# Makefile for has # https://github.com/kdabir/has # Sadly, longopts like --verbose are not working on MacOS for cp, mkdir and rm # PREFIX is an environment variable. # Use default value if not set. ifeq ($(PREFIX),) PREFIX := /usr/local endif test : has bats .hastest.bats has : # ensure 'has' in repo git checkout --force -- has # install 'has' in specified directory install : has chmod 755 has && \ mkdir -v -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin && \ cp -v has $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/has # update: has update : update-fetch has update-fetch : update-force # update repo from upstream git fetch --verbose --force update-force : # remove local repo 'has' to force update rm -f has uninstall : rm -f /usr/local/bin/has .PHONY: test install uninstall update