This commit is contained in:
kyodev 2017-09-03 09:38:43 +02:00
parent 23c86a1b52
commit 329eb52df8
2 changed files with 56 additions and 65 deletions

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@ -33,10 +33,11 @@ _remarque:_ lancer le script avec les droits root, permettra d'accéder à dmesg
| (_| | __/ |_ | || | | | _| (_) |
\__, |\___|\__|___|_| |_|_| \___/
version 1.8.0 - 30/08/2017
version 1.12.0 - 03/09/2017
exporter sur un pastebin par défaut? [o/N] n
...pcilib: sysfs_read_vpd: read failed: Input/output error
exporter sur un pastebin par défaut? [o/N]
le rapport est disponible en local, fichier:
@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ exporter sur un pastebin par défaut? [o/N] o
vous pouvez le visualiser avec getInfo -l
si vous n'avez pas exporté de suite, vous pouvez le faire avec la commande `./getInfo -p` ou revoir à l'écran
le rapport avec `./getInfo -l`
@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ le rapport avec `./getInfo -l`
| (_| | __/ |_ | || | | | _| (_) |
\__, |\___|\__|___|_| |_|_| \___/
version 1.8.0 - 30/08/2017
version 1.12.0 - 03/09/2017
./getInfo : exécution normale

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# getInfo 1.0.7 sur 1101HA / Linux
# getInfo 1.12.0 sur 1101HA / Linux
Rapport au 19 août 2017 03:37 +0200
Rapport au 03 sept. 2017 09:29 +0200
## système
CPU: **Intel Atom Z520 (1)(2) @ 0.8 - 1.3 GHz [51.0°C]**
CPU: **Intel Atom Z520 (1)(2) @ 0.8 - 1.3 GHz [60.0°C]**
GPU: **Intel Corporation System Controller Hub (SCH Poulsbo) Graphics Controller**
type de boot: **Legacy boot**
distribution: **Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 9.1**
@ -19,25 +19,25 @@ desktop (DE): MATE
window manager: Metacity (Marco)
shell actif: bash 4.4.12(1)
shells installés: sh dash bash rbash
disque(s): 9,1G / 43G (22%)
disque(s): 11G / 43G (25%)
batteries(s): 100% [Full]
dernier boot: 2017-08-18 06:59:58+0200, uptime: depuis 20 h, 37 mn
dernier boot: , uptime: depuis 2 semaines, 2 jours, 2 h, 29 mn
## processeur / mémoire
CPU: Intel Atom Z520 (1)(2) @ 0.8 - 1.3 GHz [51.0°C]
CPU: Intel Atom Z520 (1)(2) @ 0.8 - 1.3 GHz [60.0°C]
adressage: 32 bits physical, 32 bits virtual
bogomips: 2662.52
mémoire Ram utilisée/totale: 580Mo / 995Mo
mémoire Ram utilisée/totale: 666Mo / 995Mo
mémoire système: total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 995M 508M 98M 72M 388M 269M
Swap: 3,7G 57M 3,7G
Total: 4,7G 565M 3,8G
Mem: 995M 592M 92M 74M 310M 192M
Swap: 3,7G 307M 3,4G
Total: 4,7G 899M 3,5G
flags cpu:
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ BACKSPACE="guess"
