mirror of https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib.git synced 2018-11-08 00:59:34 +01:00
2013-01-04 18:53:51 +01:00

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: << =cut
=head1 NAME
netatalk - Plugin to monitor number of files held open by the Netatalk/AFP clients
This plugin uses the following configuration variables
user root - Plugin must run under root for lsof
env.afpd - Path to "afpd" executable (defaults to what afpd -v says, usually "/usr/sbin/afpd")
env.afpdconf - Path to "afpd.conf" file (defaults to what afpd -v says, usually "/etc/netatalk/afpd.conf")
=head1 VERSION
0.1 (2012-05-23)
=head1 AUTHOR
DUVERGIER Claude (http://claude.duvergier.fr)
=head1 LICENSE
=head1 BUGS
Known bugs:
* A bug can occur if a shared path is located inside another shared path (eg. "/mnt/afpShares/foo" and "/mnt/afpShares/foo/subFoo/bar").
Depending of the order the shares are found, the script might say the less-deeper one is opened whereas he is processing the other one.
=head1 TODO
Features to-do list:
* Support multiple servers
#%# family=contrib
#%# capabilities=autoconf
# Find "afpd" location:
afpdPath=${afpd:-`which afpd`}
## Munin configuration ("autoconf" and "config")
if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then
if [ -x $afpdPath ]; then
echo yes
exit 0
echo no '(afpd not found)'
exit 0
if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then
echo 'graph_title Netatalk status'
echo 'graph_args --logarithmic --lower-limit 0.1'
echo 'graph_vlabel Number'
echo 'graph_category network'
echo 'proc.label Running processes'
echo 'proc.info Number of running afpd processes'
echo 'proc.min 0'
echo 'user.label Connected users'
echo 'user.info Number of users connected to netatalk service'
echo 'user.min 0'
echo 'lock.label Locked files'
echo 'lock.info Number of files locked by afpd'
echo 'lock.min 0'
echo 'share.label Open shares'
echo 'share.info Number of open netatalk shares'
echo 'share.min 0'
exit 0
## Script environment
# Find "afpd.conf" location:
afpdConfPath=${afpdconf:-`$afpdPath -v 2>/dev/null | grep "afpd.conf" | awk '{print $2}'`}
baseLsofCommand="lsof -a -c $(basename $afpdPath) -d ^DEL,^err,^jld,^ltx,^Mxx,^m86,^mem,^mmap,^pd,^rtd,^tr,^txt,^v86"
#TODO: Support multiple servers
defaultServer_defaultVolConfigLine=$(cat $afpdConfPath | grep "^[^#]" | grep "\-defaultvol")
if [ -z "$defaultServer_defaultVolConfigLine" ]; then
defaultServer_volumesFile=`$afpdPath -v 2>/dev/null | grep "AppleVolumes.default" | awk '{print $2}'` # Default location "AppleVolumes.default"
defaultVol_pathIsQuoted="-defaultvol ('|\")"
defaultVol_quotedPattern="-defaultvol ('|\")([^\1]*)\1"
# Following regex is from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/537772/what-is-the-most-correct-regular-expression-for-a-unix-file-path
defaultVol_nonQuotedPattern='-defaultvo(l) (([^\0 !$`&*()+]|\\( |!|$|`|&|\*|\(|\)|\+))+)'
[[ $defaultServer_defaultVolConfigLine =~ $defaultVol_pathIsQuoted ]] && defaultVol_pathPattern=$defaultVol_quotedPattern
[[ $defaultServer_defaultVolConfigLine =~ $defaultVol_pathPattern ]] && defaultServer_volumesFile = ${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
## Actual monitoring
# Running processes (proc):
echo "proc.value" $(ps ax --no-headers -o command | grep "^$afpdPath" | wc -l)
# Connected users (user):
# We will ignore root (having UID=0 it's line will be first) (assomption done: there will have only one line corresponding to root in `ps` output)
connectedUsers=$(ps anx --no-headers -o uid,command | sed 's/^ *//g' | grep "^[0-9]* $afpdPath" | sort -n | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1}')
echo "user.value" `echo $connectedUsers | wc -w`
# Locked files (lock):
echo "lock.value" $($baseLsofCommand -F l | grep "^l[rRwWu]" | wc -l)
# Open shares (share):
#TOFIX: A bug can occur if a shared path is located inside another shared path (eg. "/mnt/afpShares/foo" and "/mnt/afpShares/foo/subFoo/bar"):
# Depending of the order the shares are found, the script might say the less-deeper one is opened whereas he is processing the other one
# Solution: sort shares per descending depth
# Following regex is from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10134129/generic-shell-bash-method-to-parse-string-for-possibly-quoted-fields
for shareName in `cat $defaultServer_volumesFile | grep "^[^#:]" | grep -oP "^(['\"]).*?\1|^(\\\\ |[^ '\"])*"`; do
if [[ "$shareName" =~ "~" ]]; then
for currentUid in $connectedUsers; do # For each connected users
currentUserHomeDir=`getent passwd $currentUid | cut -d ':' -f6` # Fetch it's the home directory
currentUserHomeDir=`readlink -f "$currentUserHomeDir"` # We want the realpath (resolves symbolic links and normalize the path)
#FIX: We use pipe `lsof` outputs to `echo -e` with `xargs` because lsof "displays only printable ASCII characters" (cf. http://ftp.cerias.purdue.edu/pub/tools/unix/sysutils/lsof/00FAQ #14.5)
# Then if a share with non-ASCII characters in it's path were to be opened, lsof would return them on \xNN form and grep wouldn't match: `echo -e /the/path` fixes this
[ `$baseLsofCommand -F n | xargs -0 echo -e | grep "^n$currentUserHomeDir" | wc -l` -gt 0 ] && let openShares++ # If found in lsof output: increment the openShares counter
shareName=`readlink -f "$shareName"` # We want the realpath (resolves symbolic links and normalize the path)
[ `$baseLsofCommand -F n | xargs -0 echo -e | grep "^n$shareName" | wc -l` -gt 0 ] && let openShares++ # If found in lsof output: increment the openShares counter
echo "share.value" $openShares