2021-02-14 20:02:37 +01:00

600 lines
25 KiB

use clap::{crate_version, App, AppSettings, Arg};
pub fn build_app() -> App<'static, 'static> {
let clap_color_setting = if std::env::var_os("NO_COLOR").is_none() {
} else {
let mut app = App::new("fd")
.usage("fd [FLAGS/OPTIONS] [<pattern>] [<path>...]")
"Note: `fd -h` prints a short and concise overview while `fd --help` gives all \
.help("Search hidden files and directories")
"Include hidden directories and files in the search results (default: \
hidden files and directories are skipped). Files and directories are \
considered to be hidden if their name starts with a `.` sign (dot).",
.help("Do not respect .(git|fd)ignore files")
"Show search results from files and directories that would otherwise be \
ignored by '.gitignore', '.ignore', '.fdignore', or the global ignore file.",
"Show search results from files and directories that would otherwise be \
ignored by '.gitignore' files.",
.long_help("Do not respect the global ignore file."),
"Alias for '--no-ignore'. Can be repeated. '-uu' is an alias for \
'--no-ignore --hidden'.",
.overrides_with_all(&["ignore-case", "case-sensitive"])
.help("Case-sensitive search (default: smart case)")
"Perform a case-sensitive search. By default, fd uses case-insensitive \
searches, unless the pattern contains an uppercase character (smart \
.overrides_with_all(&["case-sensitive", "ignore-case"])
.help("Case-insensitive search (default: smart case)")
"Perform a case-insensitive search. By default, fd uses case-insensitive \
searches, unless the pattern contains an uppercase character (smart \
.help("Glob-based search (default: regular expression)")
.long_help("Perform a glob-based search instead of a regular expression search."),
.overrides_with_all(&["glob", "regex"])
"Perform a regular-expression based search (default). This can be used to \
override --glob.",
"Treat the pattern as a literal string instead of a regular expression. Note \
that this also performs substring comparison. If you want to match on an \
exact filename, consider using '--glob'.",
.help("Show absolute instead of relative paths")
"Shows the full path starting from the root as opposed to relative paths.",
.help("Use a long listing format with file metadata")
"Use a detailed listing format like 'ls -l'. This is basically an alias \
for '--exec-batch ls -l' with some additional 'ls' options. This can be \
used to see more metadata, to show symlink targets and to achieve a \
deterministic sort order.",
.help("Follow symbolic links")
"By default, fd does not descend into symlinked directories. Using this \
flag, symbolic links are also traversed.",
.help("Search full path (default: file-/dirname only)")
"By default, the search pattern is only matched against the filename (or \
directory name). Using this flag, the pattern is matched against the \
full path.",
.help("Separate results by the null character")
"Separate search results by the null character (instead of newlines). \
Useful for piping results to 'xargs'.",
.help("Set maximum search depth (default: none)")
"Limit the directory traversal to a given depth. By default, there is no \
limit on the search depth.",
// support --maxdepth as well, for compatibility with rg
"Only show search results starting at the given depth. \
See also: '--max-depth' and '--exact-depth'",
.conflicts_with_all(&["max-depth", "min-depth"])
"Only show search results at the exact given depth. This is an alias for \
'--min-depth <depth> --max-depth <depth>'.",
.conflicts_with_all(&["size", "exact-depth"])
.long_help("Do not traverse into matching directories.")
"Filter by type: file (f), directory (d), symlink (l),\nexecutable (x), \
empty (e), socket (s), pipe (p)",
"Filter the search by type (multiple allowable filetypes can be specified):\n \
'f' or 'file': regular files\n \
'd' or 'directory': directories\n \
'l' or 'symlink': symbolic links\n \
'x' or 'executable': executables\n \
'e' or 'empty': empty files or directories\n \
's' or 'socket': socket\n \
'p' or 'pipe': named pipe (FIFO)",
.help("Filter by file extension")
"(Additionally) filter search results by their file extension. Multiple \
allowable file extensions can be specified.\n\
If you want to search for files without extension, \
you can use the regex '^[^.]+$' as a normal search pattern.",
.help("Execute a command for each search result")
"Execute a command for each search result in parallel (use --threads=1 for sequential command execution).\n\
All arguments following --exec are taken to be arguments to the command until the \
argument ';' is encountered.\n\
Each occurrence of the following placeholders is substituted by a path derived from the \
current search result before the command is executed:\n \
'{}': path\n \
'{/}': basename\n \
'{//}': parent directory\n \
'{.}': path without file extension\n \
'{/.}': basename without file extension",
.conflicts_with_all(&["exec", "list-details"])
.help("Execute a command with all search results at once")
"Execute a command with all search results at once.\n\
All arguments following --exec-batch are taken to be arguments to the command until the \
argument ';' is encountered.\n\
A single occurrence of the following placeholders is authorized and substituted by the paths derived from the \
search results before the command is executed:\n \
'{}': path\n \
'{/}': basename\n \
'{//}': parent directory\n \
'{.}': path without file extension\n \
'{/.}': basename without file extension",
.help("Exclude entries that match the given glob pattern")
"Exclude files/directories that match the given glob pattern. This \
overrides any other ignore logic. Multiple exclude patterns can be \
Examples:\n \
--exclude '*.pyc'\n \
--exclude node_modules",
"Add a custom ignore-file in '.gitignore' format. These files have a low \
.possible_values(&["never", "auto", "always"])
.help("When to use colors: never, *auto*, always")
"Declare when to use color for the pattern match output:\n \
'auto': show colors if the output goes to an interactive console (default)\n \
'never': do not use colorized output\n \
'always': always use colorized output",
"Set number of threads to use for searching & executing (default: number \
of available CPU cores)",
.help("Limit results based on the size of files.")
