// Copyright (c) 2017 fd developers // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // // or the MIT license , // at your option. All files in the project carrying such // notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except // according to those terms. #[macro_use] mod internal; mod app; mod exec; mod exit_codes; pub mod fshelper; mod output; mod walk; use std::env; use std::error::Error; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time; use atty::Stream; use globset::Glob; use lscolors::LsColors; use regex::bytes::{RegexBuilder, RegexSetBuilder}; use crate::exec::CommandTemplate; use crate::internal::{ filter::{SizeFilter, TimeFilter}, opts::FdOptions, pattern_has_uppercase_char, transform_args_with_exec, FileTypes, }; // We use jemalloc for performance reasons, see https://github.com/sharkdp/fd/pull/481 #[cfg(not(windows))] #[cfg(not(target_env = "musl"))] #[global_allocator] static ALLOC: jemallocator::Jemalloc = jemallocator::Jemalloc; fn main() { let checked_args = transform_args_with_exec(env::args_os()); let matches = app::build_app().get_matches_from(checked_args); // Get the search pattern let pattern = matches.value_of("pattern").unwrap_or(""); // Get the current working directory let current_dir = Path::new("."); if !fshelper::is_dir(current_dir) { print_error_and_exit!("Could not get current directory."); } // Get one or more root directories to search. let mut dir_vec: Vec<_> = match matches .values_of("path") .or_else(|| matches.values_of("search-path")) { Some(paths) => paths .map(|path| { let path_buffer = PathBuf::from(path); if !fshelper::is_dir(&path_buffer) { print_error_and_exit!( "'{}' is not a directory.", path_buffer.to_string_lossy() ); } path_buffer }) .collect::>(), None => vec![current_dir.to_path_buf()], }; if matches.is_present("absolute-path") { dir_vec = dir_vec .iter() .map(|path_buffer| { path_buffer .canonicalize() .and_then(|pb| fshelper::absolute_path(pb.as_path())) .unwrap() }) .collect(); } // Detect if the user accidentally supplied a path instead of a search pattern if !matches.is_present("full-path") && pattern.contains(std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR) && fshelper::is_dir(Path::new(pattern)) { print_error_and_exit!( "The search pattern '{pattern}' contains a path-separation character ('{sep}') \ and will not lead to any search results.\n\n\ If you want to search for all files inside the '{pattern}' directory, use a match-all pattern:\n\n \ fd . '{pattern}'\n\n\ Instead, if you want to search for the pattern in the full path, use:\n\n \ fd --full-path '{pattern}'", pattern = pattern, sep = std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR, ); } let pattern_regex = if matches.is_present("glob") { let glob = match Glob::new(pattern) { Ok(glob) => glob, Err(e) => { print_error_and_exit!("{}", e); } }; glob.regex().to_owned() } else if matches.is_present("fixed-strings") { // Treat pattern as literal string if '--fixed-strings' is used regex::escape(pattern) } else { String::from(pattern) }; // The search will be case-sensitive if the command line flag is set or // if the pattern has an uppercase character (smart case). let case_sensitive = !matches.is_present("ignore-case") && (matches.is_present("case-sensitive") || pattern_has_uppercase_char(&pattern_regex)); let colored_output = match matches.value_of("color") { Some("always") => true, Some("never") => false, _ => atty::is(Stream::Stdout), }; let path_separator = matches.value_of("path-separator").map(|str| str.to_owned()); #[cfg(windows)] let colored_output = colored_output && ansi_term::enable_ansi_support().is_ok(); let ls_colors = if colored_output { Some(LsColors::from_env().unwrap_or_default()) } else { None }; let command = matches .values_of("exec") .map(CommandTemplate::new) .or_else(|| { matches.values_of("exec-batch").map(|m| { CommandTemplate::new_batch(m).unwrap_or_else(|e| { print_error_and_exit!("{}", e); }) }) }); let size_limits: Vec = matches .values_of("size") .map(|v| { v.map(|sf| { if let Some(f) = SizeFilter::from_string(sf) { return f; } print_error_and_exit!("'{}' is not a valid size constraint. See 'fd --help'.", sf); }) .collect() }) .unwrap_or_else(|| vec![]); let now = time::SystemTime::now(); let mut time_constraints: Vec = Vec::new(); if let Some(t) = matches.value_of("changed-within") { if let Some(f) = TimeFilter::after(&now, t) { time_constraints.push(f); } else { print_error_and_exit!("'{}' is not a valid date or duration. See 'fd --help'.", t); } } if let Some(t) = matches.value_of("changed-before") { if let Some(f) = TimeFilter::before(&now, t) { time_constraints.push(f); } else { print_error_and_exit!("'{}' is not a valid date or duration. See 'fd --help'.", t); } } let config = FdOptions { case_sensitive, search_full_path: matches.is_present("full-path"), ignore_hidden: !(matches.is_present("hidden") || matches.occurrences_of("rg-alias-hidden-ignore") >= 2), read_fdignore: !(matches.is_present("no-ignore") || matches.is_present("rg-alias-hidden-ignore")), read_vcsignore: !(matches.is_present("no-ignore") || matches.is_present("rg-alias-hidden-ignore") || matches.is_present("no-ignore-vcs")), follow_links: matches.is_present("follow"), null_separator: matches.is_present("null_separator"), max_depth: matches .value_of("depth") .or_else(|| matches.value_of("rg-depth")) .and_then(|n| usize::from_str_radix(n, 10).ok()), threads: std::cmp::max( matches .value_of("threads") .and_then(|n| usize::from_str_radix(n, 10).ok()) .unwrap_or_else(num_cpus::get), 1, ), max_buffer_time: matches .value_of("max-buffer-time") .and_then(|n| u64::from_str_radix(n, 10).ok()) .map(time::Duration::from_millis), ls_colors, file_types: matches.values_of("file-type").map(|values| { let mut file_types = FileTypes::default(); for value in values { match value { "f" | "file" => file_types.files = true, "d" | "directory" => file_types.directories = true, "l" | "symlink" => file_types.symlinks = true, "x" | "executable" => { file_types.executables_only = true; file_types.files = true; } "e" | "empty" => { file_types.empty_only = true; } _ => unreachable!(), } } // If only 'empty' was specified, search for both files and directories: if file_types.empty_only && !(file_types.files || file_types.directories) { file_types.files = true; file_types.directories = true; } file_types }), extensions: matches.values_of("extension").map(|exts| { let patterns = exts .map(|e| e.trim_start_matches('.')) .map(|e| format!(r".\.{}$", regex::escape(e))); match RegexSetBuilder::new(patterns) .case_insensitive(true) .build() { Ok(re) => re, Err(err) => { print_error_and_exit!("{}", err.description()); } } }), command: command.map(Arc::new), exclude_patterns: matches .values_of("exclude") .map(|v| v.map(|p| String::from("!") + p).collect()) .unwrap_or_else(|| vec![]), ignore_files: matches .values_of("ignore-file") .map(|vs| vs.map(PathBuf::from).collect()) .unwrap_or_else(|| vec![]), size_constraints: size_limits, time_constraints, show_filesystem_errors: matches.is_present("show-errors"), path_separator, }; match RegexBuilder::new(&pattern_regex) .case_insensitive(!config.case_sensitive) .dot_matches_new_line(true) .build() { Ok(re) => { let exit_code = walk::scan(&dir_vec, Arc::new(re), Arc::new(config)); process::exit(exit_code.into()); } Err(err) => { print_error_and_exit!( "{}\nHint: You can use the '--fixed-strings' option to search for a \ literal string instead of a regular expression", err.description() ); } } }