mirror of https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib.git synced 2018-11-08 00:59:34 +01:00
Lars Kruse a8d117a3f0 olsrd: adjustments for the output format used by olsrd v0.9.5
Changes include:
* use short names for "urls" (e.g. "lin" instead of "links")
* whitespace instead of semicolon used as separators in "mid"
* ignore variable number of header lines
2017-09-11 00:51:49 +02:00

359 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

# weird shebang? See below: "interpreter selection"
# Collect basic information about the neighbours of an OLSR node:
# * link quality
# * neighbour link quality
# * number of nodes reachable behind each neighbour
# * ping times of direct neighbours
# This plugin works with the following python interpreters:
# * Python 2
# * Python 3
# * micropython
# Environment variables:
# * OLSRD_HOST: name or IP of the host running the txtinfo plugin (default: localhost)
# * OLSRD_TXTINFO_PORT: the port that the txtinfo plugin is listening to (default: 2006)
# * OLSRD_BIN_PATH: name of the olsrd binary (only used for 'autoconf', defaults to /usr/sbin/olsrd)
# * MICROPYTHON_HEAP: adjust this parameter for micropython if your olsr network contains
# more than a few thousand nodes (default: 512k)
# Copyright (C) 2015 Lars Kruse <devel@sumpfralle.de>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Magic markers
#%# capabilities=autoconf
#%# family=auto
# ****************** Interpreter Selection ***************
# This unbelievable dirty hack allows to find a suitable python interpreter.
# This is specifically useful for OpenWRT where typically only micropython is available.
# Additionally we need to run micropython with additional startup options.
# This is necessary due to our demand for more than 128k heap (this default is sufficient for only 400 olsr nodes).
# This "execution hack" works as follows:
# * the script is executed by busybox ash or another shell
# * the above line (three quotes before and one quote after 'true') evaluates differently for shell and python:
# * shell: run "true" (i.e. nothing happens)
# * python: ignore everything up to the next three consecutive quotes
# Thus we may place shell code here that will take care for selecting an interpreter.
# prefer micropython if it is available - otherwise fall back to any python (2 or 3)
if which micropython >/dev/null; then
/usr/bin/micropython -X "heapsize=${MICROPYTHON_HEAP:-512k}" "$0" "$@"
python "$0" "$@"
exit $?
# For shell: ignore everything starting from here until the last line of this file.
# This is necessary for syntax checkers that try to complain about invalid shell syntax below.
true <<EOF
plugin_version = "0.3"
import os
import socket
import sys
graph_title {title}
graph_vlabel Link Quality (-) / Neighbour Link Quality (+)
graph_category network
graph_info OLSR estimates the quality of a connection by the ratio of successfully received (link quality) and transmitted (neighbour link quality) hello packets.
nlq{suffix}.label none
nlq{suffix}.type GAUGE
nlq{suffix}.graph no
nlq{suffix}.draw {draw_type}
nlq{suffix}.min 0
lq{suffix}.label {label}
lq{suffix}.type GAUGE
lq{suffix}.draw {draw_type}
lq{suffix}.negative nlq{suffix}
lq{suffix}.min 0
graph_title Reachable nodes via neighbours
graph_vlabel Number of Nodes
graph_category network
graph_info Count the number of locally known routes passing through each direct neighbour. This number is a good approximation of the number of mesh nodes reachable via this specific neighbour. MIDs (alternative addresses of an OLSR node) and HNAs (host network announcements) are ignored.
neighbour_{host_fieldname}.label {host}
neighbour_{host_fieldname}.type GAUGE
neighbour_{host_fieldname}.draw {draw_type}
neighbour_{host_fieldname}.min 0
graph_title {title}
graph_vlabel roundtrip time (ms)
graph_category network
graph_info This graph shows ping RTT statistics.
graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0
graph_scale no
NEIGHBOUR_PING_VALUE = """neighbour_{host_fieldname}.label {host}"""
# micropython (as of 2015) does not contain "os.linesep"
LINESEP = getattr(os, "linesep", "\n")
get_clean_fieldname = lambda name: "".join([(("a" <= char.lower() <= "z") or ((index == 0) or ("0" <= char <= "9"))) and char or "_" for index, char in enumerate(name)])
def query_olsrd_txtservice(section=""):
host = os.getenv("OLSRD_HOST", "localhost")
port = os.getenv("OLSRD_TXTINFO_PORT", "2006")
conn = socket.create_connection((host, port), 1.0)
# Python3
request = bytes("/%s" % section, "ascii")
except TypeError:
# Python2
request = bytes("/%s" % section)
fconn = conn.makefile()
in_header = True
in_body_count = 0
for line in fconn.readlines():
if in_header:
if not line.strip():
# the empty line marks the end of the header
in_header = False
# ignore header lines (nothing to be done)
# skip the first two body lines - they are table headers
if in_body_count >= 2:
line = line.strip()
if line:
yield line
in_body_count += 1
def get_address_device_mapping():
mapping = {}
for line in query_olsrd_txtservice("mid"):
# example line content:
# since olsr v0.9.5:
device_id, mids = line.split(None, 1)
for mid in mids.replace(";", " ").split():
mapping[mid] = device_id
return mapping
def count_routes_by_neighbour(address_mapping, ignore_list):
node_count = {}
for line in query_olsrd_txtservice("rou"):
