#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Adapted from https://github.com/caddyserver/getcaddy.com # # croc Installer Script # # Homepage: https://schollz.com/software/croc # Issues: https://github.com/schollz/croc/issues # Requires: bash, mv, rm, tr, type, curl/wget, base64, sudo (if not root) # tar (or unzip on OSX and Windows) # # This script safely installs Caddy into your PATH (which may require # password authorization). Use it like this: # # $ curl https://getcroc.schollz.com | bash # or # $ wget -qO- https://getcroc.schollz.com | bash # # In automated environments, you may want to run as root. # If using curl, we recommend using the -fsSL flags. # # This should work on Mac, Linux, and BSD systems, and # hopefully Windows with Cygwin. Please open an issue if # you notice any bugs. # # [[ $- = *i* ]] && echo "Don't source this script!" && return 10 install_croc() { trap 'echo -e "Aborted, error $? in command: $BASH_COMMAND"; trap ERR; exit 1' ERR install_path="/usr/local/bin" croc_os="unsupported" croc_arch="unknown" croc_arm="" croc_version="4.1.5" # Termux on Android has $PREFIX set which already ends with /usr if [[ -n "$ANDROID_ROOT" && -n "$PREFIX" ]]; then install_path="$PREFIX/bin" fi # Fall back to /usr/bin if necessary if [[ ! -d $install_path ]]; then install_path="/usr/bin" fi # Not every platform has or needs sudo (https://termux.com/linux.html) ((EUID)) && [[ -z "$ANDROID_ROOT" ]] && sudo_cmd="sudo" ######################### # Which OS and version? # ######################### croc_bin="croc" croc_dl_ext=".tar.gz" # NOTE: `uname -m` is more accurate and universal than `arch` # See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uname unamem="$(uname -m)" if [[ $unamem == *aarch64* ]]; then croc_arch="ARM64" elif [[ $unamem == *64* ]]; then croc_arch="64bit" elif [[ $unamem == *86* ]]; then croc_arch="32bit" elif [[ $unamem == *arm* ]]; then croc_arch="ARM" else echo "Aborted, unsupported or unknown architecture: $unamem" return 2 fi unameu="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<<$(uname))" if [[ $unameu == *DARWIN* ]]; then croc_os="macOS" vers=$(sw_vers) version=${vers##*ProductVersion:} IFS='.' read OSX_MAJOR OSX_MINOR _ <<<"$version" # # Major # if ((OSX_MAJOR < 10)); then # echo "Aborted, unsupported OS X version (9-)" # return 3 # fi # if ((OSX_MAJOR > 10)); then # echo "Aborted, unsupported OS X version (11+)" # return 4 # fi # # Minor # if ((OSX_MINOR < 5)); then # echo "Aborted, unsupported OS X version (10.5-)" # return 5 # fi elif [[ $unameu == *LINUX* ]]; then croc_os="Linux" elif [[ $unameu == *FREEBSD* ]]; then croc_os="freebsd" elif [[ $unameu == *NETBSD* ]]; then croc_os="NetBSD" elif [[ $unameu == *OPENBSD* ]]; then croc_os="OpenBSD" elif [[ $unameu == *WIN* || $unameu == MSYS* ]]; then # Should catch cygwin sudo_cmd="" croc_os="Windows" croc_dl_ext=".zip" croc_bin=$croc_bin.exe else echo "Aborted, unsupported or unknown os: $uname" return 6 fi croc_file="croc_${croc_version}_${croc_os}-${croc_arch}${croc_dl_ext}" ######################## # Download and extract # ######################## croc_url="https://github.com/schollz/croc/releases/download/v${croc_version}/${croc_file}" croc_checksum_url="https://github.com/schollz/croc/releases/download/v${croc_version}/croc_${croc_version}_checksums.txt" echo "Downloading croc v${croc_version} (${croc_os} ${croc_arch})..." type -p gpg >/dev/null 2>&1 && gpg=1 || gpg=0 # Use $PREFIX for compatibility with Termux on Android dl="$PREFIX$croc_file" dl_checksum="$croc_file.checksum" rm -rf -- "$dl" rm -rf -- "$dl_checksum" if type -p curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then curl -fsSL "$croc_url" -o "$dl" curl -fsSL "$croc_checksum_url" -o "$dl_checksum" elif type -p wget >/dev/null 2>&1; then wget --quiet "$croc_url" -O "$dl" wget --quiet "$croc_checksum_url" -O "$dl_checksum" else echo "Aborted, could not find curl or wget" return 7 fi echo "Verifying checksum..." if [[ $unameu == *DARWIN* ]]; then checksum="$(shasum -a 256 ${dl}) $croc_file" else checksum="$(sha256sum ${dl}) $croc_file" fi checksum_check="$(cat ${dl_checksum} | grep $croc_file) $croc_file" if [[ "$s1" != "$s2" ]]; then echo "${checksum}" echo "${checksum_check}" echo "checksums are not valid, exiting" return 7 fi echo "Extracting..." case "$croc_file" in *.zip) unzip -o "$dl" "$croc_bin" -d "$PREFIX/tmp/" ;; *.tar.gz) tar -xzf "$dl" -C "$PREFIX/tmp/" "$croc_bin" ;; esac chmod +x "$PREFIX/tmp/$croc_bin" # Back up existing croc, if any found in path if croc_path="$(type -p "$croc_bin")"; then croc_backup="${croc_path}_old" echo "Backing up $croc_path to $croc_backup" echo "(Password may be required.)" $sudo_cmd mv "$croc_path" "$croc_backup" fi echo "Putting croc in $install_path (may require password)" $sudo_cmd mv "$PREFIX/tmp/$croc_bin" "$install_path/$croc_bin" if setcap_cmd=$(PATH+=$PATH:/sbin type -p setcap); then $sudo_cmd $setcap_cmd cap_net_bind_service=+ep "$install_path/$croc_bin" fi $sudo_cmd rm -- "$dl" $sudo_cmd rm -- "$dl_checksum" # check installation $croc_bin -version echo "Successfully installed" trap ERR return 0 } install_croc "$@"