use std; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::io; use std::io::Write; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process; #[cfg(unix)] use std::os::unix; #[cfg(windows)] use std::os::windows; extern crate diff; extern crate tempdir; use self::tempdir::TempDir; /// Environment for the integration tests. pub struct TestEnv { /// Temporary working directory. temp_dir: TempDir, /// Path to the *fd* executable. fd_exe: PathBuf, } /// Create the working directory and the test files. fn create_working_directory() -> Result { let temp_dir = TempDir::new("fd-tests")?; { let root = temp_dir.path(); fs::create_dir_all(root.join("one/two/three"))?; fs::File::create(root.join(""))?; fs::File::create(root.join("one/"))?; fs::File::create(root.join("one/two/"))?; fs::File::create(root.join("one/two/C.Foo2"))?; fs::File::create(root.join("one/two/three/"))?; fs::create_dir(root.join("one/two/three/directory_foo"))?; fs::File::create(root.join(""))?; fs::File::create(root.join(""))?; #[cfg(unix)] unix::fs::symlink(root.join("one/two"), root.join("symlink"))?; #[cfg(windows)] windows::fs::symlink_dir(root.join("one/two"), root.join("symlink"))?; fs::File::create(root.join(".ignore"))?.write_all(b"")?; } Ok(temp_dir) } /// Find the *fd* executable. fn find_fd_exe() -> PathBuf { // Tests exe is in target/debug/deps, the *fd* exe is in target/debug let root = env::current_exe().expect("tests executable") .parent().expect("tests executable directory") .parent().expect("fd executable directory") .to_path_buf(); let exe_name = if cfg!(windows) { "fd.exe" } else { "fd" }; root.join(exe_name) } /// Format an error message for when *fd* did not exit successfully. fn format_exit_error(args: &[&str], output: &process::Output) -> String { format!( "`fd {}` did not exit successfully.\nstdout:\n---\n{}---\nstderr:\n---\n{}---", args.join(" "), String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr)) } /// Format an error message for when the output of *fd* did not match the expected output. fn format_output_error(args: &[&str], expected: &str, actual: &str) -> String { // Generate diff text. let diff_text = diff::lines(expected, actual) .into_iter() .map(|diff| { match diff { diff::Result::Left(l) => format!("-{}", l), diff::Result::Both(l, _) => format!(" {}", l), diff::Result::Right(r) => format!("+{}", r), } }) .collect::>() .join("\n"); format!( concat!( "`fd {}` did not produce the expected output.\n", "Showing diff between expected and actual:\n{}\n"), args.join(" "), diff_text) } /// Normalize the output for comparison. fn normalize_output(s: &str, trim_left: bool) -> String { // Split into lines and normalize separators. let mut lines = s .replace('\0', "NULL\n") .lines() .map(|line| { let line = if trim_left { line.trim_left() } else { line }; line.replace('/', &std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR.to_string()) }) .collect::>(); // Sort ignoring case. lines.sort_by_key(|s| s.to_lowercase()); lines.join("\n") } impl TestEnv { pub fn new() -> TestEnv { let temp_dir = create_working_directory().expect("working directory"); let fd_exe = find_fd_exe(); TestEnv { temp_dir: temp_dir, fd_exe: fd_exe, } } /// Get the root directory for the tests. pub fn root(&self) -> PathBuf { self.temp_dir.path().to_path_buf() } /// Assert that calling *fd* with the specified arguments produces the expected output. pub fn assert_output(&self, args: &[&str], expected: &str) { self.assert_output_subdirectory(".", args, expected) } /// Assert that calling *fd* in the specified path under the root working directory, /// and with the specified arguments produces the expected output. pub fn assert_output_subdirectory>(&self, path: P, args: &[&str], expected: &str) { // Setup *fd* command. let mut cmd = process::Command::new(&self.fd_exe); cmd.current_dir(self.temp_dir.path().join(path)); cmd.args(args); // Run *fd*. let output = cmd.output().expect("fd output"); // Check for exit status. if !output.status.success() { panic!(format_exit_error(args, &output)); } // Normalize both expected and actual output. let expected = normalize_output(expected, true); let actual = normalize_output(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout), false); // Compare actual output to expected output. if expected != actual { panic!(format_output_error(args, &expected, &actual)); } } }