// Copyright (c) 2017 fd developers // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // // or the MIT license , // at your option. All files in the project carrying such // notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except // according to those terms. //! Integration tests for the CLI interface of fd. mod testenv; use crate::testenv::TestEnv; use regex::escape; use std::fs; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime}; static DEFAULT_DIRS: &'static [&'static str] = &["one/two/three", "one/two/three/directory_foo"]; static DEFAULT_FILES: &'static [&'static str] = &[ "a.foo", "one/b.foo", "one/two/c.foo", "one/two/C.Foo2", "one/two/three/d.foo", "fdignored.foo", "gitignored.foo", ".hidden.foo", "e1 e2", ]; fn get_absolute_root_path(env: &TestEnv) -> String { let path = env .test_root() .canonicalize() .expect("absolute path") .to_str() .expect("string") .to_string(); #[cfg(windows)] let path = path.trim_start_matches(r"\\?\").to_string(); path } #[cfg(test)] fn get_test_env_with_abs_path(dirs: &[&'static str], files: &[&'static str]) -> (TestEnv, String) { let env = TestEnv::new(dirs, files); let root_path = get_absolute_root_path(&env); (env, root_path) } #[cfg(test)] fn create_file_with_size>(path: P, size_in_bytes: usize) { let content = "#".repeat(size_in_bytes); let mut f = fs::File::create::

(path).unwrap(); f.write(content.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } /// Simple tests #[test] fn test_simple() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output(&["a.foo"], "a.foo"); te.assert_output(&["b.foo"], "one/b.foo"); te.assert_output(&["d.foo"], "one/two/three/d.foo"); te.assert_output( &["foo"], "a.foo one/b.foo one/two/c.foo one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/three/d.foo one/two/three/directory_foo", ); te.assert_output( &[], "a.foo e1 e2 one one/b.foo one/two one/two/c.foo one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/three one/two/three/d.foo one/two/three/directory_foo symlink", ); } /// Test multiple directory searches #[test] fn test_multi_file() { let dirs = &["test1", "test2"]; let files = &["test1/a.foo", "test1/b.foo", "test2/a.foo"]; let te = TestEnv::new(dirs, files); te.assert_output( &["a.foo", "test1", "test2"], "test1/a.foo test2/a.foo", ); te.assert_output( &["", "test1", "test2"], "test1/a.foo test2/a.foo test1/b.foo", ); te.assert_output(&["a.foo", "test1"], "test1/a.foo"); te.assert_output(&["b.foo", "test1", "test2"], "test1/b.foo"); } /// Explicit root path #[test] fn test_explicit_root_path() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["foo", "one"], "one/b.foo one/two/c.foo one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/three/d.foo one/two/three/directory_foo", ); te.assert_output( &["foo", "one/two/three"], "one/two/three/d.foo one/two/three/directory_foo", ); te.assert_output_subdirectory( "one/two", &["foo", "../../"], "../../a.foo ../../one/b.foo ../../one/two/c.foo ../../one/two/C.Foo2 ../../one/two/three/d.foo ../../one/two/three/directory_foo", ); te.assert_output_subdirectory( "one/two/three", &["", ".."], "../c.foo ../C.Foo2 ../three ../three/d.foo ../three/directory_foo", ); } /// Regex searches #[test] fn test_regex_searches() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["[a-c].foo"], "a.foo one/b.foo one/two/c.foo one/two/C.Foo2", ); te.assert_output( &["--case-sensitive", "[a-c].foo"], "a.foo one/b.foo one/two/c.foo", ); } /// Smart case #[test] fn test_smart_case() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["c.foo"], "one/two/c.foo one/two/C.Foo2", ); te.assert_output(&["C.Foo"], "one/two/C.Foo2"); te.assert_output(&["Foo"], "one/two/C.Foo2"); // Only literal uppercase chars should trigger case sensitivity. te.assert_output( &["\\Ac"], "one/two/c.foo one/two/C.Foo2", ); te.assert_output(&["\\AC"], "one/two/C.Foo2"); } /// Case sensitivity (--case-sensitive) #[test] fn