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2014-09-07 14:20:12 +02:00

816 lines
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Executable File

# -*- perl -*-
=head1 NAME
=encoding utf8
currentcost - Munin plugin to monitor a CurrentCost energy monitor
Any system connected to a CurrentCost monitor. These can be purchased from L<http://www.currentcost.com>.
This plugin requires the following Perl modules. Either fetch them from CPAN or your distribution.
=item *
=item *
=item *
=item *
This configuration section shows the defaults of the plugin:
env.device /dev/ttyUSB0
env.baud 2400
env.tick 6
env.currency £
env.rate1 13.9
nenv.rate1qty 900
env.rate2 8.2
env.nightrate 0
env.nighthours 23:30-06:30
env.standingcharge 0.0
env.metertype CC128
The configuration can be broken down into the following subsections:
=head2 DEVICE
=item env.device
Specfies the device node where the CurrentCost monitor can be found. You may find it useful to use a udev rule to symlink this somewhere permanent.
=item env.baud
Specifies the baud rate to use. CurrentCost devices may speak at 2400, 9600 or 57600 baud, depending on their age.
=item env.tick
How long, in seconds, to consider data valid for. CurrentCost monitors typically put out data every 6 or 10 seconds. If Munin does a data run less than C<env.tick> seconds after a config run, there's no need to wait for more data.
=head2 COSTS
=item env.currency
The currency symbol to use on the cost graph. CurrentCost typically uses "E<pound>" or "E<euro>", but you may find "$" more to your taste.
=item env.rate1
The primary rate in hundredths of a C<env.currency> per kWh. (i.e. pence/cents per kWh)
=item env.rate1qty
How many kWh per month are charged at C<env.rate1>. Some tariffs charge one rate for the first so many units and then another rate for the remainder. If you are charged a flat rate per unit, set this to 0.
=item env.rate2
The secondary rate in hundredths of a C<env.currency> per kWh. (i.e. pence/cents per kWh)
=item env.nightrate
The night rate in hundredths of a C<env.currency> per kWh. Some tariffs (such as Economy 7) charge differently during the night and typically require a meter capable of reading two rates. If you do not have such a tariff, set this to 0.
=item env.nighthours
The time period for which C<env.nightrate> applies. This should be of the form C<hh:mm-hh:mm> and should span midnight.
=item env.standingcharge
The standing charge in hundreths of a C<env.currency> per month. If you do not have a standing charge, set this to 0.
=item env.metertype
The type of the meter. Currently "CC128" and "CC02" are supported.
#%# family=auto contrib
#%# capabilities=multigraph autoconf
=head1 AUTHOR
Paul Saunders L<darac+munin@darac.org.uk>
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Munin::Plugin;
my $device_node = $ENV{device} || "/dev/ttyUSB0";
my $baud_rate = $ENV{baud} || "2400"; # or 9600 or 57600
my $tick_rate = $ENV{tick} || "6";
# Tick_Rate is how long to consider data valid for (in seconds)
# Costs
my $currency = $ENV{currency} || "£"; # £ or €
my $rate1 = $ENV{rate1} || "13.9"; # in pence/cents
my $rate1qty = $ENV{rate1qty} || "900"; # in kWh, 0 to use fixed rate2
my $rate2 = $ENV{rate2} || "8.2"; # in pence/cents
my $nightrate = $ENV{nightrate} || "0"; # 0 = disabled
my $nighthours = $ENV{nighthours} || "23:30-06:30";
my $standingcharge = $ENV{standingcharge} || "0.0"; # pence/cents per month
my $metertype = $ENV{metertype} || "CC128"; # or "CC02"
my $MUNIN_DEBUG = $ENV{MUNIN_DEBUG} || 0; # Set by munin-run
my $ret;
if ( !eval "require XML::Simple;" ) {
$ret .= "Could not load XML::Simple; ";
if ( !eval "require Device::SerialPort;" ) {
$ret .= "Could not load Device::SerialPort; ";
if ( !eval "require YAML;" ) {
$ret .= "Could not load YAML; ";
if ( !eval "require Time::Local;" ) {
$ret .= "Could not load Time::Local; ";
if ( defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf' ) {
# Shouldn't autoconfigure as there's no reliable way to detect
# serial devices.
print "no\n";
exit 0;
my @lastread;
sub save_data {
my @savedata = @_;
# Do we need to save this data?
if ( !@lastread
or time >= Time::Local::timelocal(@lastread) + ($tick_rate) )
print "# Saving Data (Data is "
. ( time - Time::Local::timelocal(@lastread) )
. " seconds old)\n"
@lastread = localtime(time);
my @save_vector;
push @save_vector, YAML::Dump(@lastread);
foreach ( split /\n/, YAML::Dump(@savedata) ) {
push @save_vector, $_;
sub load_data {
# Bring the data back in
my @save_vector = restore_state();
# Read the timestamp, Do we need to refresh the data?
my @lastread = YAML::Load( shift @save_vector );
my $yamlstr = '';
foreach (@save_vector) {
$yamlstr .= "$_\n";
my @dataarray = YAML::Load($yamlstr);
if ( !@lastread
or time >= ( Time::Local::timelocal(@lastread) + ($tick_rate) ) )
# Data is stale
print "# Data is stale ("
. ( time - Time::Local::timelocal(@lastread) )
. " seconds). Re-reading device\n"
eval {
# Fetch the XML
my @temparray;
if ( $metertype eq "CC128" ) {
@temparray = collect_cc128_data( $device_node, $baud_rate );
elsif ( $metertype eq "CC02" ) {
@temparray = collect_cc02_data( $device_node, $baud_rate );
else {
die "Unknown meter type $metertype.";
# Read the time so we know whether to reset
# daily/monthly/yearly counters
my @now = localtime(time);
my %is_new;
$is_new{daily} = ( $now[3] != $lastread[3] ) ? 1 : 0;
$is_new{monthly} = ( $now[4] != $lastread[4] ) ? 1 : 0;
$is_new{yearly} = ( $now[5] != $lastread[5] ) ? 1 : 0;
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#temparray ; $i++ ) {
my $datum = $temparray[$i];
for ( my $j = 0 ; $j <= $#{ $datum->{data} } ; $j++ ) {
for my $period (qw(daily monthly yearly)) {
$period = "n$period" if is_night_rate();
if ( defined( $dataarray[$i]->{data}[$j]->{$period} ) )
# There's old data. Consider incrementing it
if ( $is_new{$period} ) {
# Start of a new period, reset the counter
print "# Start of a new $period period." .
" Resetting counter\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
$temparray[$i]->{data}[$j]->{$period} = 0;
else {
$temparray[$i]->{data}[$j]->{$period} =
$dataarray[$i]->{data}[$j]->{$period} +
$temparray[$i]->{data}[$j]->{value} / 12;
else {
# No old data. Set it.
$temparray[$i]->{data}[$j]->{$period} =
$temparray[$i]->{data}[$j]->{value} / 12;
# If the above threw an error, we won't overwrite the old data
@dataarray = @temparray;
} or do {
print $@;
return @dataarray;
sub is_night_rate {
# Determine if we're on night rate
return 0 if not $nightrate;
my ( $nightstart, $nightstop ) = split /-/, $nighthours;
my ( $start_h, $start_m ) = split /:/, $nightstart;
my ( $stop_h, $stop_m ) = split /:/, $nightstop;
my $start_time = $start_m + ( $start_h * 60 );
my $stop_time = $stop_m + ( $stop_h * 60 );
my @now = localtime(time);
my $now_time = $now[1] + ( $now[2] * 60 );
if ( $now_time >= $start_time
or $now_time <= $stop_time )
print "# Night rate is ACTIVE\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
return 1;
else {
print "# Night rate is enabled, but NOT active\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
return 0;
The device will periodically output a string of XML. The string will be all on one line, they are expanded here for clarity.
