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381 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- cperl -*-
=head1 NAME
asterisk - Multigraph-capable plugin to monitor Asterisk
=head1 NOTES
This plugin will produce multiple graphs showing:
- total number of active channels (replaces asterisk_channels),
together with breakdown of specific channel types (replaces
- the number of messages in all voicemail boxes (replaces
- the number of active MeetMe conferences and users connected to them
(replace asterisk_meetme and asterisk_meetmeusers, respectively);
- the number of active channels for a given codec, for both SIP and
IAX2 channels (replaces asterisk_sipchannels and asterisk_codecs).
The following configuration parameters are used by this plugin
env.host - hostname to connect to
env.port - port number to connect to
env.username - username used for authentication
env.secret - secret used for authentication
env.channels - The channel types to look for
env.codecsx - List of codec IDs (hexadecimal values)
env.codecs - List of codecs names, matching codecsx order
The "username" and "secret" parameters are mandatory, and have no
env.port 5038
env.channels Zap IAX2 SIP
env.codecsx 0x2 0x4 0x8
env.codecs gsm ulaw alaw
It's possible to use the plugin in a virtual-node capacity, in which
case the host configuration will default to the hostname following the
env.host someserver
env.port 5038
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Rodolphe Quiedeville <rodolphe@quiedeville.org>
Copyright (C) 2012 Diego Elio Pettenò <flameeyes@flameeyes.eu>
=head1 LICENSE
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf
use strict;
use Munin::Plugin;
use IO::Socket;
sub asterisk_command {
my ($socket, $command) = @_;
my $line, my $reply;
$socket->print("Action: command\nCommand: $command\n\n");
# Response: (Error|Follows|???)
$line = $socket->getline;
if ($line !~ /^Response: Follows\r?\n$/) {
while ( $line = $socket->getline and $line !~ /^\r?\n$/ ) {}
return undef;
# Privilege: Command
$line = $socket->getline;
# Until we get the --END COMMAND-- marker, it's the command's output.
while ( $line = $socket->getline and $line !~ /^--END COMMAND--\r?\n$/ ) {
$reply .= $line;
# And then wait for the empty line that says we're done
while ( $line = $socket->getline and $line !~ /^\r?\n$/ ) {}
return $reply;
$0 =~ /asterisk(?:_(.+))$/;
my $hostname = $1;
my $peeraddr = $ENV{'host'} || $hostname || '';
my $peerport = $ENV{'port'} || '5038';
my $username = $ENV{'username'};
my $secret = $ENV{'secret'};
my @CHANNELS = exists $ENV{'channels'} ? split ' ',$ENV{'channels'} : qw(Zap IAX2 SIP);
my @CODECS = exists $ENV{'codecs'} ? split ' ',$ENV{'codecs'} : qw(gsm ulaw alaw);
my @CODECSX = exists $ENV{'codecsx'} ? split ' ',$ENV{'codecsx'} : qw(0x2 0x4 0x8);
my $line, my $error;
my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => $peeraddr,
PeerPort => $peerport,
Proto => 'tcp')
or $error = "Could not create socket: $!";
if ( $socket ) {
# This will consume the "Asterisk Call Manager" welcome line.
$socket->print("Action: login\nUsername: $username\nSecret: $secret\nEvents: off\n\n");
my $response_status = $socket->getline;
if ( $response_status !~ /^Response: Success\r?\n$/ ) {
my $response_message = $socket->getline;
$response_message =~ s/Message: (.*)\r?\n/$1/;
$error = "Asterisk authentication error: " . $response_message;
while ( $line = $socket->getline and $line !~ /^\r?\n$/ ) {}
if ( $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf' ) {
if ( $error ) {
print "no ($error)\n";
} else {
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
} elsif ( $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq 'config' ) {
print "host_name $hostname" if $hostname;
print <<END;
multigraph asterisk_channels
graph_title Asterisk active channels
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel channels
graph_category voip
total.label channels
foreach my $channel (@CHANNELS) {
print <<END;
$channel.draw AREASTACK
$channel.label $channel channels
print <<END;
multigraph asterisk_voicemail
graph_title Asterisk voicemail messages
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel messages
graph_category voip
total.label Total messages
print <<END;
multigraph asterisk_meetme
graph_title Asterisk meetme statistics
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_category voip
users.label Connected users
conferences.label Active conferences
print <<END;
multigraph asterisk_codecs
graphs_title Asterisk channels per codec
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel channels
graph_category voip
foreach my $codec (@CODECS) {
print <<END;
$codec.draw AREASTACK
$codec.label $codec channels
print <<END;
other.draw AREASTACK
other.label Other known codecs
unknwon.draw AREASTACK
unknown.label Unknown codec
unless ( ($ENV{MUNIN_CAP_DIRTYCONFIG} || 0) == 1 ) {
exit 0;
# if we arrive here and we don't have a socket, it's time to exit.
die $error if $error;
my $channels_response = asterisk_command($socket, "core show channels");
#Channel Location State Application(Data)
#Zap/pseudo-198641660 s@frompstn:1 Rsrvd (None)
#Zap/1-1 4@frompstn:1 Up MeetMe(5500)
#2 active channels
#1 active call
my $voicemail_response = asterisk_command($socket, "voicemail show users");
#Context Mbox User Zone NewMsg
#default 1234 Example Mailbox 1
#other 1234 Company2 User 0
#2 voicemail users configured.
