use internal::{FdOptions, PathDisplay}; use lscolors::LsColors; use std::{fs, process}; use std::io::{self, Write}; use std::ops::Deref; use std::path::{self, Path, PathBuf, Component}; #[cfg(unix)] use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; use ansi_term; pub fn print_entry(base: &Path, entry: &PathBuf, config: &FdOptions) { let path_full = if !entry.as_os_str().is_empty() { base.join(entry) } else { base.to_path_buf() }; let path_to_print = if config.path_display == PathDisplay::Absolute { &path_full } else { entry }; let r = if let Some(ref ls_colors) = config.ls_colors { print_entry_colorized(base, path_to_print, config, ls_colors) } else { print_entry_uncolorized(path_to_print, config) }; if r.is_err() { // Probably a broken pipe. Exit gracefully. process::exit(0); } } fn print_entry_colorized( base: &Path, path: &Path, config: &FdOptions, ls_colors: &LsColors, ) -> io::Result<()> { let default_style = ansi_term::Style::default(); let stdout = io::stdout(); let mut handle = stdout.lock(); // Separator to use before the current component. let mut separator = String::new(); // Full path to the current component. let mut component_path = base.to_path_buf(); // Traverse the path and colorize each component for component in path.components() { let comp_str = component.as_os_str().to_string_lossy(); component_path.push(Path::new(comp_str.deref())); let style = get_path_style(&component_path, ls_colors).unwrap_or(&default_style); write!(handle, "{}{}", separator, style.paint(comp_str))?; // Determine separator to print before next component. separator = match component { // Prefix needs no separator, as it is always followed by RootDir. Component::Prefix(_) => String::new(), // RootDir is already a separator. Component::RootDir => String::new(), // Everything else uses a separator that is painted the same way as the component. _ => style.paint(path::MAIN_SEPARATOR.to_string()).to_string(), }; } if config.null_separator { write!(handle, "\0") } else { writeln!(handle, "") } } fn print_entry_uncolorized(path: &Path, config: &FdOptions) -> io::Result<()> { let separator = if config.null_separator { "\0" } else { "\n" }; let path_str = path.to_string_lossy(); write!(&mut io::stdout(), "{}{}", path_str, separator) } fn get_path_style<'a>(path: &Path, ls_colors: &'a LsColors) -> Option<&'a ansi_term::Style> { if path.symlink_metadata() .map(|md| md.file_type().is_symlink()) .unwrap_or(false) { return Some(&ls_colors.symlink); } let metadata = path.metadata(); if metadata.as_ref().map(|md| md.is_dir()).unwrap_or(false) { Some(& } else if|md| is_executable(&md)).unwrap_or(false) { Some(&ls_colors.executable) } else if let Some(filename_style) = path.file_name().and_then(|n| n.to_str()).and_then(|n| { ls_colors.filenames.get(n) }) { Some(filename_style) } else if let Some(extension_style) = path.extension().and_then(|e| e.to_str()).and_then(|e| { ls_colors.extensions.get(e) }) { Some(extension_style) } else { None } } #[cfg(unix)] fn is_executable(md: &fs::Metadata) -> bool { md.permissions().mode() & 0o111 != 0 } #[cfg(windows)] fn is_executable(_: &fs::Metadata) -> bool { false }