mirror of https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib.git synced 2018-11-08 00:59:34 +01:00
dipohl eb100e33a9 Reduce number of categories
smstools -> other (smstools)
sourceds -> games (sourceds)
squeezebox -> radio (squeezebox)
syslog -> system (syslog)
ultramonkey-l7 -> loadbalancer (ultramonkey-l7)
moved directory jmx up to level 1 in hierarchy
2017-02-23 23:48:55 +01:00

135 lines
3.5 KiB

=head1 NAME
syslog_ng_stats - Plugin for syslog-ng.
It uses the C<syslog-ng-ctl> utility to grab values.
See C<man syslog-ng-ctl> for the C<stats> option.
All options used are regexp.
=item source_name
=item source_id
=item source_instance
=item state
=item type
Example of input and destination via tcp for my application:
user root
env.source_name = source dst\.tcp
env.source_id = myname
=head1 AUTHORS
Dmitry E. Oboukhov <unera@debian.org>,
Roman V. Nikolaev <rshadow@rambler.ru>
Copyright (C) 2013 Dmitry E. Oboukhov <unera@debian.org>
Copyright (C) 2013 Roman V. Nikolaev <rshadow@rambler.ru>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use open qw(:utf8 :std);
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
# Filters
my (@source_name, @source_id, @source_instance, @state, @type);
@source_name = split m{\s+}, $ENV{source_name} if $ENV{source_name};
@source_id = split m{\s+}, $ENV{source_id} if $ENV{source_id};
@source_instance = split m{\s+}, $ENV{source_instance}
if $ENV{source_instance};
@state = split m{\s+}, $ENV{state} if $ENV{state};
@type = split m{\s+}, $ENV{type} if $ENV{type};
# Get stats
my $data = `syslog-ng-ctl stats`;
die 'Can`t get stats from syslog-ng-ctl' unless $data;
# Split to graphs
my @str = split m{\n+}, $data;
# Remove title
shift @str;
my @gpaths;
for my $graph (@str) {
# Split to data
$graph = [ split m{;}, $graph ];
$graph = {
source_name => $graph->[0],
source_id => $graph->[1],
source_instance => $graph->[2],
state => $graph->[3],
type => $graph->[4],
number => $graph->[5],
# Apply filters
next if @source_name and
! any {$graph->{source_name} =~ m{$_}i } @source_name;
next if @source_id and
! any {$graph->{source_id} =~ m{$_}i } @source_id;
next if @source_instance and
! any {$graph->{source_instance} =~ m{$_}i } @source_instance;
next if @state and
! any {$graph->{state} =~ m{$_}i } @state;
next if @type and
! any {$graph->{type} =~ m{$_}i } @type;
# Save graph
push @gpaths, $graph;
# Show config
if( exists $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) {
print "graph_title Syslog-ng statistics\n";
print "graph_vlabel count\n";
print "graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid\n";
print "graph_info This graph show syslog-ng-ctl stats\n";
print "graph_category system\n";
for my $graph (@gpaths) {
# ID
my $id = sprintf '%s_%s',
$graph->{source_id} || $graph->{source_instance},
s{#(\d+)}{[$1]}, s{[^\w\]\[]+}{_}g for $id;
printf "%s.label %s: %s, %s\n", $id,
$graph->{source_name},$graph->{source_id}, $graph->{type};
printf "%s.min 0\n", $id;
# Print values
for my $graph (@gpaths) {
# ID
my $id = sprintf '%s_%s',
$graph->{source_id} || $graph->{source_instance},
s{#(\d+)}{[$1]}, s{[^\w\]\[]+}{_}g for $id;
printf "%s.value %s\n", $id, $graph->{number};