test_case_sensitive() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output(&["--case-sensitive", "c.foo"], "one/two/c.foo"); te.assert_output(&["--case-sensitive", "C.Foo"], "one/two/C.Foo2"); te.assert_output( &["--ignore-case", "--case-sensitive", "C.Foo"], "one/two/C.Foo2", ); } /// Case insensitivity (--ignore-case) #[test] fn test_case_insensitive() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["--ignore-case", "C.Foo"], "one/two/c.foo one/two/C.Foo2", ); te.assert_output( &["--case-sensitive", "--ignore-case", "C.Foo"], "one/two/c.foo one/two/C.Foo2", ); } /// Glob-based searches (--glob) #[test] fn test_glob_searches() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["--glob", "*.foo"], "a.foo one/b.foo one/two/c.foo one/two/three/d.foo", ); te.assert_output( &["--glob", "[a-c].foo"], "a.foo one/b.foo one/two/c.foo", ); te.assert_output( &["--glob", "[a-c].foo*"], "a.foo one/b.foo one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/c.foo", ); } /// Glob-based searches (--glob) in combination with full path searches (--full-path) #[cfg(not(windows))] // TODO: make this work on Windows #[test] fn test_full_path_glob_searches() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["--glob", "--full-path", "**/one/**/*.foo"], "one/b.foo one/two/c.foo one/two/three/d.foo", ); } #[test] fn test_smart_case_glob_searches() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["--glob", "c.foo*"], "one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/c.foo", ); te.assert_output(&["--glob", "C.Foo*"], "one/two/C.Foo2"); } /// Glob-based searches (--glob) in combination with --case-sensitive #[test] fn test_case_sensitive_glob_searches() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output(&["--glob", "--case-sensitive", "c.foo*"], "one/two/c.foo"); } /// Glob-based searches (--glob) in combination with --extension #[test] fn test_glob_searches_with_extension() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["--glob", "--extension", "foo2", "[a-z].*"], "one/two/C.Foo2", ); } /// Make sure that --regex overrides --glob #[test] fn test_regex_overrides_glob() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output(&["--glob", "--regex", "Foo2$"], "one/two/C.Foo2"); } /// Full path search (--full-path) #[test] fn test_full_path() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); let root = te.system_root(); let prefix = escape(&root.to_string_lossy()); te.assert_output( &[ "--full-path", &format!("^{prefix}.*three.*foo$", prefix = prefix), ], "one/two/three/d.foo one/two/three/directory_foo", ); } /// Hidden files (--hidden) #[test] fn test_hidden() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["--hidden", "foo"], ".hidden.foo a.foo one/b.foo one/two/c.foo one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/three/d.foo one/two/three/directory_foo", ); } /// Hidden file attribute on Windows #[cfg(windows)] #[test] fn test_hidden_file_attribute() { use std::os::windows::fs::OpenOptionsExt; let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/fileapi/nf-fileapi-setfileattributesa const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN: u32 = 2; fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .write(true) .attributes(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) .open(te.test_root().join("hidden-file.txt")) .unwrap(); te.assert_output(&["--hidden", "hidden-file.txt"], "hidden-file.txt"); te.assert_output(&["hidden-file.txt"], ""); } /// Ignored files (--no-ignore) #[test] fn test_no_ignore() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["--no-ignore", "foo"], "a.foo fdignored.foo gitignored.foo one/b.foo one/two/c.foo one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/three/d.foo one/two/three/directory_foo", ); te.assert_output( &["--hidden", "--no-ignore", "foo"], ".hidden.foo a.foo fdignored.foo gitignored.foo one/b.foo one/two/c.foo one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/three/d.foo