=head2 Classic format
As per L<http://cumbers.wordpress.com/2008/05/07/breakdown-of-currentcost-xml-output/>:
<dsb>00014</dsb> days since birth
<hr>14</hr> the time
<name>CC02</name> name of this device
<id>03280</id> communication channel for device
<type>1</type> hardware version of the device
<sver>0.07</sver> software version
<watts>00080</watts> value from the first channel clamp
<watts>00000</watts> value from the second channel clamp
<watts>00000</watts> value from the third channel clamp
<tmpr>28.8</tmpr> current temperature (degrees celsius)
<h02>000.0</h02> total Kwh used in 2 hour blocks
<d01>0000</d01> total Kwh used per day(s)
<m01>0000</m01> total Kwh used per month(s)
<y1>0000000</y1> total Kwh used per year(s)
=head2 CC128 format
For full definition, see L<http://www.currentcost.com/xx128/xml.html>
<msg> start of message
<src>CC128-v0.11</src> source and software version
<dsb>00089</dsb> days since birth, ie days run
<time>13:02:39</time> 24 hour clock time as displayed
<tmpr>18.7</tmpr> temperature as displayed
<sensor>1</sensor> Appliance Number as displayed
<id>01234</id> radio ID received from the sensor
<type>1</type> sensor Type, "1" = electricity
<ch1> sensor channel
<watts>00345</watts> data and units
</msg> end of message
sub collect_cc128_data {
# Read data from the serial port until we see a repeated sensor
my ( $port, $baud ) = @_;
my $tty = Device::SerialPort->new($port) || die "Can't open $port: $!";
$tty->baudrate($baud) || die "Can't set serial baudrate";
$tty->parity("none") || die "Can't set serial parity";
$tty->databits(8) || die "Can't set serial databits";
$tty->handshake("none") || die "Can't set serial handshake";
$tty->write_settings || die "Can't set serial parameters";
open( my $ttydev, "<", $port ) || die "Can't open $port: $?";
my @cc_data_arr;
my %seen_sensors;
while (<$ttydev>) {
print "# Read from device: $_\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
if (m{(<msg>.*</msg>)}) {
my $xmlref = XML::Simple::XMLin( $1, KeepRoot => 1 );
my $sensor = $xmlref->{msg}->{sensor};
print "# Parsing Sensor $sensor\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
next unless defined $sensor;
if ( defined $seen_sensors{$sensor} ) {
# We've seen this sensor before.
# Time to stop reading data
print "# Hello again, Sensor $sensor\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
$seen_sensors{$sensor} = 1;
my $temphash;
$temphash->{sensor} = $sensor;
$temphash->{temp} = $xmlref->{msg}->{tmpr};
my @temparr;
foreach my $key ( keys %{ $xmlref->{msg} } ) {
if ( $key =~ /ch(\d+)/ ) {
my $channel = $1;
my $unit = ( keys %{ $xmlref->{msg}->{"ch$channel"} } )[0];
my $val = $xmlref->{msg}->{"ch$channel"}->{$unit};
print "# Channel $channel, Unit $unit, Value $val\n"
push @temparr,
"channel" => $channel,
"unit" => $unit,
"value" => $val
$temphash->{data} = \@temparr;
push @cc_data_arr, $temphash;
return @cc_data_arr;
sub collect_cc02_data {
# Function supplied by David Edmondson <dme@dme.org>
# Read data from the serial port
my ( $port, $baud ) = @_;
my $tty = Device::SerialPort->new($port) || die "Can't open $port: $!";
$tty->baudrate($baud) || die "Can't set serial baudrate";
$tty->parity("none") || die "Can't set serial parity";
$tty->databits(8) || die "Can't set serial databits";
$tty->handshake("none") || die "Can't set serial handshake";
$tty->write_settings || die "Can't set serial parameters";
open( my $ttydev, "<", $port ) || die "Can't open $port: $?";
my @cc_data_arr;
while (<$ttydev>) {
if (m{(<msg>.*</msg>)}) {
my $xmlref = XML::Simple::XMLin( $1, KeepRoot => 1 );
my $temphash;
$temphash->{sensor} = 0; # Only one sensor.