/etc/apt/sources.list: deb stretch-updates main contrib non-free
dernière mise à jour **apt**: vendredi 18 août 2017, 12:15:26 (UTC+0200)
dernière mise à jour **apt**: mercredi 30 août 2017, 17:41:29 (UTC+0200)
**5 paquet(s) installé(s) inutile(s)**, vous pouvez utiliser: `apt autoremove`
paquet(s) concerné(s):
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ rc rtkit 0.11-4+b1
## disque(s)
disque(s): 9,1G / 43G (22%)
disque(s): 11G / 43G (25%)
**grep -vE '#|^$' /etc/fstab** (fstab)
@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ sda root
**df -h ...** (utilisation disques)
Sys. de fichiers Monté sur Type Taille Utilisé Dispo Uti%
/dev/sda1 / ext4 14G 4,7G 8,4G 36%
/dev/sda5 /home ext4 28G 4,4G 24G 16%
/dev/sda1 / ext4 14G 5,0G 8,0G 39%
/dev/sda5 /home ext4 28G 5,3G 23G 20%
**grep -Ev '#|^$' /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume** (resume)
@ -251,14 +251,13 @@ RESUME=auto
**IP locale(s):**
``` ( wlp1s0 ) (wifi)
fe80::96a8:dcbc:b798:370/64 ( wlp1s0 ) (wifi) ( wlp1s0 ) (wifi)
fe80::96a8:dcbc:b798:370/64 ( wlp1s0 ) (wifi)
``` ( wlp1s0 ) (wifi)
fe80::160c:76ff:fe54:7490 ( wlp1s0 ) (wifi) ( wlp1s0 ) (wifi)
l'IP publique peut être connue avec: `./getInfo --ip` ou `getInfo --ip` (script installé)
@ -297,7 +296,7 @@ wlp1s0 IEEE 802.11 ESSID:"freemfi"
Power Management:off
Link Quality=70/70 Signal level=-32 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:127 Missed beacon:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:79 Missed beacon:0
@ -310,13 +309,12 @@ iface lo inet loopback
**ip route show**
default via dev wlp1s0 proto static metric 600 dev wlp1s0 scope link metric 1000 dev wlp1s0 proto kernel scope link src metric 600
nameserver 2a01:e00::1
nameserver 2a01:e00::2
@ -386,35 +384,27 @@ managed=false
FreeWifi 14:0C:76:54:74:92 Infra 9 2452 MHz 54 Mo/s 100 ▂▄▆█ --
FreeWifi_secure 14:0C:76:54:74:93 Infra 9 2452 MHz 54 Mo/s 100 ▂▄▆█ WPA2 802.1X
freemfi 14:0C:76:54:74:91 Infra 9 2452 MHz 54 Mo/s 86 ▂▄▆█ WPA2
KLAC2Free F4:CA:E5:D2:6E:74 Infra 11 2462 MHz 54 Mo/s 47 ▂▄__ WPA2
FreeWifi_secure F4:CA:E5:D2:6E:76 Infra 11 2462 MHz 54 Mo/s 40 ▂▄__ WPA2 802.1X
FreeWifi F4:CA:E5:D2:6E:75 Infra 11 2462 MHz 54 Mo/s 39 ▂▄__ --
FreeWifi E4:9E:12:0D:95:EB Infra 11 2462 MHz 54 Mo/s 30 ▂___ --
FreeWifi_secure 14:0C:76:F5:95:CA Infra 3 2422 MHz 54 Mo/s 29 ▂___ WPA2 802.1X
Freebox-62E169 14:0C:76:F5:95:C8 Infra 3 2422 MHz 54 Mo/s 27 ▂___ WPA1
FreeWifi 14:0C:76:F5:95:C9 Infra 3 2422 MHz 54 Mo/s 27 ▂___ --
FreeWifi_secure 14:0C:76:AF:F2:0C Infra 11 2462 MHz 54 Mo/s 27 ▂___ WPA2 802.1X
