flf2a$ 1 1 9 0 40 0 8256 0 # # benjamin.flf // Version 02 // 2001-06-04 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # This font is based on article <5m7lhtg5vj1esom25btrdugng0mseqisqv@4ax.com> # from the newsgroup de.alt.rec.ascii-art and its follow-ups. # # The most current version of this font should be available here: # http://www.cgarbs.de/stuff/benjamin.flf.gz # #-[WhoIsWho]------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Font creators: # >> Benjamin Weiland # >> Markus Gebhard # >> Christian Garbs # # .flf file maintainer: # Christian Garbs # #-[History]------------------------------------------------------------------- # # 2001-06-04::Version 02 # * added the comments you're reading now # * changed download location to www.cgarbs.de # * added 0-9, &, German umlauts + ess-zed # * changed X # # 2001-06-03::Version 01 # * available characters: A-Z, a-z, @, * # #-[Commercial]---------------------------------------------------------------- # # _ __,"\\ _. _ de.alt.rec.ascii-art # /\\ /\\ _.--/ `. ,' ( "_//" __| |__ _ _ _ __ _ ___ __ _ # ,''\," ,""\,"=='( \.'\\_,( _`-'=-' / _` / _` | '_/ _` |___/ _` | # ' u-u `=' u-u |l''|l `" |m' |m -bf- \__,_\__,_|_| \__,_| \__,_| # #-[TheEnd]-------------------------------------------------------------------- # $@@ !@@ "@@ #@@ S@@ %@@ &@@ '@@ (@@ )@@ x@@ +@@ ,@@ -@@ .@@ /@@ (\)@@ '|@@ ^/_@@ -}@@ +|@@ ;"@@ (o@@ "/@@ {}@@ ")@@ :@@ ;@@ <@@ =@@ >@@ ?@@ (a)@@ /-\@@ |3@@ (@@ |)@@ [-@@ |=@@ [,@@ |-|@@ |@@ .]@@ |<@@ |_@@ |\/|@@ |\|@@ ()@@ |'@@ ()_@@ |2@@ _\"@@ "|"@@ |_|@@ \/@@ \/\/@@ ><@@ `/@@ "/_@@ [@@ \@@ ]@@ ^@@ _@@ `@@ /-\@@ |3@@ (@@ |)@@ [-@@ |=@@ [,@@ |-|@@ |@@ .]@@ |<@@ |_@@ |\/|@@ |\|@@ ()@@ |'@@ ()_@@ |2@@ _\"@@ "|"@@ |_|@@ \/@@ \/\/@@ `/.@@ `/@@ "/_@@ {@@ |@@ }@@ ~@@ '/-\'@@ '()'@@ '|_|'@@ '/-\'@@ '()'@@ i_i@@ /3@@