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661 lines
20 KiB
Executable File

# -*- sh -*-
: << =cut
=head1 NAME
dspam_ - Plugin to monitor various aspects of DSPAM performance
Any system running a recent (3.8.0 or higher) DSPAM install.
The plugin uses the output of the dspam_stats command, which is usually part
of any DSPAM install. You'll need to run this plugin as a user that has enough
rights to run dspam_stats and generate data for all users. This means that the
plugin needs to be run either as root, or as a user that has read access to
dspam.conf, and is added as a Trusted user in dspam.conf.
The following environment variables are used by this plugin:
dspam_stats - Where to find the dspam_stats binary when it's not in
$PATH (default: find anywhere in $PATH).
statefile - Where to read/write the statefile that is used to store
dspam_stats output
(default: $MUNIN_PLUGSTATE/dspam.state).
warning - When to trigger a warning (default: 95:).
critical - When to trigger a critical (default: 90:).
pattern - A pattern that is passed to grep in order to find the
DSPAM uids to display. When this variable is set, the
value of target (see USAGE) is ignored (default: empty).
description - A string describing the set of uids selected by
above pattern (default: empty).
Warning and critical values can also set on a DSPAM uid basis, use Munins
internal format for the DSPAM uid for this notation (see CONFIGURATION
EXAMPLES and USAGE for details).
user root
env.dspam_stats /opt/dspam/bin/dspam_stats
env.statefile /tmp/dspam.state
env.critical 95:
env.warning 96:
# raise warning level for username@example.org
env.username_example_org_warning 97:
# show all accounts from one domain
env.pattern @example\.org
env.description domain example.org
=head1 USAGE
Link this plugin to /etc/munin/plugins/ and restart the munin-node. The link
should be in the format: dspam_<graph>_<target>, where:
graph - One of: accuracy, processed, processed_abs.
target - The uid that DSPAM generates in dspam_stats output,
but converted to Munin internal name format. Normally
this means that non-alphabetic and non-numeral characters
are replaced by an underscore. For example,
username@example.org will become username_example_org.
A special case is uid ALL, which will draw a graph for
a total of all uids, or for a list of all uids (depending
on the graph type).
NB For advanced uid selection such as 'all users of domain
example.org', please see the environment variable 'pattern'
The plugin supports the following graph types:
accuracy - Shows the overall accuracy of all users as a
percentage. The overall accuracy is the number of
correctly classified messages (both ham and spam) in
relation to the number of all processed messages.
absprocessed - Shows the absolute numbers of mesages processed,
sorted by the classification that DSPAM uses. The
numbers are stacked, making the height of the column
display the increase of processed messages over time.
processed - Shows the same data as dspam_processed_abs_, but as
percentage of the total amount of processed messages,
making it clear to see how the amounts of classified
messages are divided.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2010 Tom Hendrikx <tom@whyscream.net>
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA.
=head1 BUGS
None known. Please report to author when you think you found something.
=head2 TODO LIST
Currently developed and tested with bash/dash on linux.
More testing might be needed with other shells and OSes.
=head1 VERSION
$Id: dspam_ 72 2010-09-15 22:09:15Z tomhendr $
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf suggest
# defaults for configurable settings
: ${dspam_stats:=$(which dspam_stats 2> /dev/null)}
: ${statefile:=${MUNIN_PLUGSTATE}/dspam.state}
: ${statefile_max_age:=180} # 3 minutes
: ${warning:=95:}
: ${critical:=90:}
# include munin plugin helper
. $MUNIN_LIBDIR/plugins/plugin.sh
# Some generic file locking functions #
# file_is_usable $file $max_age
# Check if file is OK for usage: existing, readable and not too old
file_is_usable() {
local file=$1
local max_age=$2
local lock=$file.lock
[ ! -f $file ] && debug statefile $file does not exist && return 66 # EX_NOINPUT
[ ! -r $file ] && debug statefile $file is not readable && return 65 # EX_DATAERR
local mtime=$(stat --format %Y $file)
local file_age=$(( $(date +%s) -mtime ))
[ $file_age -gt $max_age ] && debug file $file is too old: $file_age seconds && return 65 # EX_DATAERR
debug file $file is ok, $file_age seconds old
return 0 # EX_OK
# file_get_lock $file
# Obtain a lock for the named file
file_get_lock() {
local file=$1