one/two/three/directory_foo", ); } /// .gitignore and .fdignore #[test] fn test_gitignore_and_fdignore() { let files = &[ "ignored-by-nothing", "ignored-by-fdignore", "ignored-by-gitignore", "ignored-by-both", ]; let te = TestEnv::new(&[], files); fs::File::create(te.test_root().join(".fdignore")) .unwrap() .write_all(b"ignored-by-fdignore\nignored-by-both") .unwrap(); fs::File::create(te.test_root().join(".gitignore")) .unwrap() .write_all(b"ignored-by-gitignore\nignored-by-both") .unwrap(); te.assert_output(&["ignored"], "ignored-by-nothing"); te.assert_output( &["--no-ignore-vcs", "ignored"], "ignored-by-nothing ignored-by-gitignore", ); te.assert_output( &["--no-ignore", "ignored"], "ignored-by-nothing ignored-by-fdignore ignored-by-gitignore ignored-by-both", ); } /// Precedence of .fdignore files #[test] fn test_custom_ignore_precedence() { let dirs = &["inner"]; let files = &["inner/foo"]; let te = TestEnv::new(dirs, files); // Ignore 'foo' via .gitignore fs::File::create(te.test_root().join("inner/.gitignore")) .unwrap() .write_all(b"foo") .unwrap(); // Whitelist 'foo' via .fdignore fs::File::create(te.test_root().join(".fdignore")) .unwrap() .write_all(b"!foo") .unwrap(); te.assert_output(&["foo"], "inner/foo"); te.assert_output(&["--no-ignore-vcs", "foo"], "inner/foo"); te.assert_output(&["--no-ignore", "foo"], "inner/foo"); } /// VCS ignored files (--no-ignore-vcs) #[test] fn test_no_ignore_vcs() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["--no-ignore-vcs", "foo"], "a.foo gitignored.foo one/b.foo one/two/c.foo one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/three/d.foo one/two/three/directory_foo", ); } /// Custom ignore files (--ignore-file) #[test] fn test_custom_ignore_files() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); // Ignore 'C.Foo2' and everything in 'three'. fs::File::create(te.test_root().join("custom.ignore")) .unwrap() .write_all(b"C.Foo2\nthree") .unwrap(); te.assert_output( &["--ignore-file", "custom.ignore", "foo"], "a.foo one/b.foo one/two/c.foo", ); } /// Ignored files with ripgrep aliases (-u / -uu) #[test] fn test_no_ignore_aliases() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["-u", "foo"], "a.foo fdignored.foo gitignored.foo one/b.foo one/two/c.foo one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/three/d.foo one/two/three/directory_foo", ); te.assert_output( &["-uu", "foo"], ".hidden.foo a.foo fdignored.foo gitignored.foo one/b.foo one/two/c.foo one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/three/d.foo one/two/three/directory_foo", ); } /// Symlinks (--follow) #[test] fn test_follow() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["--follow", "c.foo"], "one/two/c.foo one/two/C.Foo2 symlink/c.foo symlink/C.Foo2", ); } // File system boundaries (--one-file-system) // Limited to Unix because, to the best of my knowledge, there is no easy way to test a use case // file systems mounted into the tree on Windows. // Not limiting depth causes massive delay under Darwin, see BurntSushi/ripgrep#1429 #[test] #[cfg(unix)] fn test_file_system_boundaries() { // Helper function to get the device ID for a given path // Inspired by https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/blob/8892bf648cfec111e6e7ddd9f30e932b0371db68/ignore/src/walk.rs#L1693 fn device_num(path: impl AsRef) -> u64 { use std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt; path.as_ref().metadata().map(|md| md.dev()).unwrap() } // Can't simulate file system boundaries let te = TestEnv::new(&[], &[]); let dev_null = Path::new("/dev/null"); // /dev/null should exist in all sane Unixes. Skip if it doesn't exist for some reason. // Also skip should it be on the same device as the root partition for some reason. if !dev_null.is_file() || device_num(dev_null) == device_num("/") { return; } te.assert_output( &["--full-path", "--max-depth", "2", "^/dev/null$", "/"], "/dev/null", ); te.assert_output( &[ "--one-file-system", "--full-path", "--max-depth", "2", "^/dev/null$", "/", ], "", ); } #[test] fn test_follow_broken_symlink() { let mut te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.create_broken_symlink("broken_symlink") .expect("Failed to create broken symlink."); te.assert_output( &["symlink"], "broken_symlink symlink", ); te.assert_output( &["--type", "symlink", "symlink"], "broken_symlink symlink", ); te.assert_output(&["--type", "file", "symlink"], ""); te.assert_output( &["--follow", "--type", "symlink", "symlink"], "broken_symlink", ); te.assert_output(&["--follow", "--type", "file", "symlink"], ""); } /// Null separator (--print0) #[test] fn test_print0() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["--print0", "foo"], "a.fooNULL one/b.fooNULL one/two/C.Foo2NULL one/two/c.fooNULL one/two/three/d.fooNULL one/two/three/directory_fooNULL", ); } /// Maximum depth (--max-depth) #[test] fn test_max_depth() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["--max-depth", "3"], "a.foo e1 e2 one one/b.foo one/two one/two/c.foo one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/three symlink", ); te.assert_output( &["--max-depth", "2"], "a.foo e1 e2 one one/b.foo one/two symlink", ); te.assert_output( &["--max-depth", "1"], "a.foo e1 e2 one symlink", ); } /// Absolute paths (--absolute-path) #[test] fn test_absolute_path() { let (te, abs_path) = get_test_env_with_abs_path(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["--absolute-path"], &format!( "{abs_path}/a.foo {abs_path}/e1 e2 {abs_path}/one {abs_path}/one/b.foo {abs_path}/one/two {abs_path}/one/two/c.foo {abs_path}/one/two/C.Foo2 {abs_path}/one/two/three {abs_path}/one/two/three/d.foo {abs_path}/one/two/three/directory_foo {abs_path}/symlink", abs_path = &abs_path ), ); te.assert_output( &["--absolute-path", "foo"], &format!( "{abs_path}/a.foo {abs_path}/one/b.foo {abs_path}/one/two/c.foo {abs_path}/one/two/C.Foo2 {abs_path}/one/two/three/d.foo {abs_path}/one/two/three/directory_foo", abs_path = &abs_path ), ); } /// Show absolute paths if the path argument is absolute #[test] fn test_implicit_absolute_path() { let (te, abs_path) = get_test_env_with_abs_path(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["foo", &abs_path], &format!( "{abs_path}/a.foo {abs_path}/one/b.foo {abs_path}/one/two/c.foo {abs_path}/one/two/C.Foo2 {abs_path}/one/two/three/d.foo {abs_path}/one/two/three/directory_foo", abs_path = &abs_path ), ); } /// Absolute paths should be normalized #[test] fn test_normalized_absolute_path() { let (te, abs_path) = get_test_env_with_abs_path(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output_subdirectory( "one", &["--absolute-path", "foo", ".."], &format!( "{abs_path}/a.foo {abs_path}/one/b.foo {abs_path}/one/two/c.foo {abs_path}/one/two/C.Foo2 {abs_path}/one/two/three/d.foo {abs_path}/one/two/three/directory_foo", abs_path = &abs_path ), ); } /// File type filter (--type) #[test] fn test_type() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["--type", "f"], "a.foo e1 e2 one/b.foo one/two/c.foo one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/three/d.foo", ); te.assert_output(&["--type", "f", "e1"], "e1 e2"); te.assert_output( &["--type", "d"], "one one/two one/two/three one/two/three/directory_foo", ); te.assert_output( &["--type", "d", "--type", "l"], "one one/two one/two/three one/two/three/directory_foo symlink", ); te.assert_output(&["--type", "l"], "symlink"); } /// Test `--type executable` #[cfg(unix)] #[test] fn test_type_executable() { use std::os::unix::fs::OpenOptionsExt; let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .write(true) .mode(0o777) .open(te.test_root().join("executable-file.sh")) .unwrap(); te.assert_output(&["--type", "executable"], "executable-file.sh"); te.assert_output( &["--type", "executable", "--type", "directory"], "executable-file.sh one one/two one/two/three one/two/three/directory_foo", ); } /// Test `--type empty` #[test] fn test_type_empty() { let te = TestEnv::new(&["dir_empty", "dir_nonempty"], &[]); create_file_with_size(te.test_root().join("0_bytes.foo"), 0); create_file_with_size(te.test_root().join("5_bytes.foo"), 5); create_file_with_size(te.test_root().join("dir_nonempty").join("2_bytes.foo"), 2); te.assert_output( &["--type", "empty"], "0_bytes.foo dir_empty", ); te.assert_output( &["--type", "empty", "--type", "file", "--type", "directory"], "0_bytes.foo dir_empty", ); te.assert_output(&["--type", "empty", "--type", "file"], "0_bytes.foo"); te.assert_output(&["--type", "empty", "--type", "directory"], "dir_empty"); } /// File extension (--extension) #[test] fn test_extension() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["--extension", "foo"], "a.foo one/b.foo one/two/c.foo one/two/three/d.foo", ); te.assert_output( &["--extension", ".foo"], "a.foo one/b.foo one/two/c.foo one/two/three/d.foo", ); te.assert_output( &["--extension", ".foo", "--extension", "foo2"], "a.foo one/b.foo one/two/c.foo one/two/three/d.foo one/two/C.Foo2", ); te.assert_output(&["--extension", ".foo", "a"], "a.foo"); te.assert_output(&["--extension", "foo2"], "one/two/C.Foo2"); let te2 = TestEnv::new(&[], &["spam.bar.baz", "egg.bar.baz", "yolk.bar.baz.sig"]); te2.assert_output( &["--extension", ".bar.baz"], "spam.bar.baz egg.bar.baz", ); te2.assert_output(&["--extension", "sig"], "yolk.bar.baz.sig"); te2.assert_output(&["--extension", "bar.baz.sig"], "yolk.bar.baz.sig"); let te3 = TestEnv::new(&[], &["latin1.e\u{301}xt", "smiley.☻"]); te3.assert_output(&["--extension", "☻"], "smiley.☻"); te3.assert_output(&["--extension", ".e\u{301}xt"], "latin1.e\u{301}xt"); let te4 = TestEnv::new(&[], &[".hidden", "test.hidden"]); te4.assert_output(&["--hidden", "--extension", ".hidden"], "test.hidden"); } /// Symlink as search directory #[test] fn test_symlink_as_root() { let mut te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.create_broken_symlink("broken_symlink") .expect("Failed to create broken symlink."); // From: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/getcwd.html // The getcwd() function shall place an absolute pathname of the current working directory in // the array pointed to by buf, and return buf. The pathname shall contain no components that // are dot or dot-dot, or are symbolic links. // // Key points: // 1. The path of the current working directory of a Unix process cannot contain symlinks. // 2. The path of the current working directory of a Windows process can contain symlinks. // // More: // 1. On Windows, symlinks are resolved after the ".." component. // 2. On Unix, symlinks are resolved immediately as encountered. let parent_parent = if cfg!(windows) { ".." } else { "../.." }; te.assert_output_subdirectory( "symlink", &["", parent_parent], &format!( "{dir}/a.foo {dir}/broken_symlink {dir}/e1 e2 {dir}/one {dir}/one/b.foo {dir}/one/two {dir}/one/two/c.foo {dir}/one/two/C.Foo2 {dir}/one/two/three {dir}/one/two/three/d.foo {dir}/one/two/three/directory_foo {dir}/symlink", dir = &parent_parent ), ); } #[test] fn test_symlink_and_absolute_path() { let (te, abs_path) = get_test_env_with_abs_path(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output_subdirectory( "symlink", &["--absolute-path"], &format!( "{abs_path}/one/two/c.foo {abs_path}/one/two/C.Foo2 {abs_path}/one/two/three {abs_path}/one/two/three/d.foo {abs_path}/one/two/three/directory_foo", abs_path = &abs_path ), ); } #[test] fn test_symlink_as_absolute_root() { let (te, abs_path) = get_test_env_with_abs_path(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["", &format!("{abs_path}/symlink", abs_path = abs_path)], &format!( "{abs_path}/symlink/c.foo {abs_path}/symlink/C.Foo2 {abs_path}/symlink/three {abs_path}/symlink/three/d.foo {abs_path}/symlink/three/directory_foo", abs_path = &abs_path ), ); } #[test] fn test_symlink_and_full_path() { let (te, abs_path) = get_test_env_with_abs_path(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); let root = te.system_root(); let prefix = escape(&root.to_string_lossy()); te.assert_output_subdirectory( "symlink", &[ "--absolute-path", "--full-path", &format!