"Limit results based on the size of files using the format <+-><NUM><UNIT>.\n \
'+': file size must be greater than or equal to this\n \
'-': file size must be less than or equal to this\n\
If neither '+' nor '-' is specified, file size must be exactly equal to this.\n \
'NUM': The numeric size (e.g. 500)\n \
'UNIT': The units for NUM. They are not case-sensitive.\n\
Allowed unit values:\n \
'b': bytes\n \
'k': kilobytes (base ten, 10^3 = 1000 bytes)\n \
'm': megabytes\n \
'g': gigabytes\n \
't': terabytes\n \
'ki': kibibytes (base two, 2^10 = 1024 bytes)\n \
'mi': mebibytes\n \
'gi': gibibytes\n \
'ti': tebibytes",
"Amount of time in milliseconds to buffer, before streaming the search \
results to the console.",
.help("Filter by file modification time (newer than)")
"Filter results based on the file modification time. The argument can be provided \
as a specific point in time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) or as a duration (10h, 1d, 35min). \
'--change-newer-than' can be used as an alias.\n\
Examples:\n \
--changed-within 2weeks\n \
--change-newer-than '2018-10-27 10:00:00'",
.help("Filter by file modification time (older than)")
"Filter results based on the file modification time. The argument can be provided \
as a specific point in time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) or as a duration (10h, 1d, 35min). \
'--change-older-than' can be used as an alias.\n\
Examples:\n \
--changed-before '2018-10-27 10:00:00'\n \
--change-older-than 2weeks",
// We currently do not support --max-results in combination with
// program execution because the results that come up in a --max-results
// search are non-deterministic. Users might think that they can run the
// same search with `--exec rm` attached and get a reliable removal of
// the files they saw in the previous search.
.conflicts_with_all(&["exec", "exec-batch", "list-details"])
.long_help("Limit the number of search results to 'count' and quit immediately."),
.conflicts_with_all(&["exec", "exec-batch", "list-details"])
.long_help("Limit the search to a single result and quit immediately. \
This is an alias for '--max-results=1'.")
"Enable the display of filesystem errors for situations such as \
insufficient permissions or dead symlinks.",
"Change the current working directory of fd to the provided path. This \
means that search results will be shown with respect to the given base \
path. Note that relative paths which are passed to fd via the positional \
<path> argument or the '--search-path' option will also be resolved \
relative to this directory.",
"the search pattern (a regular expression, unless '--glob' is used; optional)",
"the search pattern which is either a regular expression (default) or a glob \
pattern (if --glob is used). If no pattern has been specified, every entry \
is considered a match. If your pattern starts with a dash (-), make sure to \
pass '--' first, or it will be considered as a flag (fd -- '-foo').")
"Set the path separator to use when printing file paths. The default is \
the OS-specific separator ('/' on Unix, '\\' on Windows).",
.help("the root directory for the filesystem search (optional)")
"The directory where the filesystem search is rooted (optional). If \
omitted, search the current working directory.",
"Provide paths to search as an alternative to the positional <path> \
argument. Changes the usage to `fd [FLAGS/OPTIONS] --search-path <path> \
--search-path <path2> [<pattern>]`",
if cfg!(unix) {
app = app.arg(
.help("Filter by owning user and/or group")
"Filter files by their user and/or group. \
Format: [(user|uid)][:(group|gid)]. Either side is optional. \
Precede either side with a '!' to exclude files instead.\n\
Examples:\n \
--owner john\n \
--owner :students\n \
--owner '!john:students'",
// Make `--one-file-system` available only on Unix and Windows platforms, as per the
// restrictions on the corresponding option in the `ignore` crate.
// Provide aliases `mount` and `xdev` for people coming from `find`.
if cfg!(any(unix, windows)) {
app = app.arg(
.aliases(&["mount", "xdev"])
"By default, fd will traverse the file system tree as far as other options \
dictate. With this flag, fd ensures that it does not descend into a \
different file system than the one it started in. Comparable to the -mount \
or -xdev filters of find(1).",