print "host_name ".php_uname('n')."\n";
print "graph_title IRCd Status\n";
print "graph_category chat\n";
print "graph_order clients channels operators\n";
print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n";
print "clients.label Clients\n";
print "clients.draw LINE2\n";
print "channels.label Channels\n";
print "channels.draw LINE2\n";
print "operators.label Operators\n";
print "operators.draw LINE2\n";
} elseif (isset($argv['1']) && $argv['1'] == "autoconf") {
$sock = fsockopen($_host, $_port);
if (!$sock) echo "no\n";
else echo "yes\n";
$sock = fsockopen($_host, $_port);
if ($sock) {
fputs($sock, "NICK ".$_nick."\n");
fputs($sock, "USER munin munin localhost :munin-ircd\n");
while ($buffer = @fgets($sock, 1024)) {
$bits = explode(" ", trim($buffer));
if ($bits['0'] == "PING") { fputs($sock, "PONG ".$bits['1']."\n"); }
if (isset($argv['1']) && $argv['1'] == "debug") echo $buffer."\n";
// RAW
// End of MOTD / MOTD missing
if ($bits['1'] == "422" || $bits['1'] == "376") {
fputs($sock, "LUSERS\n");
} elseif ($bits['1'] == "252") {
// 252 munin-ircd 1 :operator(s) online
print "operators.value ".$bits['3']."\n";
} elseif ($bits['1'] == "254") {
// 252 munin-ircd 2 :channels formed
print "channels.value ".$bits['3']."\n";
} elseif ($bits['1'] == "266") {
// 252 munin-ircd :Current Global Users: 4 Max: 8
print "clients.value ".$bits['6']."\n";
// and disconnect
fputs($sock, "QUIT :munin-ircd-monitoring\n");