mirror of https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib.git synced 2018-11-08 00:59:34 +01:00
Clemens Schwaighofer a2c35ad7c2 Postfix monitoring plugins to work with multiple postfix installs
If there are more than one postfix running, with separate config file,
and still use the same main log file, this scripts can create stats
split per running postfix instance.

Those scripts have not been tested on the new debian multiple postfix
infrastructure, only on real separate running postfix services.

Except postfix_mailvolume_multi, each plugin needs to be configured per
running postfix.

For mailqueue* it is the config folder name, for mailstats it is the
syslog_name in the config file.

mailvolume is also based on the syslog_name, but can do auto config if
nothing has been set.
2012-03-14 12:43:50 +09:00

240 lines
5.2 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- perl -*-
=head1 NAME
postfix_mailqueuelog_ - detailed stats for postfix queue data
Use the last part in the symlink to define which postfix you want to get stats from.
The user has to be set as root, else there might be some errors if
the postfix config is not correctly set witht he alternate directories
env.etcdir /etc/
user root
user root
=head1 AUTHOR
Written in 2010 by Clemens Schwaighofer (gullevek@gullevek.org), based on the HoSaNIC module written by me
=head1 LICENSE
=begin comment
These magic markers are used by munin-node-configure when installing
=end comment
#%# family=manual
#%# capabilities=autoconf
Would be cool if someone ported this to Munin::Plugin state file.
# get the postfix queue number to look for
$0 =~ /postfix_mailqueuelog_([\w\d]+)$/;
my $postfix = $1;
#my $statefile = "$ENV{MUNIN_PLUGSTATE}/munin-plugin-".$postfix."_mailqueuelog.state";
my $sum = 0;
my $status = {};
my @status_list = ('crefused', 'ctimeout', 'rtimeout', 'refusedtalk', 'nohost', 'msrefused', 'noroute', 'usernotfound', 'err450', 'err452', 'err421', 'err421a', 'err4', 'lostc', 'active', 'other');
my $ETCDIR = $ENV{'etcdir'} || '/etc';
my $configdir = "$ETCDIR/$postfix/";
if ( $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf" )
if (-d $ETCDIR)
if (-d $configdir)
if (-r $configdir)
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
print "no (config dir '$configdir' not readable)\n";
print "no (config dir '$configdir' not found)\n";
print "no (could not find etcdir '$ETCDIR')\n";
exit 0;
#if ( -f $statefile)
# open (IN, '<', $statefile) or die "Unable to open state-file: $!\n";
# if (<IN> =~ /^sum:(\d+)/)
# {
# $sum = $1;
# }
# while (<IN>)
# {
# if (/^([0-9a-z.\-]+):(\d+)$/)
# {
# $status->{$1} = $2;
# }
# }
# close IN;
if (! -d $configdir)
print "sum.value U\n";
foreach my $i (@status_list)
print "r$i.value U\n";
exit 0;
if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config")
# descriptions for the rrd file
my %descriptions = (
'crefused' => 'Connection refused',
'ctimeout' => 'Connection timed out',
'rtimeout' => 'Lost connection',
'refusedtalk' => 'Host refused connection',
'nohost' => 'Host not found',
'msrefused' => 'Mail service refused',
'noroute' => 'Route not found',
'usernotfound' => 'User not found',
'err450' => '450 mailbox not okay (REJECT)',
'err452' => '452 mailbox is full',
'err421' => '421 service not okay (REJECT)',
'err421a' => '421 service not okay (REJECT, SB)',
'err4' => 'General 4xx error',
'lostc' => 'Lost connection',
'active' => 'Active running',
'other' => 'Other error'
print "graph_title Postfix mailqueue log for $postfix\n";
print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n"; # numbers not bytes
print "graph_vlabel Mails in Queue log\n";
print "graph_scale no\n"; # so we do not print "micro, milli, kilo, etc"
# print "graph_total Total\n";
print "graph_category postfix\n";
foreach my $i (@status_list)
if ($descriptions{$i})
print "r$i.label ".$descriptions{$i}."\n";
print "r$i.type GAUGE\n";
print "r$i.draw ".(!$field ? 'AREA' : 'STACK')."\n";
print "r$i.min 0\n";
$field = 'AREA';
print "sum.label Sum\n";
print "sum.type GAUGE\n";
print "sum.draw LINE2\n";
print "sum.min 0\n";
exit 0;
print "sum.value $sum\n";
foreach my $i (@status_list)
print "r$i.value ".($status->{$i} ? $status->{$i} : 0)."\n";
#if(-l $statefile) {
# die("$statefile is a symbolic link, refusing to touch it.");
#open (OUT, '>', $statefile) or die "Unable to open statefile: $!\n";
#print OUT "sum:$sum\n";
#foreach my $i (@status_list)
# print OUT "$i:".($status->{$i} ? $status->{$i} : 0)."\n";
#close OUT;
sub parseLogfile
my ($fname) = @_;
# the search parts
%search = (
'crefused' => 'Connection refused',
'ctimeout' => 'Connection timed out',
'rtimeout' => 'read timeout',
'refusedtalk' => 'refused to talk to me: 554',
'nohost' => 'Host not found',
'msrefused' => 'server refused mail service"',
'noroute' => 'No route to host',
'usernotfound' => 'address rejected',
'err450' => ': 450 ',
'err452' => ': 452 ',
'err421' => ': 421 ',
'err421a' => ': 421)',
'err4' => 'said: 4',
'lostc' => 'lost connection with',
my $command = "mailq -C $fname";
open(FILE, "$command|") || die ("Cannot open $command: $!");
while (<FILE>)
if (/^\w{10,}\*\s/o)
$status->{'active'} ++;
elsif (/^\s*\(/o)
$set = 0;
foreach $i (@status_list)
if ($search{$i} && index($_, $search{$i}) >= 0 && !$set)
$status->{$i} ++;
$set = 1;
if (!$set)
$status->{'other'} ++;
close(FILE) || die ("Cannot close $command: $!");
foreach $i (keys %{$status})
$sum += $status->{$i};
# vim:syntax=perl