("^{prefix}.*three", prefix = prefix), ], &format!( "{abs_path}/one/two/three {abs_path}/one/two/three/d.foo {abs_path}/one/two/three/directory_foo", abs_path = &abs_path ), ); } #[test] fn test_symlink_and_full_path_abs_path() { let (te, abs_path) = get_test_env_with_abs_path(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); let root = te.system_root(); let prefix = escape(&root.to_string_lossy()); te.assert_output( &[ "--full-path", &format!("^{prefix}.*symlink.*three", prefix = prefix), &format!("{abs_path}/symlink", abs_path = abs_path), ], &format!( "{abs_path}/symlink/three {abs_path}/symlink/three/d.foo {abs_path}/symlink/three/directory_foo", abs_path = &abs_path ), ); } /// Exclude patterns (--exclude) #[test] fn test_excludes() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["--exclude", "*.foo"], "one one/two one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/three one/two/three/directory_foo e1 e2 symlink", ); te.assert_output( &["--exclude", "*.foo", "--exclude", "*.Foo2"], "one one/two one/two/three one/two/three/directory_foo e1 e2 symlink", ); te.assert_output( &["--exclude", "*.foo", "--exclude", "*.Foo2", "foo"], "one/two/three/directory_foo", ); te.assert_output( &["--exclude", "one/two", "foo"], "a.foo one/b.foo", ); te.assert_output( &["--exclude", "one/**/*.foo"], "a.foo e1 e2 one one/two one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/three one/two/three/directory_foo symlink", ); } /// Shell script execution (--exec) #[test] fn test_exec() { assert_exec_output("--exec"); } /// Shell script execution using -exec #[test] fn test_exec_substitution() { assert_exec_output("-exec"); } // Shell script execution using -x #[test] fn test_exec_short_arg() { assert_exec_output("-x"); } #[cfg(test)] fn assert_exec_output(exec_style: &str) { let (te, abs_path) = get_test_env_with_abs_path(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); // TODO Windows tests: D:file.txt \file.txt \\server\share\file.txt ... if !cfg!(windows) { te.assert_output( &["--absolute-path", "foo", exec_style, "echo"], &format!( "{abs_path}/a.foo {abs_path}/one/b.foo {abs_path}/one/two/C.Foo2 {abs_path}/one/two/c.foo {abs_path}/one/two/three/d.foo {abs_path}/one/two/three/directory_foo", abs_path = &abs_path ), ); te.assert_output( &["foo", exec_style, "echo", "{}"], "a.foo one/b.foo one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/c.foo one/two/three/d.foo one/two/three/directory_foo", ); te.assert_output( &["foo", exec_style, "echo", "{.}"], "a one/b one/two/C one/two/c one/two/three/d one/two/three/directory_foo", ); te.assert_output( &["foo", exec_style, "echo", "{/}"], "a.foo b.foo C.Foo2 c.foo d.foo directory_foo", ); te.assert_output( &["foo", exec_style, "echo", "{/.}"], "a b C c d directory_foo", ); te.assert_output( &["foo", exec_style, "echo", "{//}"], ". one one/two one/two one/two/three one/two/three", ); te.assert_output(&["e1", exec_style, "printf", "%s.%s\n"], "e1 e2."); } } #[test] fn test_exec_batch() { assert_exec_batch_output("--exec-batch"); } #[test] fn test_exec_batch_short_arg() { assert_exec_batch_output("-X"); } #[cfg(test)] fn assert_exec_batch_output(exec_style: &str) { let (te, abs_path) = get_test_env_with_abs_path(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); let te = te.normalize_line(true); // TODO Test for windows if !cfg!(windows) { te.assert_output( &["--absolute-path", "foo", exec_style, "echo"], &format!