$temphash->{temp} = $xmlref->{msg}->{tmpr};
my @temparr;
foreach my $key ( keys %{ $xmlref->{msg} } ) {
if ( $key =~ /ch(\d+)/ ) {
my $channel = $1;
my $unit = ( keys %{ $xmlref->{msg}->{"ch$channel"} } )[0];
my $val = $xmlref->{msg}->{"ch$channel"}->{$unit};
push @temparr,
"channel" => $channel,
"unit" => $unit,
"value" => $val
$temphash->{data} = \@temparr;
push @cc_data_arr, $temphash;
return @cc_data_arr;
my @cc_data = load_data();
if ( defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq 'config' ) {
if ($ret) {
print $ret;
exit 1;
for my $datum (@cc_data) {
my $unit = '';
foreach my $key ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
if ( $unit eq '' ) {
$unit = $key->{unit};
elsif ( $unit != $key->{unit} ) {
print STDERR
"# Conflicting units ($unit and $key->{unit}) on sensor $datum->{sensor}";
if ( $datum->{sensor} == 0 ) {
# Output the Root graph (being sensor 0)
print <<EOF;
multigraph currentcost
graph_title CurrentCost Consumption
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel $unit
graph_category sensors
graph_info This graph shows the 'whole house' data.
if ( scalar( @{ $datum->{data} } ) > 1 ) {
print "graph_total Total\n";
foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
print <<EOF;
$fieldname.label Channel $channel->{channel}
$fieldname.type GAUGE
$fieldname.min 0
$fieldname.draw AREA
${fieldname}_t.label Channel $channel->{channel} Trend
${fieldname}_t.type GAUGE
${fieldname}_t.min 0
${fieldname}_t.draw LINE2
if ($nightrate) {
print <<EOF;
${fieldname}_n.label Channel $channel->{channel} Night
${fieldname}_n.type GAUGE
${fieldname}_n.min 0
${fieldname}_t.cdef ${fieldname}_n,UN,${fieldname},${fieldname},IF,3600,TRENDNAN
else {
print "${fieldname}_t.cdef ${fieldname},3600,TRENDNAN\n";
# Output the Root cumulative graph
print <<EOF;
multigraph currentcost_cumulative
graph_title CurrentCost Total Usage
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel $unit * hours
graph_category sensors
print "graph_order ";
my $confstr = '';
foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
print "${fieldname}=currentcost.$fieldname ${fieldname}_d ";
$confstr .= <<EOF;
${fieldname}.update no
${fieldname}.label Channel $channel->{channel}
${fieldname}.type GAUGE
${fieldname}.min 0
${fieldname}.cdef PREV,${fieldname},12,/,ADDNAN
${fieldname}_d.label Channel $channel->{channel} Daily
${fieldname}_d.type GAUGE
${fieldname}_d.min 0
print "\n$confstr";
print <<EOF;
fudge.label (fudge)
fudge.type GAUGE
fudge.graph yes
# Output the root cost graph
print <<EOF;
multigraph currentcost_cost
graph_title CurrentCost Estimated Cost
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel ${currency}
graph_category sensors
if ( scalar( @{ $datum->{data} } ) > 1 ) {
print "graph_total Total\n";
foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
print <<EOF;
$fieldname.label Channel $channel->{channel}
$fieldname.type GAUGE
$fieldname.min 0
else {
# Output a subordinate graph (being an appliance)
my $sensor = $datum->{sensor};
print <<EOF;
multigraph currentcost.appliance$sensor
graph_title CurrentCost Consumption (Appliance $sensor)
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel $unit
graph_category sensors
graph_info This graph shows the data for Appliance $sensor
if ( scalar( @{ $datum->{data} } ) > 1 ) {