freebox_nono 14:0C:76:AF:F2:0A Infra 11 2462 MHz 54 Mo/s 27 ▂___ WEP
Livebox-EFD2 B8:26:6C:34:EF:D2 Infra 1 2412 MHz 54 Mo/s 25 ▂___ WPA1 WPA2
orange 1E:03:D8:6E:E5:02 Infra 1 2412 MHz 54 Mo/s 25 ▂___ --
FreeWifi 14:0C:76:AF:F2:0B Infra 11 2462 MHz 54 Mo/s 25 ▂___ --
Bbox-10913089 E8:BE:81:B1:FE:B0 Infra 1 2412 MHz 54 Mo/s 24 ▂___ WPA1 WPA2
FREEBOX_HABIB_2C 68:A3:78:8D:1D:D4 Infra 3 2422 MHz 54 Mo/s 24 ▂___ WPA1
FreeWifi_secure 68:A3:78:8D:1D:D6 Infra 3 2422 MHz 54 Mo/s 24 ▂___ WPA2 802.1X
FreeWifi_secure F4:CA:E5:88:4A:62 Infra 8 2447 MHz 54 Mo/s 24 ▂___ WPA2 802.1X
FreeWifi 14:0C:76:E5:77:59 Infra 11 2462 MHz 54 Mo/s 24 ▂___ --
SFR-91d0 40:65:A3:08:91:D6 Infra 1 2412 MHz 54 Mo/s 20 ▂___ WPA1 WPA2
FreeWifi F4:CA:E5:C3:90:6D Infra 3 2422 MHz 54 Mo/s 17 ▂___ --
freebox_UVPNFM B6:CA:05:6E:3A:BC Infra 3 2422 MHz 54 Mo/s 15 ▂___ WPA1
Bbox-DF4B4024 E8:F1:B0:D6:3F:60 Infra 6 2437 MHz 54 Mo/s 15 ▂___ WPA1 WPA2
Livebox-334E B4:A5:EF:D3:33:4C Infra 6 2437 MHz 54 Mo/s 15 ▂___ WPA2
FreeWifi_secure 68:A3:78:0F:25:0B Infra 12 2467 MHz 54 Mo/s 10 ▂___ WPA2 802.1X
FreeWifi BA:95:9A:05:36:EA Infra 12 2467 MHz 54 Mo/s 9 ▂___ --
FreeWifi_secure F4:CA:E5:BE:CF:9E Infra 1 2412 MHz 54 Mo/s 7 ▂___ WPA2 802.1X
FreeWifi 14:0C:76:54:74:92 Infra 9 2452 MHz 54 Mo/s 100 ▂▄▆█ --
FreeWifi_secure 14:0C:76:54:74:93 Infra 9 2452 MHz 54 Mo/s 100 ▂▄▆█ WPA2 802.1X
freemfi 14:0C:76:54:74:91 Infra 9 2452 MHz 54 Mo/s 87 ▂▄▆█ WPA2
freebox_nono 14:0C:76:AF:F2:0A Infra 11 2462 MHz 54 Mo/s 45 ▂▄__ WEP
FreeWifi_secure 14:0C:76:AF:F2:0C Infra 11 2462 MHz 54 Mo/s 44 ▂▄__ WPA2 802.1X
Bbox-10913089 E8:BE:81:B1:FE:B0 Infra 1 2412 MHz 54 Mo/s 32 ▂▄__ WPA1 WPA2
KLAC2Free F4:CA:E5:D2:6E:74 Infra 11 2462 MHz 54 Mo/s 32 ▂▄__ WPA2
FreeWifi 14:0C:76:AF:F2:0B Infra 11 2462 MHz 54 Mo/s 30 ▂___ --
FreeWifi_secure 14:0C:76:F5:95:CA Infra 3 2422 MHz 54 Mo/s 24 ▂___ WPA2 802.1X
FreeWifi_secure F4:CA:E5:D2:6E:76 Infra 11 2462 MHz 54 Mo/s 24 ▂___ WPA2 802.1X
FreeWifi 7A:13:8E:BD:A0:B6 Infra 7 2442 MHz 54 Mo/s 22 ▂___ --
FreeWifi 00:24:D4:DF:07:E1 Infra 5 2432 MHz 54 Mo/s 20 ▂___ --
Freebox-78167B 00:24:D4:DF:07:E0 Infra 5 2432 MHz 54 Mo/s 20 ▂___ WPA2
Livebox-334E B4:A5:EF:D3:33:4C Infra 11 2462 MHz 54 Mo/s 20 ▂___ WPA2
FreeWifi F4:CA:E5:D2:6E:75 Infra 11 2462 MHz 54 Mo/s 20 ▂___ --
Livebox-05D8 48:83:C7:D9:05:D8 Infra 1 2412 MHz 54 Mo/s 19 ▂___ WPA1 WPA2
FreeWifi_secure 00:24:D4:DF:07:E2 Infra 5 2432 MHz 54 Mo/s 17 ▂___ WPA2 802.1X
Livebox-FF8E 48:83:C7:65:FF:8E Infra 1 2412 MHz 54 Mo/s 12 ▂___ WPA1 WPA2
DIRECT-B8-HP ENVY 5540 series C8:D3:FF:1B:45:B9 Infra 6 2437 MHz 54 Mo/s 10 ▂___ WPA2
