mirror of https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib.git synced 2018-11-08 00:59:34 +01:00
intsimoa 94c75daa81 [NEW] wfsolr_ derived from solr-stats, with some additions:
* Shorter pattern solr-[name of the core]-alias
  * Suggest implementation
  * Support for solr_(host|port|webapp) environment variables
  * Default core handling
  * Error handling
2012-07-07 01:00:10 +02:00

183 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable File

* Wfsolr Plugin (https://github.com/lexsimon/contrib/master/plugins/solr/wfsolr_)
* "Wf" stands for "RBS Web Factory" (http://www.rbs.fr.fr/webfactory/)
* author : alexandre.simon@rbs.fr
* Derived from nicolas.moussikian@shopbot-inc.com's plugin (https://raw.github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib/master/plugins/solr/solr-stats)
* This plugin allows to graph any data present in the stats report on a multi core Solr instance
* AKA :[name of the core]/admin/stats.jsp
* Verify the server where the munin-node instance is can access that URL
* You need to have a PHP 5.2.6+ CLI installed too, allow_url_open directive on
* Once the plugin is available you can symlink it with the following naming convention :
* solr-[name of the core]-[name of the stats section - ex.: CORE]-[name of the entry in the xml - ex.: searcher]-[name of the stat to graph - ex.: numDocs]
* Alexandre SIMON additions :
* - solr-[name of the core]-alias
* - suggest implementation
* - support for solr_(host|port|webapp) environment variables
* - default core handling
* - error handling
* - TODO: use curl to make requests
$action = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : '';
$core = null;
$category = null;
$tabParams = explode('-', $argv[0]);
$tabParamsCount = count($tabParams);
$pathAliases = array("numDocs" => array("CORE", "searcher", "numDocs"),
"avgTimePerRequest" => array("QUERYHANDLER", "/select", "avgTimePerRequest"),
"avgRequestsPerSecond" => array("QUERYHANDLER", "/select", "avgRequestsPerSecond"),
"errors" => array("QUERYHANDLER", "/select", "errors"),
"timeouts" => array("QUERYHANDLER", "/select", "timeouts"),
"indexSize" => array("QUERYHANDLER", "/replication", "indexSize"),
"queryResultCacheSize" => array("CACHE", "queryResultCache", "size"),
"queryResultCacheHitRatio" => array("CACHE", "queryResultCache", "hitratio"),
"queryResultCacheLookups" => array("CACHE", "queryResultCache", "lookups"),
"queryResultCacheWarmupTime" => array("CACHE", "queryResultCache", "warmupTime"),
"documentCacheSize" => array("CACHE", "documentCache", "size"),
"documentCacheHitRatio" => array("CACHE", "documentCache", "hitratio"),
"documentCacheLookups" => array("CACHE", "documentCache", "lookups"),
"documentCacheWarmupTime" => array("CACHE", "documentCache", "warmupTime"),
"filterCacheSize" => array("CACHE", "filterCache", "size"),
"filterCacheHitRatio" => array("CACHE", "filterCache", "hitratio"),
"filterCacheLookups" => array("CACHE", "filterCache", "lookups"),
"filterCacheWarmupTime" => array("CACHE", "filterCache", "warmupTime"));
if ($tabParamsCount == 5)
$core = $tabParams[1];
$category = $tabParams[2];
$item = $tabParams[3];
$property = $tabParams[4];
elseif ($tabParamsCount == 3)
$core = $tabParams[1];
$pathAlias = $tabParams[2];
elseif ($tabParamsCount == 2)
$pathAlias = $tabParams[1];
if (isset($pathAlias))
if (isset($pathAliases[$pathAlias]))
list($category, $item, $property) = $pathAliases[$pathAlias];
echo "Unknown alias: $pathAlias\n";
function getenvdef($name, $defaultValue)
$val = getenv($name);
if ($val === false)
return $defaultValue;
return $val;
function getSolrAdminUrl($core = null)
$solrHost = getenvdef("solr_host", "");
$solrPort = getenvdef("solr_port", "8080");
$solrWebappName = getenvdef("solr_webapp", "solr");
$url = "http://$solrHost:$solrPort/$solrWebappName/";
if ($core !== null)
$url .= "$core/";
$url .= "/admin";
return $url;
if ("config" == $action)
echo 'graph_category Solr ' . $core . "\n";
echo 'graph_title ' . $item . ' ' . $property . "\n";
echo 'graph_vlabel ' . $property . "\n";
if ($core !== null)
echo $core;
echo "Default_core";
echo $item . $property . 'solr.label ' . $property . "\n";
elseif ("suggest" == $action)
$url = getSolrAdminUrl()."/cores?action=STATUS";
$doc = new DOMDocument();
if (!$doc->load($url))
echo "Could not load $url as XML\n";
$xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
$names = $xpath->query("/response/lst[@name='status']/lst/str[@name='name']");
$aliases = array_keys($pathAliases);
foreach ($names as $nameAttr)
$coreName = trim($nameAttr->textContent);
foreach ($aliases as $alias)
if ($coreName)
echo "$coreName-";
echo "$alias\n";
if ($category === null)
echo "No core defined\n";
$url = getSolrAdminUrl($core)."/stats.jsp";
$doc = new DOMDocument();
if (!$doc->load($url))
echo "Could not load $url as XML\n";
$xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
$elements = $xpath->query('/solr/solr-info/' . $category . '/entry');
foreach($elements as $element)
if($item == trim($element->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->textContent))
$stats = $element->getElementsByTagName('stat');
foreach($stats as $stat)
if($property == trim($stat->getAttribute('name')))
echo $core . $item . $property . 'solr.value ' . floatval(trim($stat->textContent)) . "\n";
echo "Bad path: $category | $item | $property\n";