mirror of https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib.git synced 2018-11-08 00:59:34 +01:00
2011-12-18 15:10:13 +01:00

150 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable File

error_reporting( E_ALL &!E_NOTICE); //to avoid of the crap generation
Murmur users online grahpher
ver 0.2alpha 2008.12.02, 20:32
author _KaszpiR_ kaszpir at gmail dot com
code is under GPL
- PHP installed in CLI (so you can run it in command line)
Make sure the first line of this file points to the working php cli interpreter
- Murmur logfile readable by the munin user/group
- script allows the usage of the 'config' and 'autoconf' parameters during startup, make fure you edt config section before running it
- $limit - number of lines to tail from the lgo file, better keep it below 5000 for lower cpu load,
aditionally on busy servers you can keep it really low, suggested 3x maximum number of users online
- tested on
PHP 5.2.6-3 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Aug 21 2008 17:02:32)
murmur 1.1.4 precompiled binaries from sourceforge net, all running under debian etch
- this is not the best way to get users connected to the murmur server, maybe in the beginnign of the 2009 gonna make another script
Known issues and limitations:
- counts all users on the server not respecting different server instances
- if limit of 5000 log entries can sometimes be not enough on busy servers
- can returrn wrong number of users due to the simple user tracking (by nick, should be more advanced but I'm too lazy,)
usually error is fixed after player performs any action on server like join/part channel or mute/unmute etc
- get server id for parsing
- get logs from MySQL
- use DBUS or ICE instead of plain log file
$limit=5000; //numbers of lines to process from log file
$logfile="/home/kaszpir/murmur/murmur.log"; // path to the murmur log file
//end of configuration
//autoconf test
if(isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] == "autoconf")
fwrite(STDOUT, "Yes\n");
fwrite(STDOUT, "No\n");
fwrite(STDERR, "check if '$logfile' exists and it is allowed to be read by munin user group\n");
return 0;
//config, set rrd files
if(isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] == "config")
fwrite(STDOUT, "graph_title Mumble Users\n");
fwrite(STDOUT, "graph_vlabel Connected Users\n");
fwrite(STDOUT, "graph_category VoIP\n");
fwrite(STDOUT, "graph_info This graph shows the number of connected users on a murmur server\n");
fwrite(STDOUT, "murmur.label Users on server\n");
fwrite(STDOUT, "murmur.type GAUGE\n");
return 0;
}else {
echo "check if '$logfile' exists and it is allowed to be read by munin user group\n";
return 1;
return 0;
// do the magic
if(!$limit || ($limit >=5000 ) || $limit <= 0) $limit = 5000;
$out = shell_exec("tail -n ".$limit." \"".$logfile."\"");
$fp = split("\n",$out);
if(!count(@$fp)) {
fwrite(STDOUT, "0\n");
return 1;
$seen = array();
$l = trim($fp[$i]);
if(!$l) continue;
) = preg_split("/<(.*)>(.*) (.*) ([0-9]) => <(.*)\:(.*)\((.*)\)>(.*)/",$fp[$i],-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
if(!strlen(trim($nick))) continue;
strpos($msg," Connection closed")!==FALSE
|| strpos($msg," Tiemout")!==FALSE
$seen[$nick]['online'] = 0;
$seen[$nick]['online'] = 1;
fwrite(STDOUT, "murmur.value ".$online."\n");
return 0;
//end of file