local lock=$file.lock
while file_is_locked $file; do
sleep 1
echo $$ > $lock
[ $? -gt 0 ] && debug failed to create lockfile $lock && return 73 # EX_CANTCREAT
debug created lock for $file
return 0 # EX_OK
# file_remove_lock $file
# Remove a set lockfile for the named file
file_remove_lock() {
local file=$1
local lock=$file.lock
rm -f $lock
[ $? -gt 0 ] && debug failed to remove lockfile $lock && return 69 # EX_UNAVAILABLE
debug removed lock for file $file
return 0 # EX_OK
# file_is_locked $file
# Check if a file is locked
file_is_locked() {
local file=$1
local lock=$1.lock
[ -f $lock ] && debug file $file is locked && return 0 # EX_OK
debug file $file is not locked
return 69 # EX_UNAVAILABLE
# DSPAM output processing function #
# update_statefile
# Read the output of dspam_stats, convert it and write usable data to the statefile
update_statefile() {
file_is_usable $statefile $statefile_max_age && return $? # return when all OK
! file_get_lock $statefile && return $? # return when locking failed
local tmpfile=$(mktemp)
debug created tmpfile $tmpfile
debug starting $dspam_stats -t -S
local t_start=$(date +%s)
$dspam_stats -t -S | while read a b c d e f g h i j k l m x; do
# example of output format (3.9.1 rc1) for each user:
# TP: 0 TN: 2147 FP: 0 FN: 53 SC: 0 NC: 0
# SHR: 0.00% HSR: 0.00% OCA: 97.59%
# or for short user names:
#vmail TP: 1141 TN: 459 FP: 0 FN: 5 SC: 0 NC: 0
# SHR: 99.56% HSR: 0.00% OCA: 99.69%
case $a in
# the 2nd line
local tp=$b tn=$d fp=$f fn=$h sc=$j nc=$l
# the 3rd line
local shr=$(echo $b | sed 's/%$//g')
local hsr=$(echo $d | sed 's/%$//g')
local oca=$(echo $f | sed 's/%$//g')
# we're done, write data from current user to the statefile
local clean_user=$(clean_fieldname $uid)
local state="$uid $clean_user $tp $tn $fp $fn $sc $nc $shr $hsr $oca"
echo $state >> $tmpfile
[ $? -gt 0 ] && debug failed to write data for $uid to tmpfile && return 73 # EX_CANTCREAT
debug wrote data for $uid to tmpfile: $state
# the 1st line
local uid=$a
# data from 2nd line is also here
[ "$b" = "TP:" ] && local tp=$c tn=$e fp=$g fn=$i sc=$k nc=$m
local t_end=$(date +%s)
debug dspam_stats finished, runtime $((t_end - t_start)) seconds
mv $tmpfile $statefile
[ $? -gt 0 ] && debug failed to move tmpfile to $statefile && return 73 # EX_CANTCREAT
debug moved tmpfile to $statefile
file_remove_lock $statefile
return 0 # EX_OK
# abs2perc
# Outputs a percentage calculated from its two arguments
abs2perc() {
# division by zero protection: debug output is merely informal and harmless ;)
[ $1 -eq 0 ] && echo 0 && debug abs2perc prevented possible division-by-zero on first argument && return 0 # EX_OK
[ $2 -eq 0 ] && echo 0 && debug abs2perc prevented possible division-by-zero on second argument && return 0 # EX_OK
echo $1 $2 | awk '{ print $1 * 100 / $2 }'
# debug $output
# Prints debugging output when munin-run is called with --pidebug argument (i.e. when MUNIN_DEBUG is set)
debug() {
if [ -n "$MUNIN_DEBUG" ]; then
echo "# DEBUG: $@"
# Functions that generate munin output #
# print_autoconf
# Output for 'munin-node-configure' autoconf functionality
print_autoconf() {
if [ -z "$dspam_stats" ]; then
echo "no (no dspam_stats binary found)"
elif [ ! -x $dspam_stats ]; then
echo "no ($dspam_stats found but not executable)"
echo yes
# print_suggest
# Output for 'munin-node-configure --suggest'
print_suggest() {
echo accuracy_ALL
echo processed_ALL
echo absprocessed_ALL
# print_config
# Output for 'munin-run <plugin> config' command.
print_config() {
debug printing config for graph: $graph
while file_is_locked $statefile; do
debug statefile is locked, waiting
sleep 1
case $graph in
if [ -n "$pattern" ]; then
debug env.pattern was set, so use it: $pattern
local uid=$description
local uid_count=$(grep $pattern $statefile | wc -l)
debug uid_count retrieved from statefile: $uid_count
elif [ "$target" = "ALL" ]; then
local pattern="-v TOTAL"
debug target=ALL: need pattern for all users but not TOTAL: $pattern
local uid="all users"
local uid_count=$(grep $pattern $statefile | wc -l)
debug uid_count retrieved from statefile: $uid_count
local pattern="\b$target\b"
debug target=$target: need pattern for a single user: $pattern
local uid=$(grep $pattern $statefile | cut -d' ' -f1)
debug retrieved uid value from statefile: $uid
local uid_count=1
echo "graph_title Accuracy for $uid"
echo graph_category dspam
echo graph_args --base 1000 --upper-limit 100 --rigid
echo graph_vlabel Accuracy in %
echo "graph_info This graph shows the current DSPAM Overall Accuracy for $uid ($uid_count uids). Overall Accuracy is the percentage of messages that is classified correctly as either ham or spam."
