mirror of https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib.git synced 2018-11-08 00:59:34 +01:00

79 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- python -*-
# This plugin graphs the rate of sent, received, ignored, and dropped
# NTP packets for an ntpd process. Similarly to the if_ plugins,
# received packets are graphed as negative values, and sent packets
# are graphed as positive values. Ignored and dropped packets are
# graphed as positive values.
# The values are retrieved using ntpq or ntpdc, depending on the
# version of the NTP distribution.
# Symlink this plugin into the node's plugins directory (like
# /etc/munin/plugins).
# Copyright © 2013 Kenyon Ralph <kenyon@kenyonralph.com>
# This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the
# extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public
# License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
# http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details.
# The latest version of this plugin can be found in the munin contrib
# repository at https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib. Issues
# with this plugin may be reported there. Patches accepted through the
# normal github process of forking the repository and submitting a
# pull request with your commits.
import os
import subprocess
import sys
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'config':
print('graph_title NTP traffic')
print('graph_vlabel Packets/${graph_period} received(-)/sent(+)')
print('graph_info This graph shows the packet rates of this ntpd. Ignored and dropped packets are graphed as positive values.')
print('graph_category time')
print('received.label Received')
print('received.type DERIVE')
print('received.graph no')
print('received.min 0')
print('sent.label Rx/Tx')
print('sent.type DERIVE')
print('sent.negative received')
print('sent.min 0')
print('dropped.label Dropped')
print('dropped.type DERIVE')
print('dropped.min 0')
print('ignored.label Ignored')
print('ignored.type DERIVE')
print('ignored.min 0')
os.environ['PATH'] = '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:' + os.environ['PATH']
# Assuming that the ntpd version is the same as the ntpq or ntpdc
# version. This is how a proper install should be.
version = subprocess.check_output(['ntpq', '-c', 'version'], universal_newlines=True).split()[1][0:5].replace('.', '')
if int(version) >= 427:
cmd = 'ntpq'
cmd = 'ntpdc'
iostats = dict()
iostats_output = subprocess.check_output([cmd, '-c', 'iostats'], universal_newlines=True).splitlines()
for line in iostats_output: iostats[line.split(':')[0]] = int(line.split(':')[1])
print('received.value ' + str(iostats['received packets']))
print('sent.value ' + str(iostats['packets sent']))
print('dropped.value ' + str(iostats['dropped packets']))
print('ignored.value ' + str(iostats['ignored packets']))