# example line content:
# 4 4.008 wlan0
tokens = line.split()
target = tokens[0]
via = tokens[1]
# we care only about single-host routes
if target.endswith("/32"):
if target[:-3] in address_mapping:
# we ignore MIDs - we want only real nodes
if target in ignore_list:
# replace the neighbour's IP with its main IP (if it is an MID)
via = address_mapping.get(via, via)
# increase the counter
node_count[via] = node_count.get(via, 0) + 1
return node_count
def get_olsr_links():
mid_mapping = get_address_device_mapping()
hna_list = [line.split()[0] for line in query_olsrd_txtservice("hna")]
route_count = count_routes_by_neighbour(mid_mapping, hna_list)
result = []
for line in query_olsrd_txtservice("lin"):
tokens = line.split()
# the "cost" may be infinite
if tokens[-1] == "INFINITE":
# "inf" is the python keyword for "maximum float number"
tokens[-1] = "inf"
link = {}
link["local"] = tokens.pop(0)
remote = tokens.pop(0)
# replace the neighbour's IP with its main IP (if it is an MID)
link["remote"] = mid_mapping.get(remote, remote)
for key in ("hysterese", "lq", "nlq", "cost"):
link[key] = float(tokens.pop(0))
# add the route count
link["route_count"] = route_count.get(link["remote"], 0)
result.sort(key=lambda link: link["remote"])
return result
def _read_file(filename):
return open(filename, "r").read().split(LINESEP)
except OSError:
return []
def get_ping_times(hosts):
tempfile = "/tmp/munin-olsrd-{pid}.tmp".format(pid=os.getpid())
command = 'for host in {hosts}; do echo -n "$host "; ping -c 1 -w 1 "$host" | grep /avg/ || echo; done >{tempfile}'\
.format(hosts=" ".join(hosts), tempfile=tempfile)
# micropython supports only "os.system" (as of 2015) - thus we need to stick with it for openwrt
returncode = os.system(command)
if returncode != 0:
return {}
lines = _read_file(tempfile)
# example output for one host:
# round-trip min/avg/max = 4.226/4.226/4.226 ms
result = {}
for line in lines:
tokens = line.split(None)
if len(tokens) > 1:
host = tokens[0]
avg_ping = tokens[-2].split("/")[1]
result[host] = float(avg_ping)
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
# parse arguments
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if sys.argv[1]=="config":
links = list(get_olsr_links())
# link quality with regard to neighbours
print("multigraph olsr_link_quality")
print(LQ_GRAPH_CONFIG.format(title="OLSR Link Quality"))
is_first = True
for link in links:
draw_type=("AREA" if is_first else "STACK")))
is_first = False
is_first = True
for link in links:
print("multigraph olsr_link_quality.host_{remote}".format(remote=get_clean_fieldname(link["remote"])))
print(LQ_GRAPH_CONFIG.format(title="Link Quality towards {host}".format(host=link["remote"])))
print(LQ_VALUES_CONFIG.format(label="Link Quality", suffix="", draw_type="AREA"))
is_first = False
# link count ("number of nodes behind each neighbour")
print("multigraph olsr_neighbour_link_count")
is_first = True
for link in links:
draw_type=("AREA" if is_first else "STACK")))
is_first = False
# neighbour ping
print("multigraph olsr_neighbour_ping")
print(NEIGHBOUR_PING_CONFIG.format(title="Ping time of neighbours"))
for link in links:
# neighbour pings - single subgraphs
for link in links:
remote = get_clean_fieldname(link["remote"])
print("multigraph olsr_neighbour_ping.host_{remote}".format(remote=remote))
print(NEIGHBOUR_PING_CONFIG.format(title="Ping time of {remote}".format(remote=remote)))
print(NEIGHBOUR_PING_VALUE.format(host=link["remote"], host_fieldname=remote))
elif sys.argv[1] == "autoconf":
if os.path.exists(os.getenv('OLSRD_BIN_PATH', '/usr/sbin/olsrd')):
elif sys.argv[1] == "version":
print('olsrd Munin plugin, version %s' % plugin_version)
elif sys.argv[1] == "":
# ignore
# unknown argument
sys.stderr.write("Unknown argument{eol}".format(eol=LINESEP))
# output values
links = list(get_olsr_links())
# overview graph for the link quality (ETX) of all neighbours
print("multigraph olsr_link_quality")
for link in links:
print("lq_{remote}.value {lq:f}".format(lq=link["lq"],
print("nlq_{remote}.value {nlq:f}".format(nlq=link["nlq"],
# detailed ETX graph for each single neighbour link
for link in links:
print("multigraph olsr_link_quality.host_{remote}"
print("lq.value {lq:f}".format(lq=link["lq"]))
print("nlq.value {nlq:f}".format(nlq=link["nlq"]))
# count the links/nodes behind each neighbour node
print("multigraph olsr_neighbour_link_count")
for link in links:
print("neighbour_{host_fieldname}.value {value}"
# overview of ping roundtrip times
print("multigraph olsr_neighbour_ping")
ping_times = get_ping_times([link["remote"] for link in links])
for link in links:
ping_time = ping_times.get(link["remote"], None)
value = "{:.4f}".format(ping_time) if ping_time is not None else "U"
print("neighbour_{remote}.value {value}"
.format(value=value, remote=get_clean_fieldname(link["remote"])))
# single detailed graphs for the ping time of each link
for link in links:
ping_time = ping_times.get(link["remote"], None)
value = "{:.4f}".format(ping_time) if ping_time is not None else "U"
remote = get_clean_fieldname(link["remote"])
print("multigraph olsr_neighbour_ping.host_{remote}".format(remote=remote))
print("neighbour_{remote}.value {value}".format(remote=remote, value=value))
# final marker for shell / python hybrid script (see "Interpreter Selection")
EOF = True