( "{abs_path}/a.foo {abs_path}/one/b.foo {abs_path}/one/two/C.Foo2 {abs_path}/one/two/c.foo {abs_path}/one/two/three/d.foo {abs_path}/one/two/three/directory_foo", abs_path = &abs_path ), ); te.assert_output( &["foo", exec_style, "echo", "{}"], "a.foo one/b.foo one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/c.foo one/two/three/d.foo one/two/three/directory_foo", ); te.assert_output( &["foo", exec_style, "echo", "{/}"], "a.foo b.foo C.Foo2 c.foo d.foo directory_foo", ); te.assert_output(&["no_match", exec_style, "echo", "Matched: ", "{/}"], ""); te.assert_error( &["foo", exec_style, "echo", "{}", "{}"], "[fd error]: Only one placeholder allowed for batch commands", ); te.assert_error( &["foo", exec_style, "echo", "{/}", ";", "-x", "echo"], "error: The argument '--exec ' cannot be used with '--exec-batch '", ); te.assert_error( &["foo", exec_style], "error: The argument '--exec-batch ' requires a value but none was supplied", ); te.assert_error( &["foo", exec_style, "echo {}"], "[fd error]: First argument of exec-batch is expected to be a fixed executable", ); } } /// Literal search (--fixed-strings) #[test] fn test_fixed_strings() { let dirs = &["test1", "test2"]; let files = &["test1/a.foo", "test1/a_foo", "test2/Download (1).tar.gz"]; let te = TestEnv::new(dirs, files); // Regex search, dot is treated as "any character" te.assert_output( &["a.foo"], "test1/a.foo test1/a_foo", ); // Literal search, dot is treated as character te.assert_output(&["--fixed-strings", "a.foo"], "test1/a.foo"); // Regex search, parens are treated as group te.assert_output(&["download (1)"], ""); // Literal search, parens are treated as characters te.assert_output( &["--fixed-strings", "download (1)"], "test2/Download (1).tar.gz", ); // Combine with --case-sensitive te.assert_output(&["--fixed-strings", "--case-sensitive", "download (1)"], ""); } /// Filenames with invalid UTF-8 sequences #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] #[test] fn test_invalid_utf8() { use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; let dirs = &["test1"]; let files = &[]; let te = TestEnv::new(dirs, files); fs::File::create( te.test_root() .join(OsStr::from_bytes(b"test1/test_\xFEinvalid.txt")), ) .unwrap(); te.assert_output(&["", "test1/"], "test1/test_�invalid.txt"); te.assert_output(&["invalid", "test1/"], "test1/test_�invalid.txt"); // Should not be found under a different extension te.assert_output(&["-e", "zip", "", "test1/"], ""); } /// Filtering for file size (--size) #[test] fn test_size() { let te = TestEnv::new(&[], &[]); create_file_with_size(te.test_root().join("0_bytes.foo"), 0); create_file_with_size(te.test_root().join("11_bytes.foo"), 11); create_file_with_size(te.test_root().join("30_bytes.foo"), 30); create_file_with_size(te.test_root().join("3_kilobytes.foo"), 3 * 1000); create_file_with_size(te.test_root().join("4_kibibytes.foo"), 4 * 1024); // Zero and non-zero sized files. te.assert_output( &["", "--size", "+0B"], "0_bytes.foo 11_bytes.foo 30_bytes.foo 3_kilobytes.foo 4_kibibytes.foo", ); // Zero sized files. te.assert_output(&["", "--size", "-0B"], "0_bytes.foo"); // Files with 2 bytes or more. te.assert_output( &["", "--size", "+2B"], "11_bytes.foo 30_bytes.foo 3_kilobytes.foo 4_kibibytes.foo", ); // Files with 2 bytes or less. te.assert_output(&["", "--size", "-2B"], "0_bytes.foo"); // Files with size between 1 byte and 11 bytes. te.assert_output(&["", "--size", "+1B", "--size", "-11B"], "11_bytes.foo"); // Files with size between 1 byte and 30 bytes. te.assert_output( &["", "--size", "+1B", "--size", "-30B"], "11_bytes.foo 30_bytes.foo", ); // Combine with a search pattern te.assert_output(&["^11_", "--size", "+1B", "--size", "-30B"], "11_bytes.foo"); // Files with size between 12 and 30 bytes. te.assert_output(&["", "--size", "+12B", "--size", "-30B"], "30_bytes.foo"); // Files with size between 31 and 100 bytes. te.assert_output(&["", "--size", "+31B", "--size", "-100B"], ""); // Files with size between 3 kibibytes and 5 kibibytes. te.assert_output(&["", "--size", "+3ki", "--size", "-5ki"], "4_kibibytes.foo"); // Files with size between 3 kilobytes and 5 kilobytes. te.assert_output( &["", "--size", "+3k", "--size", "-5k"], "3_kilobytes.foo 