This commit is contained in:
kyodev 2017-07-03 09:27:24 +02:00
parent c87e4caed2
commit 3b462011f6
2 changed files with 63 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -1,27 +1,74 @@
# compil KeePassXC
essentiellement utile pour dev ou plateforme 32b
# compil KeePassXC-32b
## installation des outils de compilation
#C++ toolchain
# C++ toolchain
apt install build-essential cmake g++
# git
apt install git gitk
# dépendances
apt install libxi-dev libxtst-dev qtbase5-dev \
libqt5x11extras5-dev qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools \
libgcrypt20-dev zlib1g-dev libyubikey-dev libykpers-1-dev
## chargement des sources
git clone --depth 1
git clone --depth 1
cd keepassxc
## compil, install
## build AppImage
* ~~bug AppImage~~, [PR252 acceptée](
* build for amd64
* build on i386, ~~bug keepassxc~~ [PR737acceptée](
remarque le build pour le 64bits est Ok de suite, le 32bits à vérifier, si le fix doit être released
ou pris en compte dès la branche _develop_
./release-tool build --version 2.2.0
### options
à utiliser à bon escient...
-v, --version Release version number or name (required)
-a, --app-name Application name (default: '${APP_NAME}')
-s, --source-dir Source directory (default: '${SRC_DIR}')
-o, --output-dir Output directory where to build the release
(default: '${OUTPUT_DIR}')
-t, --tag-name Release tag to check out (defaults to version number)
-b, --build Build sources after exporting release
-d, --docker-image Use the specified Docker image to compile the application.
The image must have all required build dependencies installed.
This option has no effect if --build is not set.
--container-name Docker container name (default: '${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME}')
The container must not exist already
-c, --cmake-options Additional CMake options for compiling the sources
--compiler Compiler to use (default: '${COMPILER}')
-m, --make-options Make options for compiling sources (default: '${MAKE_OPTIONS}')
-i, --install-prefix Install prefix (default: '${INSTALL_PREFIX}')
-p, --plugins Space-separated list of plugins to build
(default: ${BUILD_PLUGINS})
-n, --no-source-tarball Don't build source tarball
-h, --help Show this help
## compilation & install
destiné au développement, une AppImage est préférable à l'utilisation
mkdir build
cd build
@ -35,19 +82,20 @@ make DESTDIR=~/.local install
## install
### install
intégration lanceur au système
cp /home/kyodev/.local/usr/local/share/applications/keepassxc.desktop /usr/share/applications/keepassxc.desktop
test: lancer manuellement
#### lancer manuellement
construction lanceur desktop, plus utile
####construction lanceur desktop, plus utile
echo "[Desktop Entry]" >> /usr/share/applications/keepassxc.desktop
@ -62,11 +110,3 @@ echo "Categories=Utility;" >> /usr/share/applications/keepassxc.desktop
echo "MimeType=application/x-keepass2;" >> /usr/share/applications/keepassxc.desktop
## développement
release tool à corriger pour debian
./release-tool build --version 2.2.0

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@ -132,9 +132,11 @@ Would you like to integrate /opt/KeePassXC-2.2.0-x86_64.AppImage with your syste
This will add it to your applications menu and install icons.
If you don't do this you can still launch the application by double-clicking on the AppImage.
répondre Oui, Quitter.
répondre Oui, Quitter.
en cas de réponse par non, pour revenir en arrière, effacer
`~/.local/share/appimagekit/KeePassXC_no_desktopintegration` (à vérifier)
voilà, le lanceur de KeepassXC est dans le menu, **catégorie : Accessoires**