debug starting grep for user data in statefile
local t_start=$(date +%s)
grep $pattern $statefile | while read uid clean_user x; do
echo $clean_user.label $uid
print_warning $clean_user
print_critical $clean_user
local t_end=$(date +%s)
debug grep finished, runtime $((t_end - t_start)) seconds
if [ -n "$pattern" ]; then
debug env.pattern was set, so use it: $pattern
local uid=$description
local uid_count=$(grep $pattern $statefile | wc -l)
debug uid_count retrieved from statefile: $uid_count
elif [ "$target" = "ALL" ]; then
local pattern="-v TOTAL"
debug target=ALL: need pattern for all users but not TOTAL: $pattern
local uid="all users"
local uid_count=$(grep $pattern $statefile | wc -l)
debug uid_count retrieved from statefile: $uid_count
local pattern="\b$target\b"
debug target=$target: need pattern for a single user: $pattern
local uid=$(grep $pattern $statefile | cut -d' ' -f1)
debug retrieved uid value from statefile: $uid
local uid_count=1
echo "graph_title Processed messages for $uid (%)"
echo graph_category dspam
echo graph_args --base 1000 --upper-limit 100 --rigid
echo graph_vlabel Messages in %
echo "graph_info This graph shows the messages that DSPAM processed for $uid ($uid_count uids) in percentages of all processed messages. Messages are divided in the following categories: true positives/negatives, false positives/negatives, and corpusfed ham/spam."
echo tp.label True positives
echo tp.info Spam messages correctly classified as spam.
echo tp.draw AREASTACK
echo tn.label True negatives
echo tn.info Ham messages correctly classified as ham.
echo tn.draw AREASTACK
echo fp.label False positives
echo fp.info Ham messages incorrectly classified as spam, but corrected by the user.
echo fp.draw AREASTACK
echo fn.label False negatives
echo fn.info Spam messages incorrectly classified as ham, but corrected by the user.
echo fn.draw AREASTACK
echo sc.label Corpusfed spam
echo sc.info Spam messages from a collected corpus for training purposes.
echo sc.draw AREASTACK
echo nc.label Corpusfed ham
echo nc.info Ham messages from a collected corpus for training purposes.
echo nc.draw AREASTACK
if [ -n "$pattern" ]; then
debug env.pattern was set, so use it: $pattern
local uid=$description
local uid_count=$(grep $pattern $statefile | wc -l)
debug uid_count retrieved from statefile: $uid_count
elif [ "$target" = "ALL" ]; then
local pattern="-v TOTAL"
debug target=ALL: need pattern for all users but not TOTAL: $pattern
local uid="all users"
local uid_count=$(grep $pattern $statefile | wc -l)
debug uid_count retrieved from statefile: $uid_count
local pattern="\b$target\b"
debug target=$target: need pattern for a single user: $pattern
local uid=$(grep $pattern $statefile | cut -d' ' -f1)
debug retrieved uid value from statefile: $uid
local uid_count=1
echo "graph_title Processed messages for $uid"
echo graph_category dspam
echo graph_args --base 1000
echo graph_vlabel Messages
echo graph_total Total
echo "graph_info This graph shows the messages that DSPAM processed for $uid ($uid_count uids). Messages are divided in the following categories: true positives/negatives, false positives/negatives, and corpusfed ham/spam."
echo tp.label True positives
echo tp.info Spam messages correctly classified as spam.
echo tp.draw AREASTACK
echo tn.label True negatives
echo tn.info Ham messages correctly classified as ham.
echo tn.draw AREASTACK
echo fp.label False positives
echo fp.info Ham messages incorrectly classified as spam, but corrected by the user.
echo fp.draw AREASTACK
echo fn.label False negatives
echo fn.info Spam messages incorrectly classified as ham, but corrected by the user.
echo fn.draw AREASTACK
echo sc.label Corpusfed spam
echo sc.info Spam messages from a collected corpus for training purposes.
echo sc.draw AREASTACK
echo nc.label Corpusfed ham
echo nc.info Ham messages from a collected corpus for training purposes.