print "graph_total Total\n";
foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
print <<EOF;
$fieldname.label Channel $channel->{channel}
$fieldname.type GAUGE
$fieldname.min 0
if ($nightrate) {
print <<EOF;
${fieldname}_n.label Channel $channel->{channel} Night
${fieldname}_n.type GAUGE
${fieldname}_n.min 0
# Output the subordinate cumulative graph
print <<EOF;
multigraph currentcost_cumulative.appliance$sensor
graph_title CurrentCost Total Usage (Appliance $sensor)
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel $unit * hours
graph_category sensors
print "graph_order ";
my $confstr = '';
foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
print "$fieldname=currentcost.$fieldname ";
$confstr .= <<EOF;
$fieldname.label Channel $channel->{channel}
$fieldname.type GAUGE
$fieldname.min 0
$fieldname.cdef PREV,$fieldname,12,/,ADDNAN
print "\n$confstr";
# Output the subordinate Cost graph
print <<EOF;
multigraph currentcost_cost.appliance$sensor
graph CurrentCost Estimated Cost (Appliance $sensor)
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel ${currency}
graph_category sensors
if ( scalar( @{ $datum->{data} } ) > 1 ) {
print "graph_total Total\n";
foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
print <<EOF;
$fieldname.label Channel $channel->{channel}
$fieldname.type GAUGE
$fieldname.min 0
exit 0;
# Output the value data
for my $datum (@cc_data) {
if ( $datum->{sensor} == 0 ) {
# Output the Root graph (being sensor 0)
print "multigraph currentcost\n";
else {
my $sensor = $datum->{sensor};
print "multigraph currentcost.appliance$sensor\n";
foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
if ( is_night_rate() ) {
print "${fieldname}_n.value " . $channel->{value} . "\n";
print "${fieldname}.value 0\n";
else {
print "${fieldname}.value " . $channel->{value} . "\n";
print "${fieldname}_n.value 0\n";
if ( $datum->{sensor} == 0 ) {
# Output the Root graph (being sensor 0)
print "multigraph currentcost_cumulative\n";
else {
my $sensor = $datum->{sensor};
print "multigraph currentcost_cumulative.appliance$sensor\n";
foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
my $value = $channel->{daily};
$value += $channel->{ndaily} if defined $channel->{ndaily};
print "${fieldname}_d.value $value\n";
my @now = localtime(time);
if ( $now[3] == 1 and $now[2] == 0 and $now[1] <= 5 ) {
# First reading of month, reset.
print "fudge.value 0\n";
else {
print "fudge.value 1\n";
if ( $datum->{sensor} == 0 ) {
# Output the Root Cost graph (being sensor 0)
print "multigraph currentcost_cost\n";
else {
my $sensor = $datum->{sensor};
print "multigraph currentcost_cost.appliance$sensor\n";
foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
my $kWh = $channel->{monthly} / 1000;
my $nightkWh = $channel->{nmonthly} / 1000
if defined $channel->{nmonthly};
my $cost = $standingcharge;
if ( $nightrate and defined $nightkWh ) {
$cost = $nightkWh * $nightrate;
if ( $kWh <= $rate1qty ) {
$cost += $kWh * $rate1;
else {
$cost += ( ( $kWh - $rate1qty ) * $rate2 ) + ( $rate1qty * $rate1 );
$cost = $cost / 100; # Convert pence/cents into pounds/euros
print "$fieldname.value $cost\n";
my $extinfo = sprintf( "Usage is %.3f kWh.", $kWh );
$extinfo .= sprintf( " Night usage is %.3f kWh.", $nightkWh )
if defined $nightkWh;
print "$fieldname.extinfo $extinfo\n";
exit 0;