mirror of https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib.git synced 2018-11-08 00:59:34 +01:00
Lars Kruse 989f09e66c rename plugin example graphs for plugin gallery visualization
Some example graphs did not follow the naming convention required by the
plugin gallery.
2018-03-24 04:03:08 +01:00

406 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# netstat_s revision 6 (Nov 2013)
# This plugin shows various statistics from 'netstat -s'
# Required privileges: none
# OS:
# Supposed: BSD, Linux (only a few items, see netstat_multi for more)
# Tested: FreeBSD: 8.2, 8.3, 9.1
# Linux : Debian 6 (kernel 2.6.32), Arch (kernel 3.11.6), CentOS 6
# Author: Artem Sheremet <dot.doom@gmail.com>
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf suggest
# original filename
PLUGIN_NAME = 'netstat_s_'
$os = `uname -s`.strip.downcase.to_sym
$debug_mode = ARGV.first == 'debug'
class String
def escape
self.gsub /[^\w]/, '_'
unless method_defined? :start_with?
def start_with?(str)
self[0...str.size] == str
unless method_defined? :lines
def lines
class Graph
def initialize(name, protocol, parse_expr)
@name, @protocol, @parse_expr = name, protocol, parse_expr
def config
config_options = []
# first, build a list of multigraphs (one graph per unit)
# Hash key is unit, and the value is array of labels
multigraphs = {}
@parse_expr.each { |expr, descr|
next unless descr # no label - skip this entry
descr.each { |entry|
labels_array = (multigraphs[entry[0]] ||= [])
labels_array.push [entry[1], entry[2]]
multigraphs.each_pair { |unit, labels_and_negatives|
# now just add options to the config
config_options.concat [
"multigraph #{name(unit)}",
"graph_title Netstat: #{@protocol}: #{@name}#{" (#{unit})" if multigraphs.size > 1}",
"graph_category network",
"graph_order #{labels_and_negatives.map { |label, _negative| label.escape }.join(' ')}"
config_options.push "graph_args --base 1024" if unit == :bytes
has_negatives = false
labels_and_negatives.each { |label, negative|
label_esc = label.escape
has_negatives = true unless negative == nil
if negative == true
# the value has no opposite and is negative
config_options.concat [
"#{label_esc}.graph no",
"#{label_esc}_neg.type DERIVE",
"#{label_esc}_neg.min 0",
"#{label_esc}_neg.draw LINE",
"#{label_esc}_neg.label #{label}",
"#{label_esc}_neg.negative #{label_esc}"
config_options.concat [
"#{label_esc}.type DERIVE",
"#{label_esc}.min 0",
"#{label_esc}.draw LINE",
"#{label_esc}.label #{label}"
if negative == false
# the value has no opposite and is positive
config_options.concat [
"#{label_esc}_neg.graph off",
"#{label_esc}.negative #{label_esc}_neg"
elsif negative
negative_esc = negative.escape
config_options.concat [
"#{label_esc}.negative #{negative_esc}",
"#{negative_esc}.graph no"
config_options.push "graph_vlabel per second#{" in (-) / out (+)" if has_negatives}"
def fetch(data)
output_data = []
# first build a set of multigraphs, one per unit.
# Hash key is unit, and the value is a hash of 'escaped label' => 'value'
multigraphs = {}
@parse_expr.each { |expr, descr|
next unless descr # no label - skip this entry
index = data.index { |line| line =~ expr }
if index
data.delete_at index
$~[1..-1].zip(descr).each { |value, info|
unit, label = info
(multigraphs[unit] ||= {})[label.escape] = value
warn "no line found for #{expr}, #{descr}" if $debug_mode
multigraphs.each_pair { |unit, values|
output_data.push "multigraph #{name(unit)}"
output_data += values.map { |label, value| "#{label}.value #{value}" }
def name(unit)
def graphs_for(protocol)
case protocol
# Order of the graps in each section is important for parsing.
# At the same time, it is not important for munin, so we are OK placing it in parsing order here.
when 'tcp'
