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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- perl -*-
=head1 NAME
acpi_sys_batt_ Munin plugin to monitor the (note|net)book battery states through sysfs
Notebooks and netbooks with avialable /sys/class/power_supply
Configured change the name of symbolic link
acpi_sys_batt_X_capacity - chart of Charge full by design, Charge full and Charge now
acpi_sys_batt_X_current - chart of battery current
acpi_sys_batt_X_percents - percentage chart of Current/design voltage, Full/current capacity, Design/full capacity
acpi_sys_batt_X_voltage - chart of Design min voltage and Current voltage
Where X is the number of batteries from /sys/class/power_supply/BATX
The plugin shows:
Charge full by design
Charge full
Charge now
Battery current
Percentage Current/design voltage
Percentage Full/current capacity
Percentage Design/full capacity
Design min voltage
Current voltage
#%# family=power
=head1 VERSION
=head1 BUGS
None known.
=head1 AUTHOR
Gorlow Maxim <sheridan@sheridan-home.ru>
=head1 LICENSE
use strict;
#use Data::Dumper;
my ($graph_type, $batt_num);
if ($0 =~ /^(?:|.*\/)acpi_sys_batt_([^_]+)_(.+)$/)
$graph_type = $2;
$batt_num = $1;
elsif (!defined($batt_num) or !defined($graph_type)) {
die "# Error: couldn't understand what I'm supposed to monitor."; }
my $sys_path=sprintf("/sys/class/power_supply/BAT%s", $batt_num);
#print "$batt_num, $graph_type \n";
sub cat_file
my $file = $_[0];
my $fh;
my $file_content = "--";
open($fh, '<', "${sys_path}/${file}") or die $!;
foreach my $line (<$fh>)
chomp ($line);
$file_content = $line;
return $file_content;
#print Dumper($batt_data);
if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config")
# ----------- status
my $batt_name = sprintf("%s %s %s %s (sn: %s)", cat_file('technology'), cat_file('type'), cat_file('manufacturer'), cat_file('model_name'), cat_file('serial_number'));
print ("graph_args --base 1000\n");
printf ("graph_title Battery %s (%s) %s\n" , $batt_num, $batt_name, $graph_type);
printf ("graph_info This graph shows battery %s (%s) %s\n" , $batt_num, $batt_name, $graph_type);
print ("graph_category sensors\n");
if ($graph_type eq "capacity")
print ("graph_vlabel Charge\n");
print ("cfd.label Charge full design\ncfd.type GAUGE\ncfd.draw AREA\n");
print ("cf.label Charge full\ncf.type GAUGE\ncf.draw AREA\n");
print ("cn.label Charge now\ncn.type GAUGE\ncn.draw AREA\n");
elsif ($graph_type eq "current")
print ("graph_vlabel Current, mAh\n");
print ("currn.label Current\ncurrn.type GAUGE\ncurrn.draw AREA\n");
elsif ($graph_type eq "voltage")
print ("graph_vlabel Voltage, mV\n");
print ("vmd.label Design min voltage\nvmd.type GAUGE\nvmd.draw AREA\n");
print ("vn.label Voltage now\nvn.type GAUGE\nvn.draw AREA\n");
elsif ($graph_type eq "percents")
print ("graph_vlabel %\n");
print ("cv.label Current/design voltage\ncv.type GAUGE\ncv.draw LINE2\n");
print ("cc.label Full/current capacity\ncc.type GAUGE\ncc.draw LINE2\n");
print ("fc.label Design/full capacity\nfc.type GAUGE\nfc.draw LINE2\n");
exit 0;
sub percent
my ($full, $current) = @_[0..1];
return $current/($full/100);
if ($graph_type eq "capacity")
printf ("cfd.value %s\n", cat_file('charge_full_design'));
printf ("cf.value %s\n", cat_file('charge_full'));
printf ("cn.value %s\n", cat_file('charge_now'));
elsif ($graph_type eq "voltage")
printf ("vmd.value %s\n", cat_file('voltage_min_design'));
printf ("vn.value %s\n", cat_file('voltage_now'));
elsif ($graph_type eq "current")
printf ("currn.value %s\n", cat_file('current_now'));
elsif ($graph_type eq "percents")
printf ("cv.value %s\n", percent(cat_file('voltage_min_design'),cat_file('voltage_now')));
printf ("cc.value %s\n", percent(cat_file('charge_full'),cat_file('charge_now')));
printf ("fc.value %s\n", percent(cat_file('charge_full_design'),cat_file('charge_full')));