mirror of https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib.git synced 2018-11-08 00:59:34 +01:00

139 lines
3.4 KiB
Executable File

#! /bin/sh
# Parse box information
# (c) 2013 - GPLv2 - Steve Schnepp <steve.schnepp@pwkf.org>
# Configuration is done via ENV vars, here is the default :
# [dartybox]
# env.IP
. $MUNIN_LIBDIR/plugins/plugin.sh
# fail on error
set -e
if [ "$1" = "config" ]
echo multigraph dbox_adsl_bw
echo graph_title DartyBox Adsl Bandwidth
echo graph_category network
echo up.label UpStream
echo down.label DownStream
echo multigraph dbox_adsl_att
echo graph_title DartyBox Adsl Attenuation
echo graph_category network
echo up.label UpStream
echo down.label DownStream
echo multigraph dbox_adsl_snr
echo graph_title DartyBox Adsl SignalNoise Ratio
echo graph_category network
echo up.label UpStream
echo down.label DownStream
echo multigraph dbox_adsl_pkt
echo graph_title DartyBox Adsl Packets
echo graph_category network
echo up.label UpStream
echo down.label DownStream
echo up_c.label UpStream "(Correctable)"
echo down_c.label DownStream "(Correctable)"
echo up_u.label UpStream "(Uncorrectable)"
echo down_u.label DownStream "(Uncorrectable)"
echo up.type DERIVE
echo down.type DERIVE
echo up_c.type DERIVE
echo down_c.type DERIVE
echo up_u.type DERIVE
echo down_u.type DERIVE
echo up.min 0
echo down.min 0
echo up_c.min 0
echo down_c.min 0
echo up_u.min 0
echo down_u.min 0
echo multigraph dbox_adsl_uptime
echo graph_title DartyBox Adsl Uptime
echo graph_category network
echo graph_vlabel days
echo uptime.label Uptime
exit 0
trap 'rm -f $TMPFILE' EXIT
wget -qO "$TMPFILE" http://$IP/adslstats.html
[ "$MUNIN_DEBUG" = 1 ] && cat "$TMPFILE"
get() {
gawk "match(\$0, /var $PATTERN\s+=\s+\"([^\"]+)\"/, a) { print a[1] }" $TMPFILE
getDays() {
# Convert "20 jours 2 heures 2 mn" in a number of days
echo "$@" | gawk "match(\$0, /([0-9.]+) jours ([0-9.]+) heures ([0-9.]+) mn/, a) { print a[1] + a[2]/24 + a[3]/1440 }"
echo multigraph dbox_adsl_bw
echo up.value $(get UpStream)
echo down.value $(get DownStream)
echo multigraph dbox_adsl_att
echo up.value $(get AttNear)
echo down.value $(get AttFar)
echo multigraph dbox_adsl_snr
echo up.value $(get SNRNear)
echo down.value $(get SNRFar)
echo multigraph dbox_adsl_pkt
echo up.value $(get RSWORDSNear)
echo down.value $(get RSWORDSFar)
echo up_c.value $(get RSCORRERRORNear)
echo down_c.value $(get RSCORRERRORFar)
echo up_u.value $(get RSUNCORRERRORNear)
echo down_u.value $(get RSUNCORRERRORFar)
echo multigraph dbox_adsl_uptime
echo uptime.value $(getDays $(get AdslUpTime))
exit 0
var ADSLLineStatus = "Etabli";
var ADSLMode = "G992_1_A (G.DMT) ";
var UpStream = "704";
var DownStream = "7616";
var AttNear = "33.5";
var AttFar = "16.5";
var SNRNear = "11.0";
var SNRFar = "15.0";
var HECCountNear= "4836";
var HECCountFar= "6";
var AdslVer1 = "0x81ef5379";
var AdslVer2 = "0x6397bde2";
var CmvVer1 = "0x6f249e71";
var CmvVer2 = "0xa703362e";
var ES15CntNear = "0";
var ES15CntFar = "0";
var CRCErrorsNear = "641";
var CRCErrorsFar = "7";
var ES1CNTNear = "8";
var ES1CNTFar = "0";
var ESTOTCNTFar = "5";
var ESTOTCNTNear = "452";
var RSWORDSNear = "1802451823";
var RSWORDSFar = "2881437753";
var RSCORRERRORNear = "57293";
var RSCORRERRORFar = "301";
var RSUNCORRERRORNear = "641";
var RSRatioNear = "0";
var RSRatioFar = "0";
var AdslUpTime = "20 jours 2 heures 2 mn";