$os == :linux ? [
Graph.new('sent', protocol, [
# Description of the elements of arrays below:
# 0: regexp to parse the line
# 1: Array<Array[3]> for each matching group in the regular expression.
# 0: unit name
# 1: label
# 2 (optional): negative label
# It could be reasonable to add more elements as warning and critical values.
[ /(\d+) segments send out$/, [ [ :segments, 'total' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) segments retransmited$/, [ [ :segments, 'retransmitted' ] ] ]
Graph.new('received', protocol, [
[ /(\d+) segments received$/, [ [ :segments, 'total' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) bad segments received.$/, [ [ :segments, 'bad' ] ] ]
Graph.new('connections', protocol, [
[ /(\d+) active connections openings$/, [ [ :connections, 'active openings' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) passive connection openings$/, [ [ :connections, 'passive openings' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) failed connection attempts$/, [ [ :connections, 'failed attempts' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) connection resets received$/, [ [ :connections, 'RST received' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) connections established$/, [ [ :connections, 'established' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) resets sent$/, [ [ :connections, 'RST sent' ] ] ]
Graph.new('timeouts', protocol, [
[ /(\d+) timeouts after SACK recovery$/, [ [ :segments, 'after SACK recovery' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) other TCP timeouts$/, [ [ :segments, 'other TCP' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) timeouts in loss state$/, [ [ :segments, 'in a loss state' ] ] ]
] : [
Graph.new('sent', protocol, [
[ /(\d+) packets sent$/, [ [ :packets, 'total' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) data packets \((\d+) bytes\)$/, [ [ :packets, 'data' ], [ :bytes, 'data' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) data packets \((\d+) bytes\) retransmitted$/, [ [ :packets, 'retransmitted' ], [ :bytes, 'retransmitted' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) data packets unnecessarily retransmitted$/, [ [ :packets, 'unnecessarily retransmitted' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) resends initiated by MTU discovery$/, [ [ :packets, 'resends initiated by MTU discovery' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) ack-only packets \((\d+) delayed\)$/, [ [ :packets, 'ack-only' ], [ :packets, 'ack-only delayed' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) URG only packets$/, [ [ :packets, 'URG only' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) window probe packets$/, [ [ :packets, 'window probe' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) window update packets$/, [ [ :packets, 'window update' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) control packets$/, [ [ :packets, 'control' ] ] ]
Graph.new('received', protocol, [
[ /(\d+) packets received$/, [ [ :packets, 'total' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) acks \(for (\d+) bytes\)$/, [ [ :packets, 'acks' ], [ :bytes, 'acks' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) duplicate acks$/, [ [ :packets, 'duplicate acks' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) acks for unsent data$/, [ [ :packets, 'acks for unsent data' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) packets \((\d+) bytes\) received in-sequence$/, [ [ :packets, 'in-sequence' ], [ :bytes, 'in-sequence' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) completely duplicate packets \((\d+) bytes\)$/, [ [ :packets, 'completely duplicate' ], [ :bytes, 'completely duplicate' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) old duplicate packets$/, [ [ :packets, 'old duplicate' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) packets with some dup\. data \((\d+) bytes duped\)$/, [ [ :packets, 'some dup. data' ], [ :bytes, 'partial dups' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) out-of-order packets \((\d+) bytes\)$/, [ [ :packets, 'out-of-order' ], [ :bytes, 'out-of-order' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) packets \((\d+) bytes\) of data after window$/, [ [ :packets, 'data after window' ], [ :bytes, 'data after window' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) window probes$/, [ [ :packets, 'window probes' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) window update packets$/, [ [ :packets, 'window update' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) packets received after close$/, [ [ :packets, 'after close' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) discarded for bad checksums$/, [ [ :packets, 'bad checksums' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) discarded for bad header offset fields?$/, [ [ :packets, 'bad header offset flds' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) discarded because packet too short$/, [ [ :packets, 'too short' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) discarded due to memory problems$/, [ [ :packets, 'discarded: memory problems' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) ignored RSTs in the windows$/, [ [ :packets, 'ignored RSTs in windows' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) segments updated rtt \(of (\d+) attempts\)$/, [ [ :packets, 'RTT: updated' ], [ :packets, 'RTT: attempts to update' ] ] ]
Graph.new('connections', protocol, [
