use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::time::Duration; use anyhow::anyhow; use clap::{ error::ErrorKind, value_parser, Arg, ArgAction, ArgGroup, ArgMatches, Command, Parser, ValueEnum, }; #[cfg(feature = "completions")] use clap_complete::Shell; use normpath::PathExt; use crate::error::print_error; use crate::exec::CommandSet; use crate::filesystem; #[cfg(unix)] use crate::filter::OwnerFilter; use crate::filter::SizeFilter; #[derive(Parser)] #[command( name = "fd", version, about = "A program to find entries in your filesystem", after_long_help = "Bugs can be reported on GitHub:", max_term_width = 98, args_override_self = true, group(ArgGroup::new("execs").args(&["exec", "exec_batch", "list_details"]).conflicts_with_all(&[ "max_results", "quiet", "max_one_result"])), )] pub struct Opts { /// Include hidden directories and files in the search results (default: /// hidden files and directories are skipped). Files and directories are /// considered to be hidden if their name starts with a `.` sign (dot). /// Any files or directories that are ignored due to the rules described by /// --no-ignore are still ignored unless otherwise specified. /// The flag can be overridden with --no-hidden. #[arg( long, short = 'H', help = "Search hidden files and directories", long_help )] pub hidden: bool, /// Overrides --hidden #[arg(long, overrides_with = "hidden", hide = true, action = ArgAction::SetTrue)] no_hidden: (), /// Show search results from files and directories that would otherwise be /// ignored by '.gitignore', '.ignore', '.fdignore', the global ignore file, /// or the rule to exclude .git/. /// The flag can be overridden with --ignore. #[arg( long, short = 'I', help = "Do not respect .(git|fd)ignore files", long_help )] pub no_ignore: bool, /// Overrides --no-ignore #[arg(long, overrides_with = "no_ignore", hide = true, action = ArgAction::SetTrue)] ignore: (), ///Show search results from files and directories that would otherwise be /// ignored by '.gitignore' files or the rule to exclude .git/. /// The flag can be overridden with --ignore-vcs. #[arg( long, hide_short_help = true, help = "Do not respect .gitignore files", long_help )] pub no_ignore_vcs: bool, /// Overrides --no-ignore-vcs #[arg(long, overrides_with = "no_ignore_vcs", hide = true, action = ArgAction::SetTrue)] ignore_vcs: (), /// Do not require a git repository to respect gitignores. /// By default, fd will only respect global gitignore rules, .gitignore rules, /// and local exclude rules if fd detects that you are searching inside a /// git repository. This flag allows you to relax this restriction such that /// fd will respect all git related ignore rules regardless of whether you're /// searching in a git repository or not. /// /// /// This flag can be disabled with --require-git. #[arg( long, overrides_with = "require_git", hide_short_help = true, // same description as ripgrep's flag: ripgrep/crates/core/ long_help )] pub no_require_git: bool, /// Overrides --no-require-git #[arg(long, overrides_with = "no_require_git", hide = true, action = ArgAction::SetTrue)] require_git: (), /// Show search results from files and directories that would otherwise be /// ignored by '.gitignore', '.ignore', or '.fdignore' files in parent directories. #[arg( long, hide_short_help = true, help = "Do not respect .(git|fd)ignore files in parent directories", long_help )] pub no_ignore_parent: bool, /// Do not respect the global ignore file #[arg(long, hide = true)] pub no_global_ignore_file: bool, /// Perform an unrestricted search, including ignored and hidden files. This is /// an alias for '--no-ignore --hidden'. #[arg(long = "unrestricted", short = 'u', overrides_with_all(&["ignore", "no_hidden"]), action(ArgAction::Count), hide_short_help = true, help = "Unrestricted search, alias for '--no-ignore --hidden'", long_help, )] rg_alias_hidden_ignore: u8, /// Case-sensitive search (default: smart case) #[arg( long, short = 's', overrides_with("ignore_case"), long_help = "Perform a case-sensitive search. By default, fd uses case-insensitive \ searches, unless the pattern contains an uppercase character (smart \ case)." )] pub case_sensitive: bool, /// Perform a case-insensitive search. By default, fd uses case-insensitive /// searches, unless the pattern contains an uppercase character (smart /// case). #[arg( long, short = 'i', overrides_with("case_sensitive"), help = "Case-insensitive search (default: smart case)", long_help )] pub ignore_case: bool, /// Perform a glob-based search instead of a regular expression search. #[arg( long, short = 'g', conflicts_with("fixed_strings"), help = "Glob-based search (default: regular expression)", long_help )] pub glob: bool, /// Perform a regular-expression based search (default). This can be used to /// override --glob. #[arg( long, overrides_with("glob"), hide_short_help = true, help = "Regular-expression based search (default)", long_help )] pub regex: bool, /// Treat the pattern as a literal string instead of a regular expression. Note /// that this also performs substring comparison. If you want to match on an /// exact filename, consider using '--glob'. #[arg( long, short = 'F', alias = "literal", hide_short_help = true, help = "Treat pattern as literal string stead of regex", long_help )] pub fixed_strings: bool, /// Add additional required search patterns, all of which must be matched. Multiple /// additional patterns can be specified. The patterns are regular /// expressions, unless '--glob' or '--fixed-strings' is used. #[arg( long = "and", value_name = "pattern", help = "Additional search patterns that need to be matched", long_help, hide_short_help = true, allow_hyphen_values = true )] pub exprs: Option>, /// Shows the full path starting from the root as opposed to relative paths. /// The flag can be overridden with --relative-path. #[arg( long, short = 'a', help = "Show absolute instead of relative paths", long_help )] pub absolute_path: bool, /// Overrides --absolute-path #[arg(long, overrides_with = "absolute_path", hide = true, action = ArgAction::SetTrue)] relative_path: (), /// Use a detailed listing format like 'ls -l'. This is basically an alias /// for '--exec-batch ls -l' with some additional 'ls' options. This can be /// used to see more metadata, to show symlink targets and to achieve a /// deterministic sort order. #[arg( long, short = 'l', conflicts_with("absolute_path"), help = "Use a long listing format with file metadata", long_help )] pub list_details: bool, /// Follow symbolic links #[arg( long, short = 'L', alias = "dereference", long_help = "By default, fd does not descend into symlinked directories. Using this \ flag, symbolic links are also traversed. \ Flag can be overriden with --no-follow." )] pub follow: bool, /// Overrides --follow #[arg(long, overrides_with = "follow", hide = true, action = ArgAction::SetTrue)] no_follow: (), /// By default, the search pattern is only matched against the filename (or directory name). Using this flag, the pattern is matched against the full (absolute) path. Example: /// fd --glob -p '**/.git/config' #[arg( long, short = 'p', help = "Search full abs. path (default: filename only)", long_help, verbatim_doc_comment )] pub full_path: bool, /// Separate search results by the null character (instead of newlines). /// Useful for piping results to 'xargs'. #[arg( long = "print0", short = '0', conflicts_with("list_details"), hide_short_help = true, help = "Separate search results by the null character", long_help )] pub null_separator: bool, /// Limit the directory traversal to a given depth. By default, there is no /// limit on the search depth. #[arg( long, short = 'd', value_name = "depth", alias("maxdepth"), help = "Set maximum search depth (default: none)", long_help )] max_depth: Option, /// Only show search results starting at the given depth. /// See also: '--max-depth' and '--exact-depth' #[arg( long, value_name = "depth", hide_short_help = true, help = "Only show search results starting at the given depth.", long_help )] min_depth: Option, /// Only show search results at the exact given depth. This is an alias for /// '--min-depth --max-depth '. #[arg(long, value_name = "depth", hide_short_help = true, conflicts_with_all(&["max_depth", "min_depth"]), help = "Only show search results at the exact given depth", long_help, )] exact_depth: Option, /// Exclude files/directories that match the given glob pattern. This /// overrides any other ignore logic. Multiple exclude patterns can be /// specified. /// /// Examples: /// {n} --exclude '*.pyc' /// {n} --exclude node_modules #[arg( long, short = 'E', value_name = "pattern", help = "Exclude entries that match the given glob pattern", long_help )] pub exclude: Vec, /// Do not traverse into directories that match the search criteria. If /// you want to exclude specific directories, use the '--exclude=…' option. #[arg(long, hide_short_help = true, conflicts_with_all(&["size", "exact_depth"]), long_help, )] pub prune: bool, /// Filter the search by type: /// {n} 'f' or 'file': regular files /// {n} 'd' or 'directory': directories /// {n} 'l' or 'symlink': symbolic links /// {n} 's' or 'socket': socket /// {n} 'p' or 'pipe': named pipe (FIFO) /// {n} 'b' or 'block-device': block device /// {n} 'c' or 'char-device': character device /// {n}{n} 'x' or 'executable': executables /// {n} 'e' or 'empty': empty files or directories /// /// This option can be specified more than once to include multiple file types. /// Searching for '--type file --type symlink' will show both regular files as /// well as symlinks. Note that the 'executable' and 'empty' filters work differently: /// '--type executable' implies '--type file' by default. And '--type empty' searches /// for empty files and directories, unless either '--type file' or '--type directory' /// is specified in addition. /// /// Examples: /// {n} - Only search for files: /// {n} fd --type file … /// {n} fd -tf … /// {n} - Find both files and symlinks /// {n} fd --type file --type symlink … /// {n} fd -tf -tl … /// {n} - Find executable files: /// {n} fd --type executable /// {n} fd -tx /// {n} - Find empty files: /// {n} fd --type empty --type file /// {n} fd -te -tf /// {n} - Find empty directories: /// {n} fd --type empty --type directory /// {n} fd -te -td #[arg( long = "type", short = 't', value_name = "filetype", hide_possible_values = true, value_enum, help = "Filter by type: file (f), directory (d), symlink (l), \ executable (x), empty (e), socket (s), pipe (p), \ char-device (c), block-device (b)", long_help )] pub filetype: Option>, /// (Additionally) filter search results by their file extension. Multiple /// allowable file extensions can be specified. /// /// If you want to search for files without extension, /// you can use the regex '^[^.]+$' as a normal search pattern. #[arg( long = "extension", short = 'e', value_name = "ext", help = "Filter by file extension", long_help )] pub extensions: Option>, /// Limit results based on the size of files using the format <+->. /// '+': file size must be greater than or equal to this /// '-': file size must be less than or equal to this /// /// If neither '+' nor '-' is specified, file size must be exactly equal to this. /// 'NUM': The numeric size (e.g. 500) /// 'UNIT': The units for NUM. They are not case-sensitive. /// Allowed unit values: /// 'b': bytes /// 'k': kilobytes (base ten, 10^3 = 1000 bytes) /// 'm': megabytes /// 'g': gigabytes /// 't': terabytes /// 'ki': kibibytes (base two, 2^10 = 1024 bytes) /// 'mi': mebibytes /// 'gi': gibibytes /// 'ti': tebibytes #[arg(long, short = 'S', value_parser = SizeFilter::from_string, allow_hyphen_values = true, verbatim_doc_comment, value_name = "size", help = "Limit results based on the size of files", long_help, verbatim_doc_comment, )] pub size: Vec, /// Filter results based on the file modification time. Files with modification times /// greater than the argument are returned. The argument can be provided /// as a specific point in time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) or as a duration (10h, 1d, 35min). /// If the time is not specified, it defaults to 00:00:00. /// '--change-newer-than', '--newer', or '--changed-after' can be used as aliases. /// /// Examples: /// {n} --changed-within 2weeks /// {n} --change-newer-than '2018-10-27 10:00:00' /// {n} --newer 2018-10-27 /// {n} --changed-after 1day #[arg( long, alias("change-newer-than"), alias("newer"), alias("changed-after"), value_name = "date|dur", help = "Filter by file modification time (newer than)", long_help )] pub changed_within: Option, /// Filter results based on the file modification time. Files with modification times /// less than the argument are returned. The argument can be provided /// as a specific point in time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) or as a duration (10h, 1d, 35min). /// '--change-older-than' or '--older' can be used as aliases. /// /// Examples: /// {n} --changed-before '2018-10-27 10:00:00' /// {n} --change-older-than 2weeks /// {n} --older 2018-10-27 #[arg( long, alias("change-older-than"), alias("older"), value_name = "date|dur", help = "Filter by file modification time (older than)", long_help )] pub changed_before: Option, /// Filter files by their user and/or group. /// Format: [(user|uid)][:(group|gid)]. Either side is optional. /// Precede either side with a '!' to exclude files instead. /// /// Examples: /// {n} --owner john /// {n} --owner :students /// {n} --owner '!john:students' #[cfg(unix)] #[arg(long, short = 'o', value_parser = OwnerFilter::from_string, value_name = "user:group", help = "Filter by owning user and/or group", long_help, )] pub owner: Option, #[command(flatten)] pub exec: Exec, /// Maximum number of arguments to pass to the command given with -X. /// If the number of results is greater than the given size, /// the command given with -X is run again with remaining arguments. /// A batch size of zero means there is no limit (default), but note /// that batching might still happen due to OS restrictions on the /// maximum length of command lines. #[arg( long, value_name = "size", hide_short_help = true, requires("exec_batch"), value_parser = value_parser!(usize), default_value_t, help = "Max number of arguments to run as a batch size with -X", long_help, )] pub batch_size: usize, /// Add a custom ignore-file in '.gitignore' format. These files have a low precedence. #[arg( long, value_name = "path", hide_short_help = true, help = "Add a custom ignore-file in '.gitignore' format", long_help )] pub ignore_file: Vec, /// Declare when to use color for the pattern match output #[arg( long, short = 'c', value_enum, default_value_t = ColorWhen::Auto, value_name = "when", help = "When to use colors", long_help, )] pub color: ColorWhen, /// Set number of threads to use for searching & executing (default: number /// of available CPU cores) #[arg(long, short = 'j', value_name = "num", hide_short_help = true, value_parser = clap::value_parser!(u32).range(1..))] pub threads: Option, /// Milliseconds to buffer before streaming search results to console /// /// Amount of time in milliseconds to buffer, before streaming the search /// results to the console. #[arg(long, hide = true, value_parser = parse_millis)] pub max_buffer_time: Option, ///Limit the number of search results to 'count' and quit immediately. #[arg( long, value_name = "count", hide_short_help = true, overrides_with("max_one_result"), help = "Limit the number of search results", long_help )] max_results: Option, /// Limit the search to a single result and quit immediately. /// This is an alias for '--max-results=1'. #[arg( short = '1', hide_short_help = true, overrides_with("max_results"), help = "Limit search to a single result", long_help )] max_one_result: bool, /// When the flag is present, the program does not print anything and will /// return with an exit code of 0 if there is at least one match. Otherwise, the /// exit code will be 1. /// '--has-results' can be used as an alias. #[arg( long, short = 'q', alias = "has-results", hide_short_help = true, conflicts_with("max_results"), help = "Print nothing, exit code 0 if match found, 1 otherwise", long_help )] pub quiet: bool, /// Enable the display of filesystem errors for situations such as /// insufficient permissions or dead symlinks. #[arg( long, hide_short_help = true, help = "Show filesystem errors", long_help )] pub show_errors: bool, /// Change the current working directory of fd to the provided path. This /// means that search results will be shown with respect to the given base /// path. Note that relative paths which are passed to fd via the positional /// argument or the '--search-path' option will also be resolved /// relative to this directory. #[arg( long, value_name = "path", hide_short_help = true, help = "Change current working directory", long_help )] pub base_directory: Option, /// the search pattern which is either a regular expression (default) or a glob /// pattern (if --glob is used). If no pattern has been specified, every entry /// is considered a match. If your pattern starts with a dash (-), make sure to /// pass '--' first, or it will be considered as a flag (fd -- '-foo'). #[arg( default_value = "", hide_default_value = true, value_name = "pattern", help = "the search pattern (a regular expression, unless '--glob' is used; optional)", long_help )] pub pattern: String, /// Set the path separator to use when printing file paths. The default is /// the OS-specific separator ('/' on Unix, '\' on Windows). #[arg( long, value_name = "separator", hide_short_help = true, help = "Set path separator when printing file paths", long_help )] pub path_separator: Option, /// The directory where the filesystem search is rooted (optional). If /// omitted, search the current working directory. #[arg(action = ArgAction::Append, value_name = "path", help = "the root directories for the filesystem search (optional)", long_help, )] path: Vec, /// Provide paths to search as an alternative to the positional /// argument. Changes the usage to `fd [OPTIONS] --search-path /// --search-path []` #[arg( long, conflicts_with("path"), value_name = "search-path", hide_short_help = true, help = "Provides paths to search as an alternative to the positional argument", long_help )] search_path: Vec, /// By default, relative paths are prefixed with './' when -x/--exec, /// -X/--exec-batch, or -0/--print0 are given, to reduce the risk of a /// path starting with '-' being treated as a command line option. Use /// this flag to disable this behaviour. #[arg(long, conflicts_with_all(&["path", "search_path"]), hide_short_help = true, long_help)] pub strip_cwd_prefix: bool, /// By default, fd will traverse the file system tree as far as other options /// dictate. With this flag, fd ensures that it does not descend into a /// different file system than the one it started in. Comparable to the -mount /// or -xdev filters of find(1). #[cfg(any(unix, windows))] #[arg(long, aliases(&["mount", "xdev"]), hide_short_help = true, long_help)] pub one_file_system: bool, #[cfg(feature = "completions")] #[arg(long, hide = true, exclusive = true)] gen_completions: Option>, } impl Opts { pub fn search_paths(&self) -> anyhow::Result> { // would it make sense to concatenate these? let paths = if !self.path.is_empty() { &self.path } else if !self.search_path.is_empty() { &self.search_path } else { let current_directory = Path::new("."); ensure_current_directory_exists(current_directory)?; return Ok(vec![self.normalize_path(current_directory)]); }; Ok(paths .iter() .filter_map(|path| { if filesystem::is_existing_directory(path) { Some(self.normalize_path(path)) } else { print_error(format!( "Search path '{}' is not a directory.", path.to_string_lossy() )); None } }) .collect()) } fn normalize_path(&self, path: &Path) -> PathBuf { if self.absolute_path { filesystem::absolute_path(path.normalize().unwrap().as_path()).unwrap() } else { path.to_path_buf() } } pub fn no_search_paths(&self) -> bool { self.path.is_empty() && self.search_path.is_empty() } #[inline] pub fn rg_alias_ignore(&self) -> bool { self.rg_alias_hidden_ignore > 0 } pub fn max_depth(&self) -> Option { self.max_depth.or(self.exact_depth) } pub fn min_depth(&self) -> Option { self.min_depth.or(self.exact_depth) } pub fn threads(&self) -> usize { // This will panic if the number of threads passed in is more than usize::MAX in an environment // where usize is less than 32 bits (for example 16-bit architectures). It's pretty // unlikely fd will be running in such an environment, and even more unlikely someone would // be trying to use that many threads on such an environment, so I think panicing is an // appropriate way to handle that. std::cmp::max( self.threads .map_or_else(num_cpus::get, |n| n.try_into().expect("too many threads")), 1, ) } pub fn max_results(&self) -> Option { self.max_results .filter(|&m| m > 0) .or_else(|| self.max_one_result.then_some(1)) } #[cfg(feature = "completions")] pub fn gen_completions(&self) -> anyhow::Result> { self.gen_completions .map(|maybe_shell| match maybe_shell { Some(sh) => Ok(sh), None => { Shell::from_env().ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Unable to get shell from environment")) } }) .transpose() } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, ValueEnum)] pub enum FileType { #[value(alias = "f")] File, #[value(alias = "d")] Directory, #[value(alias = "l")] Symlink, #[value(alias = "b")] BlockDevice, #[value(alias = "c")] CharDevice, /// A file which is executable by the current effective user #[value(alias = "x")] Executable, #[value(alias = "e")] Empty, #[value(alias = "s")] Socket, #[value(alias = "p")] Pipe, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, ValueEnum)] pub enum ColorWhen { /// show colors if the output goes to an interactive console (default) Auto, /// always use colorized output Always, /// do not use colorized output Never, } impl ColorWhen { pub fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str { use ColorWhen::*; match *self { Auto => "auto", Never => "never", Always => "always", } } } // there isn't a derive api for getting grouped values yet, // so we have to use hand-rolled parsing for exec and exec-batch pub struct Exec { pub command: Option, } impl clap::FromArgMatches for Exec { fn from_arg_matches(matches: &ArgMatches) -> clap::error::Result { let command = matches .get_occurrences::("exec") .map(CommandSet::new) .or_else(|| { matches .get_occurrences::("exec_batch") .map(CommandSet::new_batch) }) .transpose() .map_err(|e| clap::Error::raw(ErrorKind::InvalidValue, e))?; Ok(Exec { command }) } fn update_from_arg_matches(&mut self, matches: &ArgMatches) -> clap::error::Result<()> { *self = Self::from_arg_matches(matches)?; Ok(()) } } impl clap::Args for Exec { fn augment_args(cmd: Command) -> Command { cmd.arg(Arg::new("exec") .action(ArgAction::Append) .long("exec") .short('x') .num_args(1..) .allow_hyphen_values(true) .value_terminator(";") .value_name("cmd") .conflicts_with("list_details") .help("Execute a command for each search result") .long_help( "Execute a command for each search result in parallel (use --threads=1 for sequential command execution). \ All positional arguments following --exec are considered to be arguments to the command - not to fd. \ It is therefore recommended to place the '-x'/'--exec' option last.\n\ The following placeholders are substituted before the command is executed:\n \ '{}': path (of the current search result)\n \ '{/}': basename\n \ '{//}': parent directory\n \ '{.}': path without file extension\n \ '{/.}': basename without file extension\n \ '{{': literal '{' (for escaping)\n \ '}}': literal '}' (for escaping)\n\n\ If no placeholder is present, an implicit \"{}\" at the end is assumed.\n\n\ Examples:\n\n \ - find all *.zip files and unzip them:\n\n \ fd -e zip -x unzip\n\n \ - find *.h and *.cpp files and run \"clang-format -i ..\" for each of them:\n\n \ fd -e h -e cpp -x clang-format -i\n\n \ - Convert all *.jpg files to *.png files:\n\n \ fd -e jpg -x convert {} {.}.png\ ", ), ) .arg( Arg::new("exec_batch") .action(ArgAction::Append) .long("exec-batch") .short('X') .num_args(1..) .allow_hyphen_values(true) .value_terminator(";") .value_name("cmd") .conflicts_with_all(["exec", "list_details"]) .help("Execute a command with all search results at once") .long_help( "Execute the given command once, with all search results as arguments.\n\ One of the following placeholders is substituted before the command is executed:\n \ '{}': path (of all search results)\n \ '{/}': basename\n \ '{//}': parent directory\n \ '{.}': path without file extension\n \ '{/.}': basename without file extension\n \ '{{': literal '{' (for escaping)\n \ '}}': literal '}' (for escaping)\n\n\ If no placeholder is present, an implicit \"{}\" at the end is assumed.\n\n\ Examples:\n\n \ - Find all test_*.py files and open them in your favorite editor:\n\n \ fd -g 'test_*.py' -X vim\n\n \ - Find all *.rs files and count the lines with \"wc -l ...\":\n\n \ fd -e rs -X wc -l\ " ), ) } fn augment_args_for_update(cmd: Command) -> Command { Self::augment_args(cmd) } } fn parse_millis(arg: &str) -> Result { Ok(Duration::from_millis(arg.parse()?)) } fn ensure_current_directory_exists(current_directory: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<()> { if filesystem::is_existing_directory(current_directory) { Ok(()) } else { Err(anyhow!( "Could not retrieve current directory (has it been deleted?)." )) } }