#!/usr/bin/env bats INSTALL_DIR= BATS_TMPDIR="${BATS_TMPDIR:-/tmp}" fancyx='✗' checkmark='✓' ## We need to create a new directory so that .hasrc file in the root does not get read by the `has` instance under test setup() { export HAS_TMPDIR="${BATS_TMPDIR}/tmp-for-test" mkdir -p "${HAS_TMPDIR}" cp -f "${BATS_TEST_DIRNAME}"/has "${HAS_TMPDIR}" cd "${HAS_TMPDIR}" || return export has="${HAS_TMPDIR}/has" } teardown() { if [[ -d "${HAS_TMPDIR}" ]]; then rm -rf "${HAS_TMPDIR}" fi } @test "invoking 'has' without arguments prints usage" { run $has [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "${lines[0]%% *}" = 'has' ] [ "${lines[1]%%:*}" = 'USAGE' ] [ "${lines[2]}" = 'EXAMPLE: has git curl node' ] } @test "make install creates a valid installation" { INSTALL_DIR="${HAS_TMPDIR}/.local" cd "${BATS_TEST_DIRNAME}" run make PREFIX="${INSTALL_DIR}" install [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ -x "${INSTALL_DIR}/bin/has" ] # has reads .hasrc from $PWD, so change anywhere else. cd "${INSTALL_DIR}" run "${INSTALL_DIR}/bin/has" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "${lines[0]%% *}" = 'has' ] [ "${lines[1]%%:*}" = 'USAGE' ] [ "${lines[2]}" = 'EXAMPLE: has git curl node' ] # [ "${lines[2]%%:*}" = 'EXAMPLE' ] } @test "..even if 'has' is missing from directory" { INSTALL_DIR="${HAS_TMPDIR}/system_local" cd "${BATS_TEST_DIRNAME}" mv has has-been run make PREFIX="${INSTALL_DIR}" install [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ -x "${INSTALL_DIR}/bin/has" ] cd "${BATS_TEST_DIRNAME}" mv has-been has } @test "make update runs git fetch" { cd "${BATS_TEST_DIRNAME}" skip "make update overwrites my changes" run make update [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "${lines[*]}" =~ "git fetch --verbose" ] } @test "works with single command check" { run $has git [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "$(echo "${lines[0]}" | grep "git")" ] } @test "'has' warns about tools not configured" { run $has foobar [ "$status" -eq 1 ] [ "$(echo "${output}" | grep ${fancyx} | grep "foobar not understood")" ] } @test "env var 'HAS_ALLOW_UNSAFE' overrides safety check" { HAS_ALLOW_UNSAFE=y run $has foobar [ "$status" -eq 1 ] [ "$(echo "${output}" | grep ${fancyx} | grep "foobar")" ] } @test "status code reflects number of failed commands" { HAS_ALLOW_UNSAFE=y run $has foobar bc git barbaz [ "$status" -eq 2 ] [ "$(echo "${output}" | grep ${fancyx} | grep "foobar")" ] [ "$(echo "${output}" | grep ${fancyx} | grep "barbaz")" ] } @test "status code reflects number of failed commands up to 126" { run $has $(for i in {1..256}; do echo foo; done) [ "$status" -eq 126 ] } @test "loads commands from .hasrc file and excludes comments" { printf "bash\n#comment\nmake\n" >> .hasrc run $has [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "$(echo "${output}" | grep ${checkmark} | grep "bash")" ] [ "$(echo "${output}" | grep ${checkmark} | grep "make")" ] } @test "loads commands from .hasrc file and honors CLI args as well" { printf "bash\nmake\ngit" >> .hasrc HAS_ALLOW_UNSAFE=y run $has git bc [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "$(echo "${output}" | grep ${checkmark} | grep "bash")" ] [ "$(echo "${output}" | grep ${checkmark} | grep "make")" ] [ "$(echo "${output}" | grep ${checkmark} | grep "git")" ] [ "$(echo "${output}" | grep ${checkmark} | grep "bc")" ] } @test "testing PASS output with unicode" { run $has git [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [[ "printf '%b\n' ${lines[0]}" =~ '✓' ]] } @test "testing FAIL output with unicode" { run $has foobar [ "$status" -eq 1 ] [[ "printf '%b\n' ${lines[0]}" =~ '✗' ]] } @test "fail count 3: testing output with and without unicode" { run $has git foobar barbaz barfoo [ "$status" -eq 3 ] [[ "printf '%b\n' ${lines[0]}" =~ "${checkmark}" ]] [[ "printf '%b\n' ${lines[2]}" =~ '✗' ]] } @test "testing archiving commands" { run $has tar unzip gzip xz unar pv zip [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "$(echo "${lines[0]}" | grep "tar")" ] [ "$(echo "${lines[1]}" | grep "unzip")" ] [ "$(echo "${lines[2]}" | grep "gzip")" ] [ "$(echo "${lines[3]}" | grep "xz")" ] [ "$(echo "${lines[4]}" | grep "unar")" ] [ "$(echo "${lines[5]}" | grep "pv")" ] [ "$(echo "${lines[6]}" | grep "zip")" ] } @test "testing coreutils commands" { run $has coreutils sed awk grep sudo file linux-utils [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "$(echo "${lines[0]}" | grep "gnu_coreutils")" ] [ "$(echo "${lines[5]}" | grep "file")" ] [ "$(echo "${lines[6]}" | grep "gnu_coreutils")" ] } @test "testing hub version is different to git version" { run $has hub git [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "$(echo "${lines[0]}" | grep "hub")" ] [ "$(echo "${lines[1]}" | grep "git")" ] [ ! "${lines[0]##*\ }" = "${lines[1]##*\ }" ] }