[ /(\d+) connection requests$/, [ [ :connections, 'requests' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) connection accepts$/, [ [ :connections, 'accepts' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) bad connection attempts$/, [ [ :connections, 'bad attempts' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) listen queue overflows$/, [ [ :connections, 'listen queue overflows' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) connections established \(including accepts\)$/, [ [ :connections, 'established' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) connections closed \(including (\d+) drops\)$/, [ [ :connections, 'closed' ], [ :connections, 'dropped' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) connections updated cached RTT on close$/, [ [ :connections, 'closed & upd cached RTT' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) connections updated cached RTT variance on close$/, [ [ :connections, 'closed & upd cached RTT variance' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) connections updated cached ssthresh on close$/, [ [ :connections, 'closed & upd cached ssthresh' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) embryonic connections dropped$/, [ [ :connections, 'embryonic dropped' ] ] ]
Graph.new('timeouts', protocol, [
[ /(\d+) retransmit timeouts$/, [ [ :connections, 'retransmit' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) connections dropped by rexmit timeout$/, [ [ :connections, 'retransmit: dropped' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) persist timeouts$/, [ [ :connections, 'persist' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) connections dropped by persist timeout$/, [ [ :connections, 'persist: dropped' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) Connections \(fin_wait_2\) dropped because of timeout$/, [ [ :connections, 'fin_wait_2: dropped' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) keepalive timeouts$/, [ [ :connections, 'keepalive' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) keepalive probes sent$/, [ [ :connections, 'keepalive: probes sent' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) connections dropped by keepalive$/, [ [ :connections, 'keepalive: dropped' ] ] ]
Graph.new('correct predictions', protocol, [
[ /(\d+) correct ACK header predictions$/, [ [ :predictions, 'ACK header' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) correct data packet header predictions$/, [ [ :predictions, 'data packet header' ] ] ]
Graph.new('SYN', protocol, [
[ /(\d+) syncache entries added$/, [ [ :entries, 'cache added' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) cookies sent$/, [ [ :entries, 'cookies sent' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) cookies received$/, [ [ :entries, 'cookies received' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) retransmitted$/, [ [ :entries, 'retransmitted' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) dupsyn$/, [ [ :entries, 'duplicates' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) dropped$/, [ [ :entries, 'dropped' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) completed$/, [ [ :entries, 'completed' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) bucket overflow$/, [ [ :entries, 'bucket overflow' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) cache overflow$/, [ [ :entries, 'cache overflow' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) reset$/, [ [ :entries, 'reset' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) stale$/, [ [ :entries, 'stale' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) aborted$/, [ [ :entries, 'aborted' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) badack$/, [ [ :entries, 'bad ACK' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) unreach$/, [ [ :entries, 'unreachable' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) zone failures$/, [ [ :entries, 'zone failures' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) hostcache entries added$/, [ [ :entries, 'hostcache added' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) bucket overflow$/, [ [ :entries, 'hostcache overflow' ] ] ]
Graph.new('SACK', protocol, [
[ /(\d+) SACK recovery episodes$/, [ [ :packets, 'recovery episodes' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) segment rexmits in SACK recovery episodes$/, [ [ :packets, 'segment rexmits' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) byte rexmits in SACK recovery episodes$/, [ [ :bytes, 'bytes rexmitted' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) SACK options \(SACK blocks\) received$/, [ [ :packets, 'options blocks rcvd' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) SACK options \(SACK blocks\) sent$/, [ [ :packets, 'options blocks sent' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) SACK scoreboard overflow$/, [ [ :packets, 'scoreboard overflow' ] ] ]
Graph.new('ECN', protocol, [
[ /(\d+) packets with ECN CE bit set$/, [ [ :packets, 'CE bit' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) packets with ECN ECT\(0\) bit set$/, [ [ :packets, 'ECT(0) bit' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) packets with ECN ECT\(1\) bit set$/, [ [ :packets, 'ECT(1) bit' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) successful ECN handshakes$/, [ [ :packets, 'successful handshakes' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) times ECN reduced the congestion window$/, [ [ :packets, 'congestion window reduced' ] ] ]
when 'udp'
$os == :linux ? [
] : [
Graph.new('received', protocol, [
[ /(\d+) datagrams received$/, [ [ :packets, 'total' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) with incomplete header$/, [ [ :packets, 'incomplete header' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) with bad data length field$/, [ [ :packets, 'bad data length field' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) with bad checksum$/, [ [ :packets, 'bad checksum' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) with no checksum$/, [ [ :packets, 'no checksum' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) dropped due to no socket$/, [ [ :packets, 'dropped: no socket' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) broadcast\/multicast datagrams undelivered$/, [ [ :packets, '*cast undelivered' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) dropped due to full socket buffers$/, [ [ :packets, 'dropped: no buffers' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) not for hashed pcb$/, [ [ :packets, 'not for hashed pcb' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) delivered$/, [ [ :packets, 'delivered' ] ] ]