echo nc.draw AREASTACK
debug no config available for graph: $graph, exiting with error
exit 78 # EX_CONFIG
debug finished with printing config for graph: $graph
# print_fetch
# Output for 'munin-run <plugin> fetch' command: the actual data to graph.
print_fetch() {
debug printing fetch for graph: $graph
while file_is_locked $statefile; do
debug statefile is locked, waiting
sleep 1
case $graph in
if [ -n "$pattern" ]; then
debug env.pattern was set, so use it: $pattern
elif [ $target = "ALL" ]; then
local pattern="-v TOTAL"
debug target=ALL: need pattern for all users, but not for TOTAL: $pattern
local pattern="\b$target\b"
debug target=$target: need pattern for a single user: $pattern
debug starting grep for user data in statefile
local t_start=$(date +%s)
grep $pattern $statefile | while read x clean_user x x x x x x x x oca x; do
echo $clean_user.value $oca
local t_end=$(date +%s)
debug grep finished, runtime $((t_end - t_start)) seconds
if [ -n "$pattern" ]; then
debug env.pattern was set, so use it: $pattern
elif [ $target = "ALL" ]; then
local pattern="TOTAL"
debug target=ALL: need pattern for TOTAL of all users: $pattern
local pattern="\b$target\b"
debug target=$target: need pattern for a single user: $pattern
local tmpfile=$(mktemp) || debug failed to create tmpfile && debug tmpfile created at: $tmpfile
debug starting grep for user data in statefile, sending to tmpfile
local t_start=$(date +%s)
grep $pattern $statefile > $tmpfile
local t_end=$(date +%s)
debug grep finished, runtime $((t_end - t_start)) seconds
debug starting loop over data in tmpfile
while read user x tp tn fp fn sc nc x; do
debug read data for user $user: $tp $tn $fp $fn $sc $nc
all_tp=$((all_tp + tp))
all_tn=$((all_tn + tn))
all_fp=$((all_fp + fp))
all_fn=$((all_fn + fn))
all_sc=$((all_sc + sc))
all_nc=$((all_nc + nc))
debug calculated new totals: $all_tp $all_tn $all_fp $all_fn $all_sc $all_nc
done < $tmpfile
debug finished data loop
rm -f $tmpfile || debug failed to remove tmpfile && debug removed tmpfile
local total=$((all_tp + all_tn + all_fp + all_fn + all_sc + all_nc))
debug calculated total of all messages: $total
echo tp.value $(abs2perc $all_tp $total)
echo tn.value $(abs2perc $all_tn $total)
echo fp.value $(abs2perc $all_fp $total)
echo fn.value $(abs2perc $all_fn $total)
echo sc.value $(abs2perc $all_sc $total)
echo nc.value $(abs2perc $all_nc $total)
if [ -n "$pattern" ]; then
debug env.pattern was set, so use it: $pattern
elif [ $target = "ALL" ]; then
local pattern="TOTAL"
debug target=ALL: need pattern for TOTAL of all users: $pattern
local pattern="\b$target\b"
debug target=$target: need pattern for a single user: $pattern
local tmpfile=$(mktemp) || debug failed to create tmpfile && debug tmpfile created at: $tmpfile
debug starting grep for user data in statefile, sending to tmpfile
local t_start=$(date +%s)
grep $pattern $statefile > $tmpfile
local t_end=$(date +%s)
debug grep finished, runtime $((t_end - t_start)) seconds
debug starting loop over data in tmpfile
while read user x tp tn fp fn sc nc x; do
debug read data for user $user: $tp $tn $fp $fn $sc $nc
all_tp=$((all_tp + tp))
all_tn=$((all_tn + tn))
all_fp=$((all_fp + fp))
all_fn=$((all_fn + fn))
all_sc=$((all_sc + sc))
all_nc=$((all_nc + nc))
debug calculated new totals: $all_tp $all_tn $all_fp $all_fn $all_sc $all_nc
done < $tmpfile
debug finished data loop
rm -f $tmpfile || debug failed to remove tmpfile && debug removed tmpfile
echo tp.value $all_tp
echo tn.value $all_tn
echo fp.value $all_fp
echo fn.value $all_fn
echo sc.value $all_sc
echo nc.value $all_nc
debug no fetch available for graph: $graph, exiting with error
exit 78 # EX_CONFIG
debug finished printing fetch for graph: $graph
# Main process loop #
# show env settings
debug dspam_ plugin started, pid=$$
debug settings:
debug - dspam_stats is set to: $dspam_stats
debug - statefile is set to: $statefile
debug - statefile_max_age is set to: $statefile_max_age
debug - warning is set to: $warning
debug - critical is set to: $critical
debug - pattern is set to: $pattern
debug - description is set to: $description
[ -n "$command" ] || command="fetch"
debug - command is set to: $command
graph=$(basename $0 | cut -d'_' -f2)
debug - graph is set to: $graph
target=$(basename $0 | cut -d'_' -f3-)
[ -n "$target" ] || target="ALL"
debug - target is set to: $target
debug settings completed, starting process
case $command in
debug exiting
exit 0 # EX_OK