mirror of https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib.git synced 2018-11-08 00:59:34 +01:00

120 lines
3.4 KiB
Executable File

# Log vhost port method response_bytes response_time status
<IfModule mod_log_config.c>
CustomLog "|/usr/share/munin/apache_pipelogger" "%v %p %m %B %D %s"
# write every n seconds to shared memory
local $nsec=7;
local $debug=undef;
use Storable qw(freeze thaw);
use List::Util qw(min max);
use IPC::ShareLite ':lock';
require Data::Dumper if $debug;
use Munin::Plugin;
local $share = IPC::ShareLite->new(
-key => 'mapl',
-create => 1,
-destroy => 1,
-exclusive => 0,
-mode => '0666'
) or die $!;
local $SIG{'ALRM'}=\&periodic_write;
alarm $nsec;
# drop stored data on reload
local %temp=();
while (<STDIN>) {
my ($vhost,$port,$method,$bytes,$time,$status)=split(/\s/,$_);
# sanity check
next unless m/^([\d\w\.\-_]+\s){5}([\d\w\.\-_]+$)/; # escaped "." and "-"
# sitename to munin fieldname
my $vpm=clean_fieldname($vhost);
# count all requests
if ($bytes) {
# bytes transmitted
# max bytes
# average bytes
$temp{$vpm}{'avg_bytes'}=$temp{$vpm}{'bytes'}/$temp{$vpm}{'requests'} || 0 if ($bytes);
# count by status / error code
$temp{$vpm}{"status"}{$status}++ if $status;
if ($time) {
# min/max execution time
# cumulative and average execution time
# average time
$temp{$vpm}{'avg_time'}=$temp{$vpm}{'cml_time'}/$temp{$vpm}{'requests'} || 0 if ($time);
sub periodic_write {
# begin transaction
# get data (may be updated by other loggers too)
my %old=eval{%{thaw($share->fetch)}}; # using eval to suppress thaw error on empty string at the first run
foreach my $vpm (keys %temp){
# merge values
$old{$vpm}{'bytes'}+=$temp{$vpm}{'bytes'} if $temp{$vpm}{'bytes'};
$old{$vpm}{'requests'}+=$temp{$vpm}{'requests'} if $temp{$vpm}{'requests'};
$old{$vpm}{'time'}+=$temp{$vpm}{'time'} if $temp{$vpm}{'time'};
# reset local counters
foreach my $check (qw(requests bytes time cml_time max_bytes avg_bytes max_time avg_time)) {
# reset status counts
foreach my $val (keys %{$temp{$vpm}{'status'}}) {
# save to shm
# print Data::Dumper::Dumper(%old) if $debug;
$share->store( freeze \%old );
# end transaction
# parse/write every n seconds
alarm $nsec;