Graph.new('sent', protocol, [
[ /(\d+) datagrams output$/, [ [ :packets, 'total' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) times multicast source filter matched$/, [ [ :packets, 'multicast src filter match' ] ] ]
when 'ip'
$os == :linux ? [
] : [
Graph.new('received', protocol, [
[ /(\d+) total packets received$/, [ [ :packets, 'total' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) bad header checksums$/, [ [ :packets, 'bad header checksum' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) with size smaller than minimum$/, [ [ :packets, 'size smaller than min' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) with data size < data length$/, [ [ :packets, 'data size < data length' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) with ip length > max ip packet size$/, [ [ :packets, 'ip length > max ip packet sz' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) with header length < data size$/, [ [ :packets, 'header length < data size' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) with data length < header length$/, [ [ :packets, 'data length < header length' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) with bad options$/, [ [ :packets, 'bad options' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) with incorrect version number$/, [ [ :packets, 'incorrect version' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) fragments? received$/, [ [ :packets, 'fragments' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) fragments? dropped \(dup or out of space\)$/, [ [ :packets, 'frags dropped: dup/out of spc' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) fragments? dropped after timeout$/, [ [ :packets, 'frags dropped: timeout' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) packets? reassembled ok$/, [ [ :packets, 'reassembled ok' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) packets? for this host$/, [ [ :packets, 'for this host' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) packets? for unknown\/unsupported protocol$/, [ [ :packets, 'for unknown/unsup protocol' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) packets? forwarded \((\d+) packets fast forwarded\)$/, [ [ :packets, 'forwarded' ], [ :packets, 'fast forwarded' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) packets? not forwardable$/, [ [ :packets, 'not forwardable' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) packets? received for unknown multicast group$/, [ [ :packets, 'unknown multicast grp' ] ] ]
Graph.new('sent', protocol, [
[ /(\d+) packets? sent from this host$/, [ [ :packets, 'total' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) redirects? sent$/, [ [ :packets, 'redirect' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) packets? sent with fabricated ip header$/, [ [ :packets, 'fabricated IP head' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) output packets? dropped due to no bufs, etc\.$/, [ [ :packets, 'dropped: no bufs, etc' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) output packets? discarded due to no route$/, [ [ :packets, 'discarded: no route' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) output datagrams? fragmented$/, [ [ :packets, 'fragmented' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) fragments? created$/, [ [ :packets, 'fragments created' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) datagrams? that can't be fragmented$/, [ [ :packets, "can't be fragmented" ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) tunneling packets? that can't find gif$/, [ [ :packets, 'tunneling, gif not found' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) datagrams? with bad address in header$/, [ [ :packets, 'bad address in header' ] ] ]
when 'arp'
$os == :linux ? [] : [
Graph.new('packets', protocol, [
# This is just a total, so ignore the value but keep regexp to avoid 'not parsed' warning.
[ /(\d+) ARP packets? received$/ ],
[ /(\d+) ARP requests? received$/, [ [ :packets, 'requests received' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) ARP repl(?:y|ies) received$/, [ [ :packets, 'replies received' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) ARP requests? sent$/, [ [ :packets, 'requests', 'requests received' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) ARP repl(?:y|ies) sent$/, [ [ :packets, 'replies', 'replies received' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) total packets? dropped due to no ARP entry$/, [ [ :packets, 'no entry' ] ] ]
Graph.new('entries', protocol, [
[ /(\d+) ARP entrys? timed out$/, [ [ :entries, 'timed out' ] ] ],
[ /(\d+) Duplicate IPs seen$/, [ [ :entries, 'duplicate IPs seen' ] ] ]
proto_name = File.basename($0, '.*').escape
proto_name.slice! 0, PLUGIN_NAME.size if proto_name.start_with? PLUGIN_NAME
proto_name = 'tcp' if proto_name.empty?
def netstat_s(protocol)
if $os == :linux
%w(tcp udp).include?(protocol) ?
`netstat -s --#{protocol}` :
`netstat -s --raw`
`netstat -sp #{protocol}`
end.lines.reject { |line| line =~ /^\w+:/ }
case ARGV.first
when 'autoconf'
puts [:linux, :freebsd].include?($os) ? 'yes' : 'no'
when 'suggest'
puts $os == :linux ? %w(tcp) : %w(tcp udp ip arp)
when 'config'
graphs_for(proto_name).each { |graph|
puts graph.config.join $/
data = netstat_s(proto_name)
graphs_for(proto_name).each { |graph|
puts graph.fetch(data).join $/
warn "not parsed:\n#{data.join}" unless data.empty? if $debug_mode
# awful performance when scrolling through those regexps above
# vim: syntax=none