use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use nix::unistd::{Group, User}; use std::fs; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct OwnerFilter { uid: Check, gid: Check, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Check { Equal(T), NotEq(T), Ignore, } impl OwnerFilter { const IGNORE: Self = OwnerFilter { uid: Check::Ignore, gid: Check::Ignore, }; /// Parses an owner constraint /// Returns an error if the string is invalid /// Returns Ok(None) when string is acceptable but a noop (such as "" or ":") pub fn from_string(input: &str) -> Result { let mut it = input.split(':'); let (fst, snd) = (,; if { return Err(anyhow!( "more than one ':' present in owner string '{}'. See 'fd --help'.", input )); } let uid = Check::parse(fst, |s| { if let Ok(uid) = s.parse() { Ok(uid) } else { User::from_name(s)? .map(|user| user.uid.as_raw()) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("'{}' is not a recognized user name", s)) } })?; let gid = Check::parse(snd, |s| { if let Ok(gid) = s.parse() { Ok(gid) } else { Group::from_name(s)? .map(|group| group.gid.as_raw()) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("'{}' is not a recognized group name", s)) } })?; Ok(OwnerFilter { uid, gid }) } /// If self is a no-op (ignore both uid and gid) then return `None`, otherwise wrap in a `Some` pub fn filter_ignore(self) -> Option { if self == Self::IGNORE { None } else { Some(self) } } pub fn matches(&self, md: &fs::Metadata) -> bool { use std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt; self.uid.check(md.uid()) && self.gid.check(md.gid()) } } impl Check { fn check(&self, v: T) -> bool { match self { Check::Equal(x) => v == *x, Check::NotEq(x) => v != *x, Check::Ignore => true, } } fn parse(s: Option<&str>, f: F) -> Result where F: Fn(&str) -> Result, { let (s, equality) = match s { Some("") | None => return Ok(Check::Ignore), Some(s) if s.starts_with('!') => (&s[1..], false), Some(s) => (s, true), }; f(s).map(|x| { if equality { Check::Equal(x) } else { Check::NotEq(x) } }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod owner_parsing { use super::OwnerFilter; macro_rules! owner_tests { ($($name:ident: $value:expr => $result:pat,)*) => { $( #[test] fn $name() { let o = OwnerFilter::from_string($value); match o { $result => {}, _ => panic!("{:?} does not match {}", o, stringify!($result)), } } )* }; } use super::Check::*; owner_tests! { empty: "" => Ok(OwnerFilter::IGNORE), uid_only: "5" => Ok(OwnerFilter { uid: Equal(5), gid: Ignore }), uid_gid: "9:3" => Ok(OwnerFilter { uid: Equal(9), gid: Equal(3) }), gid_only: ":8" => Ok(OwnerFilter { uid: Ignore, gid: Equal(8) }), colon_only: ":" => Ok(OwnerFilter::IGNORE), trailing: "5:" => Ok(OwnerFilter { uid: Equal(5), gid: Ignore }), uid_negate: "!5" => Ok(OwnerFilter { uid: NotEq(5), gid: Ignore }), both_negate:"!4:!3" => Ok(OwnerFilter { uid: NotEq(4), gid: NotEq(3) }), uid_not_gid:"6:!8" => Ok(OwnerFilter { uid: Equal(6), gid: NotEq(8) }), more_colons:"3:5:" => Err(_), only_colons:"::" => Err(_), } }