4_kibibytes.foo", ); // Files with size greater than 3 kilobytes and less than 3 kibibytes. te.assert_output(&["", "--size", "+3k", "--size", "-3ki"], "3_kilobytes.foo"); // Files with size equal 4 kibibytes. te.assert_output(&["", "--size", "+4ki", "--size", "-4ki"], "4_kibibytes.foo"); } #[cfg(test)] fn create_file_with_modified>(path: P, duration_in_secs: u64) { let st = SystemTime::now() - Duration::from_secs(duration_in_secs); let ft = filetime::FileTime::from_system_time(st); fs::File::create(&path).expect("creation failed"); filetime::set_file_times(&path, ft, ft).expect("time modification failed"); } #[test] fn test_modified_relative() { let te = TestEnv::new(&[], &[]); create_file_with_modified(te.test_root().join("foo_0_now"), 0); create_file_with_modified(te.test_root().join("bar_1_min"), 60); create_file_with_modified(te.test_root().join("foo_10_min"), 600); create_file_with_modified(te.test_root().join("bar_1_h"), 60 * 60); create_file_with_modified(te.test_root().join("foo_2_h"), 2 * 60 * 60); create_file_with_modified(te.test_root().join("bar_1_day"), 24 * 60 * 60); te.assert_output( &["", "--changed-within", "15min"], "foo_0_now bar_1_min foo_10_min", ); te.assert_output( &["", "--change-older-than", "15min"], "bar_1_h foo_2_h bar_1_day", ); te.assert_output( &["foo", "--changed-within", "12h"], "foo_0_now foo_10_min foo_2_h", ); } #[cfg(test)] fn change_file_modified>(path: P, iso_date: &str) { let st = humantime::parse_rfc3339(iso_date).expect("invalid date"); let ft = filetime::FileTime::from_system_time(st); filetime::set_file_times(path, ft, ft).expect("time modification failde"); } #[test] fn test_modified_asolute() { let te = TestEnv::new(&[], &["15mar2018", "30dec2017"]); change_file_modified(te.test_root().join("15mar2018"), "2018-03-15T12:00:00Z"); change_file_modified(te.test_root().join("30dec2017"), "2017-12-30T23:59:00Z"); te.assert_output( &["", "--change-newer-than", "2018-01-01 00:00:00"], "15mar2018", ); te.assert_output( &["", "--changed-before", "2018-01-01 00:00:00"], "30dec2017", ); } #[test] fn test_custom_path_separator() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["foo", "one", "--path-separator", "="], "one=b.foo one=two=c.foo one=two=C.Foo2 one=two=three=d.foo one=two=three=directory_foo", ); } #[test] fn test_base_directory() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); te.assert_output( &["--base-directory", "one"], "b.foo two two/c.foo two/C.Foo2 two/three two/three/d.foo two/three/directory_foo", ); te.assert_output( &["--base-directory", "one/two", "foo"], "c.foo C.Foo2 three/d.foo three/directory_foo", ); // Explicit root path te.assert_output( &["--base-directory", "one", "foo", "two"], "two/c.foo two/C.Foo2 two/three/d.foo two/three/directory_foo", ); // Ignore base directory when absolute path is used let (te, abs_path) = get_test_env_with_abs_path(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); let abs_base_dir = &format!("{abs_path}/one/two", abs_path = &abs_path); te.assert_output( &["--base-directory", &abs_base_dir, "foo", &abs_path], &format!( "{abs_path}/a.foo {abs_path}/one/b.foo {abs_path}/one/two/c.foo {abs_path}/one/two/C.Foo2 {abs_path}/one/two/three/d.foo {abs_path}/one/two/three/directory_foo", abs_path = &abs_path ), ); } #[test] fn test_max_results() { let te = TestEnv::new(DEFAULT_DIRS, DEFAULT_FILES); // Unrestricted te.assert_output( &["--max-results=0", "c.foo"], "one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/c.foo", ); // Limited to two results te.assert_output( &["--max-results=2", "c.foo"], "one/two/C.Foo2 one/two/c.foo", ); // Limited to one result. We could find either C.Foo2 or c.foo let output = te.assert_success_and_get_output(".", &["--max-results=1", "c.foo"]); let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout); let stdout = stdout.trim(); assert!(stdout == "one/two/C.Foo2" || stdout == "one/two/c.foo"); }