#!/usr/bin/env python # pylint: disable=C0103,C0111,W0621 from __future__ import print_function # # Freebox API SDK / Docs: http://dev.freebox.fr/sdk/os/login/ # import os import json import hmac import time import argparse import ConfigParser import sys from hashlib import sha1 import requests VERSION = "0.4.3" def get_challenge(freebox_app_id): api_url = 'http://mafreebox.freebox.fr/api/v3/login/authorize/%s' % freebox_app_id r = requests.get(api_url) if r.status_code == 200: return r.json() else: print("Failed request: %s\n" % r.text) def open_session(password, freebox_app_id): api_url = 'http://mafreebox.freebox.fr/api/v3/login/session/' app_info = { 'app_id': freebox_app_id, 'password': password } json_payload = json.dumps(app_info) r = requests.post(api_url, data=json_payload) if r.status_code == 200: return r.json() else: print("Failed request: %s\n" % r.text) def get_connection_stats(headers): api_url = 'http://mafreebox.freebox.fr/api/v3/connection/' r = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers) if r.status_code == 200: return r.json() else: print("Failed request: %s\n" % r.text) def get_ftth_status(headers): api_url = 'http://mafreebox.freebox.fr/api/v3/connection/ftth/' r = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers) if r.status_code == 200: return r.json() else: print('Failed request: %s\n' % r.text) def get_and_print_metrics(): freebox_app_id = "fr.freebox.seximonitor" freebox_app_token = "CHANGE_THIS" track_id = "CHANGE_THIS" # Fetch challenge resp = get_challenge(track_id) challenge = resp['result']['challenge'] # Generate session password h = hmac.new(freebox_app_token, challenge, sha1) password = h.hexdigest() # Fetch session_token resp = open_session(password, freebox_app_id) session_token = resp['result']['session_token'] # Setup headers with the generated session_token headers = { 'X-Fbx-App-Auth': session_token } # Setup hashtable for results myData = {} # Fetch connection stats jsonRaw = get_connection_stats(headers) myData['bytes_down'] = jsonRaw['result']['bytes_down'] myData['bytes_up'] = jsonRaw['result']['bytes_up'] myData['rate_down'] = jsonRaw['result']['rate_down'] myData['rate_up'] = jsonRaw['result']['rate_up'] if jsonRaw['result']['state'] == "up": myData['state'] = 1 else: myData['state'] = 0 # Fetch ftth signal stats jsonRaw = get_ftth_status(headers) myData['sfp_pwr_rx'] = jsonRaw['result']['sfp_pwr_rx'] myData['sfp_pwr_tx'] = jsonRaw['result']['sfp_pwr_tx'] # Prepping Graphite Data format timestamp = int(time.time()) # Output the information print("freebox.bytes_down %s %d" % (myData['bytes_down'], timestamp)) print("freebox.bytes_up %s %d" % (myData['bytes_up'], timestamp)) print("freebox.rate_down %s %d" % (myData['rate_down'], timestamp)) print("freebox.rate_up %s %d" % (myData['rate_up'], timestamp)) print("freebox.state %s %d" % (myData['state'], timestamp)) print("freebox.sfp_pwr_rx %s %d" % (myData['sfp_pwr_rx'], timestamp)) print("freebox.sfp_pwr_tx %s %d" % (myData['sfp_pwr_tx'], timestamp)) def get_auth(): script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) cfg_file = os.path.join(script_dir, ".credentials") f = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() f.read(cfg_file) try: _ = f.get("general", "track_id") _ = f.get("general", "app_token") except ConfigParser.NoSectionError as err: print("Config is invalid, auth not done.") return None return {'track_id': f.get('general', 'track_id'), 'app_token': f.get('general', 'app_token')} def write_auth(auth_infos): script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) cfg_file = os.path.join(script_dir, ".credentials") f = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() f.add_section("general") f.set("general", "track_id", auth_infos['track_id']) f.set("general", "app_token", auth_infos["app_token"]) with open(cfg_file, "wb") as authFile: f.write(authFile) def do_register(creds): if creds is not None: if 'track_id' in creds and 'app_token' in creds: print("Already registered, exiting") return print("Doing registration") headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} app_info = { 'app_id': 'fr.freebox.seximonitor', 'app_name': 'SexiMonitor', 'app_version': VERSION, 'device_name': 'SexiServer' } json_payload = json.dumps(app_info) r = requests.post('http://mafreebox.freebox.fr/api/v3/login/authorize/', headers=headers, data=json_payload) register_infos = None if r.status_code == 200: register_infos = r.json() else: print('Failed registration: %s\n' % r.text) write_auth(register_infos['result']) print("Don't forget to accept auth on the Freebox panel !") def register_status(creds): if not creds: print("Status: invalid config, auth not done.") print("Please run `%s --register` to register app." % sys.argv[0]) return print("Status: auth already done") print(" track_id: %s" % creds["track_id"]) print(" app_token: %s" % creds["app_token"]) # Main if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-r', '--register', action='store_true', help="Register app with Freebox API") parser.add_argument('-s', '--register-status', dest='status', action='store_true', help="Get register status") args = parser.parse_args() auth = get_auth() if args.register: do_register(auth) elif args.status: register_status(auth) else: get_and_print_metrics()