FreeWifi_secure E4:9E:12:0D:95:EC Infra 11 2462 MHz 54 Mo/s 5 ____ WPA2 802.1X
## périphériques USB
@ -423,7 +413,7 @@ FreeWifi_secure F4:CA:E5:BE:CF:9E Infra 1 2412 MHz 54 Mo/s 7 ▂
Bus 004 Device 004: ID 13d3:5071 IMC Networks
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0b05:b700 ASUSTek Computer, Inc. Broadcom Bluetooth 2.1
Bus 003 Device 018: ID 0b05:b700 ASUSTek Computer, Inc. Broadcom Bluetooth 2.1
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 046d:c52f Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver
@ -436,10 +426,10 @@ Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
|__ Port 7: Dev 4, If 0, Class=Video, Driver=uvcvideo, 480M
|__ Port 7: Dev 4, If 1, Class=Video, Driver=uvcvideo, 480M
/: Bus 03.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=uhci_hcd/2p, 12M
|__ Port 2: Dev 2, If 0, Class=Wireless, Driver=btusb, 12M
|__ Port 2: Dev 2, If 1, Class=Wireless, Driver=btusb, 12M
|__ Port 2: Dev 2, If 2, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=, 12M
|__ Port 2: Dev 2, If 3, Class=Application Specific Interface, Driver=, 12M
|__ Port 2: Dev 18, If 0, Class=Wireless, Driver=btusb, 12M
|__ Port 2: Dev 18, If 1, Class=Wireless, Driver=btusb, 12M
|__ Port 2: Dev 18, If 2, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=, 12M
|__ Port 2: Dev 18, If 3, Class=Application Specific Interface, Driver=, 12M
/: Bus 02.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=uhci_hcd/2p, 12M
/: Bus 01.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=uhci_hcd/2p, 12M
|__ Port 2: Dev 2, If 0, Class=Human Interface Device, Driver=usbhid, 12M
@ -453,26 +443,26 @@ Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
**systemd-analyze blame | head -n 20**
12.814s apt-daily.service
6.352s NetworkManager-wait-online.service
6.166s dev-sda1.device
6.082s apt-daily-upgrade.service
5.502s loadcpufreq.service
5.316s ModemManager.service
4.827s apt-daily.service
4.388s exim4.service
4.276s accounts-daemon.service
3.983s networking.service
3.603s apt-daily-upgrade.service
3.571s upower.service
3.195s systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by-uuid-426c6d02-3471-4158-b6f3-f1348c8c2d54.service
2.942s NetworkManager.service
2.809s pppd-dns.service
2.775s systemd-rfkill.service
2.501s systemd-logind.service
2.448s alsa-restore.service
2.434s lm-sensors.service
2.432s rsyslog.service
2.340s bluetooth.service
1.604s polkit.service
1.604s polkit.service
1.110s keyboard-setup.service
@ -498,5 +488,4 @@ Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
[rapport getInfo v1.0.7](
[rapport getInfo v1.12.0](