mirror of https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib.git synced 2018-11-08 00:59:34 +01:00
Diego Elio Pettenò ecd21d50c5 apache_status: change the vlabel to use the same unit as input.
This way it's possible to avoid the cdef altogether.
2012-11-20 22:01:48 -08:00

288 lines
7.2 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# -*- cperl -*-
=head1 NAME
apache_status - Munin multigraph plugin to monitor Apache statistics.
=head1 NOTES
This plugin will produce multiple graphs showing:
- the number of accesses to Apache servers;
- the number of apache processes running on the machine;
- the volume of data sent from Apache servers.
Apache HTTP servers with C</server-status> enabled.
The plugin needs access to http://localhost/server-status?auto (or
modify the URL for another host). See your Apache documentation on
how to set up this URL in your httpd.conf. Apache needs ExtendedStatus
enabled for this plugin to work.
Tip: To see if it's already set up correctly, just run this plugin
with the parameter "autoconf". If you get a "yes", everything should
work like a charm already.
This configuration section shows the defaults of the plugin:
env.ports 80
The %d in the url will be replaced with the port. The default port is
80 as shown.
The port list is a space separated list of ports. NOTE that one
single Apache can have several open ports, and the plugin needs only
to contact one to get the servers global status. The list of ports is
only needed if you have several B<different> Apaches configured on
your host.
If you need authenticated access to the URL you can specify the
username and password in the URL. For example:
env.url http://munin:spamalot@localhost/server-status?auto
This will provide for HTTP basic authentication.
The graph shows the number of accesses (pages and other items served)
globally on the Apache server.
The graph shows the number of Apache processes running on the
machine, and in addition separate "busy" and "idle" servers count.
If there is a flat ceiling effect on the graph where the number of
servers does not increase any more, in spite of no idle servers, then
the server has probably reached its C<MaxClients> setting. In this
case it's very likely that some clients are getting connection refused
or some other problem when connecting to your server. In this case
increase the C<MaxClients> setting. Unless there is also no more free
The graph shows the Apache HTTP servers global data volume in
bytes. I.e. how many bytes the server has served.
If there is a flat ceiling effect on the graph you may have reached
some kind of bandwidth limit on your outgoing connection.
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf
=head1 BUGS
Does not support digest authentication.
=head1 AUTHOR
Rewritten by Diego Elio Pettenò <flameeyes@flameeyes.eu> based upon
original apache_accesses, apache_processes and apache_volume plugins
of unknown origin.
=head1 LICENSE
use strict;
use warnings;
use Munin::Plugin;
$0 =~ /apache_status(?:_(.+))$/;
my $HOSTNAME = $1;
my $ret = undef;
if (! eval "require LWP::UserAgent;") {
$ret = "LWP::UserAgent not found";
if ( ! defined $ARGV[0] ) {
die $ret;
if ( exists $ENV{'hostname'} ) {
$HOSTNAME = $ENV{'hostname'};
my $URL = "";
if ( exists $ENV{'url'} ) {
$URL = $ENV{'url'};
} elsif ( defined $HOSTNAME ) {
$URL = "http://$HOSTNAME:%d/server-status?auto"
my @PORTS = exists $ENV{'ports'} ? split(' ', $ENV{'ports'}) : (80);
my $UA = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 30,
agent => sprintf("munin/%s (libwww-perl/%s)", $Munin::Common::Defaults::MUNIN_VERSION, $LWP::VERSION));
if ( defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf" ) {
if ($ret) {
print "no ($ret)\n";
exit 0;
foreach my $port (@PORTS) {
my $url = sprintf $URL, $port;
my $response = $UA->request(HTTP::Request->new('GET',$url));
if ($response->is_success) {
if ($response->content =~ /^Total Accesses:/im ) {
} else {
print "no (ExtendedStatus option for apache"
. " mod_status is missing on port $port)\n";
exit 0;
} elsif ($response->code == 404) {
print "no (apache server-status not found. check if mod_status is enabled)\n";
exit 0;
} else {
print "no (Port $port: ". $response->message .")\n";
exit 0;
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
if ( defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) {
if ( defined $HOSTNAME ) {
print "host_name $HOSTNAME\n";
print <<END;
multigraph apache_accesses
graph_title Apache accesses
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel accesses / \${graph_period}
graph_category apache
foreach my $port (@PORTS) {
print <<END;
accesses$port.label port $port
accesses$port.type DERIVE
accesses$port.info The number of accesses (pages and other items served) globally on the Apache server
accesses$port.min 0
print <<END;
multigraph apache_processes
graph_title Apache processes
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel processes
graph_total total
graph_category apache
print "graph_order ";
foreach my $port (@PORTS) {
print "busy$port idle$port free$port ";
print "\n";
foreach my $port (@PORTS) {
print <<END;
busy$port.label busy servers on port $port
busy$port.draw LINE2
busy$port.min 0
idle$port.label idle servers on port $port
idle$port.draw STACK
idle$port.min 0
free$port.label free slots on port $port
free$port.draw STACK
free$port.min 0
print <<END;
multigraph apache_volume
graph_title Apache volume
graph_args --base 1024 -l 0
graph_vlabel KiB per \${graph_period}
graph_category apache
foreach my $port (@PORTS) {
print <<END;
volume$port.label port $port
volume$port.type DERIVE
volume$port.min 0
exit 0;
my %multigraphs = (
accesses => "multigraph apache_accesses\n",
processes => "multigraph apache_processes\n",
volume => "multigraph apache_volume\n"
foreach my $port (@PORTS) {
my $url = sprintf $URL, $port;
my $response = $UA->request(HTTP::Request->new('GET',$url));
if ($response->content =~ /^Total Accesses:\s+(.+)$/im) {
$multigraphs{accesses} .= "accesses$port.value $1\n";
} else {
$multigraphs{accesses} .= "accesses$port.value U\n";
if ($response->content =~ /^Busy(?:Servers|Workers):\s+(.+)$/im) {
$multigraphs{processes} .= "busy$port.value $1\n";
} else {
$multigraphs{processes} .= "busy$port.value U\n";
if ($response->content =~ /^Idle(?:Servers|Workers):\s+(.+)$/im) {
$multigraphs{processes} .= "idle$port.value $1\n";
} else {
$multigraphs{processes} .= "idle$port.value U\n";
if ($response->content =~ /^(Scoreboard: .*)$/m) {
my $count = () = $1 =~ /\./g;
$multigraphs{processes} .= "free$port.value $count\n";
} else {
$multigraphs{processes} .= "free$port.value U\n";
if ($response->content =~ /^Total kBytes:\s+(.+)$/im) {
$multigraphs{volume} .= "volume$port.value $1\n";
} else {
$multigraphs{volume} .= "volume$port.value U\n";
foreach my $graph (keys %multigraphs) {
print $multigraphs{$graph};
# vim:syntax=perl