mirror of https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib.git synced 2018-11-08 00:59:34 +01:00
stimpy23 12ee36319e Updated to v0.2
Updated to match the outputs of current ice- and shoutcast versions...
2015-09-22 12:33:13 +02:00

141 lines
5.0 KiB
Executable File

Plugin: radio
Author: Philipp Giebel (spam@stimpyrama.org)
Version: 0.2
Munin (http://munin-monitoring.org/) Plugin for counting
listeners to both shout- and icecast streams.
Get the latest version at:
Requirements: * PHP (jap, I know that sucks.. ;) )
v0.1 - Quick & Dirty proof of concept
v0.2 - Updated to match output of current versions of ice- and shoutcast.
// -------------- CONFIGURATION START ---------------------------------------
$cfg = array(
// SERVER #1
array( "name" => "IceCast", // name for munin
"type" => "ice", // server-type (ice/shout)
"host" => "ice.example.com", // server hostname or ip
"port" => 8000, // server port
"mountpoint" => "live" // mountpoint to check
// (icecast only)
// SERVER #2
array( "name" => "ShoutCast", // name for munin
"type" => "shout", // server-type
"host" => "", // server hostname or ip
"port" => 8000 // server port
// -------------- CONFIGURATION END -----------------------------------------
function getIce( $host, $port, $mount, $name ) {
$error = false;
if ( !$fp = fsockopen( $host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 10 ) ) {
$error = $errstr ."(". $errno .")";
} else {
fputs( $fp, "GET /status.xsl HTTP/1.1\r\n" );
fputs( $fp, "Host: ". $host ."\r\n" );
fputs( $fp, "User-Agent: Mozilla\r\n" );
fputs( $fp, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n" );
$xml = "";
while ( !feof( $fp ) ) {
$xml .= fgets( $fp, 512 );
fclose( $fp );
if ( stristr( $xml, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" ) == true ) {
$xml = trim( substr( $xml, 42 ) );
} else {
$error = "Bad login";
if ( !$error ) {
$res = array( "found" => true );
$mount = str_replace( ".", "\.", $mount );
preg_match_all( "/Mount Point \/(". $mount .").*?\<tr\>\<td\>Current Listeners:\<\/td\>\<td class=\"streamdata\"\>(\d*?)\<\/td\>\<\/tr\><tr>\<td\>Peak Listeners:\<\/td\>\<td class=\"streamdata\"\>(\d*?)\<\/td\>\<\/tr\>/s", $xml, $parser );
$res["mount"] = $parser[1][0];
$res["listeners"] = intval( $parser[2][0] );
$res["listeners_peak"] = intval( $parser[3][0] );
$res["name"] = $name;
} else {
$res = $error;
return $res;
function getShout( $host, $port, $name ) {
$error = false;
if ( !$fp = fsockopen( $host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 10 ) ) {
$error = $errstr ."(". $errno .")";
} else {
fputs( $fp, "GET /index.html?sid=1 HTTP/1.0\r\n" );
fputs( $fp, "User-Agent: Mozilla\r\n" );
fputs( $fp, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n" );
$xml = "";
while ( !feof( $fp ) ) {
$xml .= fgets( $fp, 512 );
fclose( $fp );
if ( stristr( $xml, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" ) == true ) {
$xml = trim( substr( $xml, 42 ) );
} else {
$error = "Bad login";
if ( !$error ) {
$res = array( "found" => true );
preg_match_all( "/.*?Stream Status: <\/td\>\<td\><b\>Stream is up at \d*? kbps with (\d*?) of \d*? listeners/s", $xml, $parser );
$res["listeners"] = intval( $parser[1][0] );
$res["name"] = $name;
} else {
$res = $error;
return $res;
if ( !isset( $argv[1] ) ) $argv[1] = '';
switch( $argv[1] ) {
case "config":
echo "graph_title Stream Listeners\n";
echo "graph_category Network\n";
echo "graph_vlabel listeners\n";
echo "graph_hlabel listeners\n";
echo "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n";
echo "graph_scale no\n";
echo "graph_info Number of listeners to shout- and / or icecast streams\n";
echo "complete.info Complete listeners\n";
echo "complete.label complete\n";
echo "graph_order";
foreach ( $cfg as $c ) {
echo " ". strtolower( $c["name"] );
echo " complete\n";
foreach ( $cfg as $c ) {
echo strtolower( $c["name"] ) .".info ". $c["name"] ." listeners\n";
echo strtolower( $c["name"] ) .".label ". strtolower( $c["name"] ) ."\n";
$complete = 0;
foreach ( $cfg as $c ) {
switch ( $c["type"] ) {
case "ice":
$res = getIce( $c["host"], $c["port"], $c["mountpoint"], $c["name"] );
case "shout":
$res = getShout( $c["host"], $c["port"], $c["name"] );
if ( is_array( $res ) ) {
echo strtolower($c["name"]) .".value ". $res["listeners"] ."\n";
$complete += $res["listeners"];
} else {
echo strtolower($c["name"]) .".value 0\n";
echo "complete.value ". $complete ."\n";