2018-04-25 08:14:12 +02:00

284 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017 fd developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// <LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>
// or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use clap::{App, AppSettings, Arg};
struct Help {
short: &'static str,
long: &'static str,
macro_rules! doc {
($map: expr, $name: expr, $short: expr) => {
doc!($map, $name, $short, $short)
($map: expr, $name: expr, $short: expr, $long: expr) => {
Help {
short: $short,
long: concat!($long, "\n "),
pub fn build_app() -> App<'static, 'static> {
let helps = usage();
let arg = |name| {
.usage("fd [FLAGS/OPTIONS] [<pattern>] [<path>...]")
.possible_values(&["never", "auto", "always"])
#[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
fn usage() -> HashMap<&'static str, Help> {
let mut h = HashMap::new();
doc!(h, "hidden"
, "Search hidden files and directories"
, "Include hidden directories and files in the search results (default: hidden files \
and directories are skipped).");
doc!(h, "no-ignore"
, "Do not respect .(git|fd)ignore files"
, "Show search results from files and directories that would otherwise be ignored by \
'.gitignore' or '.fdignore' files.");
doc!(h, "no-ignore-vcs"
, "Do not respect .gitignore files"
, "Show search results from files and directories that would otherwise be ignored by \
'.gitignore' files.");
doc!(h, "case-sensitive"
, "Case-sensitive search (default: smart case)"
, "Perform a case-sensitive search. By default, fd uses case-insensitive searches, \
unless the pattern contains an uppercase character (smart case).");
doc!(h, "ignore-case"
, "Case-insensitive search (default: smart case)"
, "Perform a case-insensitive search. By default, fd uses case-insensitive searches, \
unless the pattern contains an uppercase character (smart case).");
doc!(h, "fixed-strings"
, "Treat the pattern as a literal string"
, "Treat the pattern as a literal string instead of a regular expression.");
doc!(h, "absolute-path"
, "Show absolute instead of relative paths"
, "Shows the full path starting from the root as opposed to relative paths.");
doc!(h, "follow"
, "Follow symbolic links"
, "By default, fd does not descend into symlinked directories. Using this flag, symbolic \
links are also traversed.");
doc!(h, "full-path"
, "Search full path (default: file-/dirname only)"
, "By default, the search pattern is only matched against the filename (or directory \
name). Using this flag, the pattern is matched against the full path.");
doc!(h, "null_separator"
, "Separate results by the null character"
, "Separate search results by the null character (instead of newlines). Useful for \
piping results to 'xargs'.");
doc!(h, "depth"
, "Set maximum search depth (default: none)"
, "Limit the directory traversal to a given depth. By default, there is no limit \
on the search depth.");
doc!(h, "file-type"
, "Filter by type: file (f), directory (d), symlink (l),\nexecutable (x)"
, "Filter the search by type (multiple allowable filetypes can be specified):\n \
'f' or 'file': regular files\n \
'd' or 'directory': directories\n \
'l' or 'symlink': symbolic links\n \
'x' or 'executable': executables");
doc!(h, "extension"
, "Filter by file extension"
, "(Additionally) filter search results by their file extension. Multiple allowable file \
extensions can be specified.");
doc!(h, "exec"
, "Execute a command for each search result"
, "Execute a command for each search result.\n\
All arguments following --exec are taken to be arguments to the command until the \
argument ';' is encountered.\n\
Each occurrence of the following placeholders is substituted by a path derived from the \
current search result before the command is executed:\n \
'{}': path\n \
'{/}': basename\n \
'{//}': parent directory\n \
'{.}': path without file extension\n \
'{/.}': basename without file extension");
doc!(h, "exclude"
, "Exclude entries that match the given glob pattern"
, "Exclude files/directories that match the given glob pattern. This overrides any \
other ignore logic. Multiple exclude patterns can be specified.");
doc!(h, "ignore-file"
, "Add a custom ignore-file in .gitignore format"
, "Add a custom ignore-file in '.gitignore' format. These files have a low precedence.");
doc!(h, "color"
, "When to use colors: never, *auto*, always"
, "Declare when to use color for the pattern match output:\n \
'auto': show colors if the output goes to an interactive console (default)\n \
'never': do not use colorized output\n \
'always': always use colorized output");
doc!(h, "threads"
, "Set number of threads to use for searching & executing"
, "Set number of threads to use for searching & executing (default: number of available \
CPU cores)");
doc!(h, "max-buffer-time"
, "the time (in ms) to buffer, before streaming to the console"
, "Amount of time in milliseconds to buffer, before streaming the search results to\
the console.");
doc!(h, "pattern"
, "the search pattern, a regular expression (optional)");
doc!(h, "path"
, "the root directory for the filesystem search (optional)"
, "The directory where the filesystem search is rooted (optional). \
If omitted, search the current working directory.");
doc!(h, "rg-alias-hidden-ignore"
, "Alias for no-ignore and/or hidden"
, "Alias for no-ignore ('u') and no-ignore and hidden ('uu')");
doc!(h, "size"
, "Limit results based on the size of files."
, "Limit results based on the size of files using the format <+-><NUM><UNIT>.\n \
'+': file size must be greater than or equal to this\n \
'-': file size must be less than or equal to this\n \
'NUM': The numeric size (e.g. 500)\n \
'UNIT': The units for NUM. They are not case-sensitive.\n\
Allowed unit values:\n \
'b': bytes\n \
'k': kilobytes\n \
'm': megabytes\n \
'g': gigabytes\n \
't': terabytes\n \
'ki': kibibytes\n \
'mi': mebibytes\n \
'gi': gibibytes\n \
'ti': tebibytes");