my $meetme_response = asterisk_command($socket, "meetme list");
#Conf Num Parties Marked Activity Creation
#5500 0001 N/A 00:00:03 Static
#* Total number of MeetMe users: 1
my $sipchannels_response = asterisk_command($socket, "sip show channels");
#Peer User/ANR Call ID Seq (Tx/Rx) Format
# yann 6902112b3e0 00101/00002 g729
#1 active SIP channel(s)
my $iaxchannels_response = asterisk_command($socket, "iax2 show channels");
#Channel Peer Username ID (Lo/Rem) Seq (Tx/Rx) Lag Jitter JitBuf Format
#IAX2/rodolphe@rodolp rodolphe 00003/01287 00006/00004 00000ms 0148ms 0000ms gsm
#1 active IAX channel(s)
# After all the data is fetched we can proceed to process it, the
# connection can be closed as we don't need any more data.
my $active_channels = 'U';
$active_channels = $1 if $channels_response =~ /\n([0-9]+) active channels?/;
print <<END;
multigraph asterisk_channels
total.value $active_channels
my @channels_list = split(/\r?\n/, $channels_response) if $channels_response;
foreach my $channel (@CHANNELS) {
print "$channel.value ";
print $channels_response ? scalar(grep(/^$channel\//, @channels_list)) : "U";
print "\n";
print "\nmultigraph asterisk_voicemail\n";
if ( !$voicemail_response or $voicemail_response =~ /no voicemail users/ ) {
print "total.value U\n";
} else {
my $messages = 0;
foreach my $line (split(/\r?\n/, $voicemail_response)) {
next unless $line =~ / ([0-9]+)$/;
$messages += $1;
print "total.value $messages\n";
print "\nmultigraph asterisk_meetme\n";
if ( !$meetme_response ) {
print <<END;
users.value U
conferences.value U
} else {
if ( $meetme_response =~ /No active/ ) {
print <<END;
users.value 0
conferences.value 0
} else {
my @meetme_list = split(/\r?\n/, $meetme_response);
my $users = pop(@meetme_list);
$users =~ s/^Total number of MeetMe users: ([0-9]+)$/$1/;
print "users.value $users\n";
print "conferences.value " . (scalar(@meetme_list)-1) . "\n";
print "\nmultigraph asterisk_codecs\n";
if ( !$sipchannels_response and !$iaxchannels_response ) {
foreach my $codec (@CODECS) {
print "$codec.value U\n";
print <<END;
other.value U
unknown.valeu U
} else {
my @results;
my ($i, $start, $unknown, $other)=(0,0,0,0);
foreach my $codec (@CODECS) {
$results[$i] = 0;
# split the channels' listing and drop header and footnotes
my @sipchannels = $sipchannels_response ? split(/\r?\n/, $sipchannels_response) : ();
pop(@sipchannels); shift(@sipchannels);
my @iaxchannels = $iaxchannels_response ? split(/\r?\n/, $iaxchannels_response) : ();
pop(@iaxchannels); shift(@iaxchannels);
$i = 0;
foreach my $sipchan (@sipchannels) {
my $found = 0;
my @fields = split ' ', $sipchan;
if ($fields[4] eq '0x0') {
$unknown += 1;
foreach my $codec (@CODECSX) {
if ($fields[4] eq "$codec") {
$results[$i] = $results[$i] + 1;
$found = 1;
if (! $found) {
$other += 1;
print STDERR "CODEC: SIP other format $fields[4]\n" if $Munin::Plugin::DEBUG;
$i = 0;
foreach my $iaxchan (@iaxchannels) {
my $found = 0;
my @fields = split ' ', $iaxchan;
if ($fields[8] eq '0x0') {
$unknown += 1;
foreach my $codec (@CODECS) {
if ($fields[8] eq "$codec") {
$results[$i] = $results[$i] + 1;
$found = 1;
if (! $found) {
$other += 1;
print STDERR "CODEC: IAX2 other format: $fields[8]\n" if $Munin::Plugin::DEBUG;
$i = 0;
foreach my $codec (@CODECS) {
print "$codec.value $results[$i]\n";
print "other.value $other\n";
print "unknown.value $unknown\n";