# freebox-revolution-monitoring Simple Freebox Revolution Monitoring with SexiGraf ![freebox monitoring dashboard](freebox_dashboard.png) Based/Inspired by https://github.com/tuxtof/freebox-monitoring The newer freebox devices don't offer the hosted file with all the data information usually accessible (`http://mafreebox.freebox.fr/pub/fbx_info.txt`) So this solution is leveraging the [Freebox API](http://dev.freebox.fr/sdk/os/) but just focuses on the stats I'm interested in, if you want to extend the script check all the other things available [here](http://dev.freebox.fr/sdk/os/connection/) # Pre-requisites This is what I used, you can of course adapt the collector script to talk to influxdb or whatever :-) - [SexiGraf](http://www.sexigraf.fr) or any Grafana/Graphite stack - [Telegraf](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf) - Python with `json` & `requests` libraries installed - Physical Access to the Freebox Server device # Step 1: Register an app with the Freebox device First thing to do is to register an app, to generate a specific App Token. Use the `freebox_register_app.py` script. *PS: You can modify the app name/versions etc as shown below (Optional)* ```python app_info = { 'app_id': 'fr.freebox.seximonitor', 'app_name': 'SexiMonitor', 'app_version': '0.4.2', 'device_name': 'SexiServer' } ``` Once you execute this script, you will see something similar to this: ![register](freebox_registration.png) Head to your Freebox Derver device. ![Freebox Server Validation](seximonitor_register.jpg) Press the `>` to authorize the app registration process. Be sure to save the token somewhere safe, you will need it to authenticate against the freebox api afterwards :) # Step 2: Use the script to display freebox statistics information Once you have your App Token, the process to authenticate happens in 2 steps: - Fetch the current `challenge` (basically a random generated string changing over time) - Compute a `session password` with the `challenge` and your `App Token` (This avoids sending the token over the network) Edit the freebox_monitor.py script and set your `App token/Track ID` (line 73-74) ```python freebox_app_token = "CHANGE_THIS" track_id = "CHANGE_THIS" ``` then execute it, to make sure it connects and display information ![freebox monitor](freebox_monitor.png) # Step 3: Leverage telegraf to call the script and send stats to Graphite Install telegraf on the SexiGraf appliance. ```console wget https://dl.influxdata.com/telegraf/releases/telegraf_1.0.1_amd64.deb dpkg -i telegraf_1.0.1_amd64.deb ``` Generate a config file for our plugins `exec` and `graphite` ```console telegraf --input-filter exec --output-filter graphite config > /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf ``` You can then check & edit the configuration file to make it look as follows: ```ini ############################################################################### # OUTPUT PLUGINS # ############################################################################### # Configuration for Graphite server to send metrics to [[outputs.graphite]] ## TCP endpoint for your graphite instance. ## If multiple endpoints are configured, output will be load balanced. ## Only one of the endpoints will be written to with each iteration. servers = ["localhost:2003"] ## Prefix metrics name prefix = "" ## Graphite output template ## see https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/blob/master/docs/DATA_FORMATS_OUTPUT.md template = "host.tags.measurement.field" ## timeout in seconds for the write connection to graphite timeout = 2 ############################################################################### # INPUT PLUGINS # ############################################################################### # Read metrics from one or more commands that can output to stdout [[inputs.exec]] ## Commands array command = "/usr/local/freebox-revolution-monitoring/freebox_monitor.py" ## Timeout for each command to complete. timeout = "5s" ## Data format to consume. ## Each data format has it's own unique set of configuration options, read ## more about them here: ## https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/blob/master/docs/DATA_FORMATS_INPUT.md data_format = "graphite" ``` Be sure to copy your modified `freebox_monitor.py` script to `/usr/local/freebox-revolution-monitoring/` Relaunch telegraf and check the logs ```console root@sexigraf:~# tail -f /var/log/telegraf/telegraf.log 2016/12/11 18:26:30 Output [graphite] buffer fullness: 7 / 10000 metrics. Total gathered metrics: 675367. Total dropped metrics: 0. 2016/12/11 18:26:30 Output [graphite] wrote batch of 7 metrics in 165.892µs 2016/12/11 18:26:40 Output [graphite] buffer fullness: 7 / 10000 metrics. Total gathered metrics: 675374. Total dropped metrics: 0. 2016/12/11 18:26:40 Output [graphite] wrote batch of 7 metrics in 169.849µs 2016/12/11 18:26:50 Output [graphite] buffer fullness: 7 / 10000 metrics. Total gathered metrics: 675381. Total dropped metrics: 0. 2016/12/11 18:26:50 Output [graphite] wrote batch of 7 metrics in 183.453µs 2016/12/11 18:27:00 Output [graphite] buffer fullness: 7 / 10000 metrics. Total gathered metrics: 675388. Total dropped metrics: 0. 2016/12/11 18:27:00 Output [graphite] wrote batch of 7 metrics in 156.956µs 2016/12/11 18:27:10 Output [graphite] buffer fullness: 7 / 10000 metrics. Total gathered metrics: 675395. Total dropped metrics: 0. 2016/12/11 18:27:10 Output [graphite] wrote batch of 7 metrics in 170.216µs 2016/12/11 18:27:20 Output [graphite] buffer fullness: 7 / 10000 metrics. Total gathered metrics: 675402. Total dropped metrics: 0. 2016/12/11 18:27:20 Output [graphite] wrote batch of 7 metrics in 177.338µs ``` If the output is similar to this, you should be good to go and build your dashboards in SexiGraf. Here is a 2 day view of the download/upload stats. ![dashboard 2days](freebox_2days.png)