
191 lines
6.0 KiB

<script src="irc.js"></script>
<pre id="p"></pre>
<script type="application/javascript">
// This works only on ffos.
var irc = new IRC('', 6697, true,
{ nick: 'bakutest',
// server_password: ''
username: 'baku', // default 'nobody'
realname: 'Andrea Marchesini', // default 'noname'
var irc2 = new IRC('', 6697, true,
{ nick: 'bakutest2',
// server_password: ''
username: 'baku2', // default 'nobody'
realname: 'Andrea Marchesini', // default 'noname'
var p = document.getElementById('p');
var waitEvent = null;
var tests = [
// How to join a #channel
function() { irc.join('#testtesttest'); runTest(); },
function() { waitEvent = ['join', 'bakutest', '#testtesttest']; },
// How to leave it
function() { irc.part('#testtesttest', 'why not?'); runTest(); },
function() { waitEvent = ['part', 'bakutest', '#testtesttest', 'why not?']; },
// A couple of join+part
function() { irc.join('#testtesttest'); runTest(); },
function() { waitEvent = ['join', 'bakutest', '#testtesttest']; },
function() { irc.part('#testtesttest'); runTest(); },
function() { waitEvent = ['part', 'bakutest', '#testtesttest', undefined]; },
function() { irc.join('#testtesttest'); runTest(); },
function() { waitEvent = ['join', 'bakutest', '#testtesttest']; },
// Topic
function() { irc.topic('#testtesttest', 'hello world'); runTest(); },
function() { waitEvent = ['topic', 'bakutest', '#testtesttest', 'hello world']; },
// Notice
function() { irc.notice('bakutest', 'n o t i c e'); runTest(); },
function() { waitEvent = ['notice', 'bakutest', 'bakutest', 'n o t i c e']; },
// let's send a message to our self
function() { irc.msg('bakutest', 'hi! how are you?'); runTest(); },
function() { waitEvent = ['privmsg', 'bakutest', 'hi! how are you?'];},
// Let's make 2 bots chatting
function() { irc2.join('#testtesttest'); runTest(); },
function() { waitEvent = ['join', 'bakutest2', '#testtesttest']; },
function() { irc.msg('#testtesttest', 'hi! someone here?'); runTest(); },
function() { waitEvent = ['channelmsg', 'bakutest', '#testtesttest', 'hi! someone here?'] },
// Nick change
function() { irc.nick('bakutest3'); runTest(); },
function() { waitEvent = ['nick', 'bakutest', 'bakutest3' ]},
function() { irc.kick('bakutest2', '#testtesttest', 'foo bar'); runTest(); },
function() { waitEvent = ['kick', 'bakutest3', 'bakutest2', '#testtesttest', 'foo bar']; },
// Invite
function() { irc.invite('bakutest2', '#testtesttest'); runTest(); },
function() { waitEvent = ['invite', 'bakutest3', 'bakutest2', '#testtesttest']; },
// Quit
function() { irc.quit(); runTest(); },
function() { irc2.quit('fooo baar'); runTest(); },
/* TODO -add tests for...
irc.mode('batman', '+t');
function runTest() {
if (!tests.length) {
p.innerHTML += 'Finished!<br />';
var test = tests.shift();
function ok(what, msg) {
p.innerHTML += (what ? 'OK' : 'FAIL') + ': ' + msg + '<br />';
irc.onconnect = function() {
irc.onjoin = irc2.onjoin = function(who, channel) {
if (waitEvent && waitEvent[0] == 'join' && waitEvent[1] == who &&
waitEvent[2] == channel) {
ok(true, who + ' entered on ' + channel);
irc.onpart = function(who, channel, reason) {
if (waitEvent && waitEvent[0] == 'part' && waitEvent[1] == who &&
waitEvent[2] == channel && waitEvent[3] == reason) {
ok(true, who + ' left channel ' + channel);
irc.ontopic = function(who, channel, topic) {
if (waitEvent && waitEvent[0] == 'topic' && waitEvent[1] == who &&
waitEvent[2] == channel && waitEvent[3] == topic) {
ok(true, 'topic has been changed by ' + who + ' on ' + channel + ' to ' + topic);
irc.onnotice = function(who, nickOrChannel, text) {
if (waitEvent && waitEvent[0] == 'notice' && waitEvent[1] == who &&
waitEvent[2] == nickOrChannel && waitEvent[3] == text) {
ok(true, 'notice has been received by ' + who + ' for ' + nickOrChannel + ': ' + text);
irc.onprivmsg = irc2.onprivmsg = function(who, message) {
if (waitEvent && waitEvent[0] == 'privmsg' && waitEvent[1] == who &&
waitEvent[2] == message) {
ok(true, 'A message sent from ' + who + ' has been received: ' + message);
irc.onchannelmsg = irc2.onchannelmsg = function(who, channel, message) {
if (waitEvent && waitEvent[0] == 'channelmsg' && waitEvent[1] == who &&
waitEvent[2] == channel && waitEvent[3] == message) {
ok(true, 'A message sent from ' + who + ' to channel ' + channel + ' has been received: ' + message);
irc.onnickchange = function(oldNick, newNick) {
if (waitEvent && waitEvent[0] == 'nick' && waitEvent[1] == oldNick &&
waitEvent[2] == newNick) {
ok(true, 'Nick ' + oldNick + ' now is called ' + newNick);
irc.onkick = function(who, kicked, channel, reason) {
if (waitEvent && waitEvent[0] == 'kick' && waitEvent[1] == who &&
waitEvent[2] == kicked && waitEvent[3] == channel && waitEvent[4] == reason) {
ok(true, 'Nick ' + kicked + ' has been kicked by ' + who + ' from ' + channel + ' saying: ' + reason);
irc2.oninvite = irc.oninvite = function(who, invited, channel) {
if (waitEvent && waitEvent[0] == 'invite' && waitEvent[1] == who &&
waitEvent[2] == invited && waitEvent[3] == channel) {
ok(true, 'Nick ' + invited + ' has been invited by ' + who + ' in ' + channel);
irc.onmode = function(who, where, mode) {
console.log('mode changed:' + who + '=>' + where + ' => ' + mode);
irc.onrawdata = function(prefix, command, params) {
// for custom stuff