# nstest ![version: 1.6.3](https://img.shields.io/badge/version-1.6.3-blue.svg?longCache=true&style=for-the-badge) ![bash langage](https://img.shields.io/badge/bash-4-brightgreen.svg?longCache=true&style=for-the-badge) ![license LPRAB / WTFPL](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-LPRAB%20%2F%20WTFPL-blue.svg?longCache=true&style=for-the-badge) This script tests several open DNS servers and/or servers which names must be present in `resolv.conf` or in another file. It's written in bash only for speed, except for `dig` (required) and `sort` (not required but useful for the sort) The results are sorted on average times. `dig` is delivered in dnsutils package (`apt install dnsutils` on debian). `drill` (package ldns) can be used, but is not advisable, no management of timeout, except if I don't know how to read a manual. It can be exported the report on a pastebin for easy exchange. ## usage ```text _ _ _ __ ___| |_ ___ ___| |_ | '_ \/ __| __/ _ \/ __| __| | | | \__ \ || __/\__ \ |_ |_| |_|___/\__\___||___/\__| -h version: 1.6 02/06/2018 usage: nstest [options] ( options and arguments must be SEPARATED by one space ) -4, -6, -46 : protocols to use: ipv4, ipv6, ipv4 & ipv6. by default, the protocol(s) used in the net layer --bench : run with all lists of domains to test --dev : use dev branch for update or for version number --drill : drill is forced if existing, otherwise dig has priority -e, --export : export on a pastebin -c, --compress: no extended report, only time averages -d, --domains : choice between 3 test domain lists: base (defaut), alt, atld, or easy -f, --file : the ip in are tested, replace /etc/resolv.conf. format: ip[ # name] per line --nodns : only the nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf or in are tested, no other dns servers used --noresolv: the file /etc/resolv.conf is not read, implied with --file --nosort : no sorted report on average column --opt : print list of dns servers and domains used for tests -h, --help : this help -s, --sort : sort on domain number -u, --upgrade : load and replace the script in place -v, --version : version of the script online and in place examples: ./ntest : full report, with nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf and few open DNS servers ./ntest --nodns --compress : report with only averages with only nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf ./ntest -e --noresolv : export on a pastebin, to exchange a test ./ntest --noresolv -d easy : full report, with domains to test easy, performances are better (responses in cache DNS) ./ntest -h -d alt : this help, with domain list alt(ernative) ./ntest --opt : displays all parameters ./ntest --sort 5 : sort on domain number 5 ./ntest --bench --noresolv : bench for all open DNS, protocols configured in the net layer ./ntest --bench --nodns : bench for names's servers in resolv.conf, protocols configured in the net layer more info: https://framaclic.org/h/doc-nstest ``` ## download ```shell git clone https://framagit.org/sdeb/nstest.git # or git clone git@framagit.org:sdeb/nstest.git # or curl -OL https://framaclic.org/h/nstest # or wget -nv -O nstest https://framaclic.org/h/nstest # if necessary: chmod +x nstest ``` ## DNS servers and domains tested ```text ipv4: adguard ( ) alternate_dns ( ) cleanbrowsing ( ) cloudflare ( ) comodo ( ) dns_watch ( ) dyn_oracle ( ) freedns ( ) freenom ( ) google ( ) level3 ( ) neustar ( ) norton ( ) opendns ( ) quad9 ( ) uncensoredDNS ( ) verisign ( ) yandex ( ) ipv6: adguard ( 2a00:5a60::ad1:0ff ) cloudflare ( 2606:4700:4700::1001 ) dns_watch ( 2001:1608:10:25::1c04:b12f ) google ( 2001:4860:4860::8888 ) neustar ( 2610:a1:1018::1 ) quad9 ( 2620:fe::fe ) uncensoredDNS ( 2001:67c:28a4:: ) verisign ( 2620:74:1b::1:1 ) yandex ( 2a02:6b8::feed:0ff ) ``` Depending on the domains, the response times may differ significantly ```text base list: debian.org eurid.eu free.fr google.com info.info kernel.org be.libre ovh.net packager.io transfer.sh alt list: whois.biz pik.bzh www.coop lafibre.info github.io bmwgroup.jobs dotmobi.mobi do.tel france.tv gen.xyz easy list: amazon.com facebook.com github.com gmail.com google.com reddit.com twitter.com whatsapp.com wikipedia.org youtube.com atld list: register.bbs opennic.chan opennic.cyb nic.fur rojaciwan.ku register.neo reg.null opennic.oz uptime.party vtje.ti ``` ## license [LPRAB / WTFPL](https://framagit.org/sdeb/nstest/blob/master/LICENSE.md) ## bench [voir bench.md](bench.md) ## tld alternative some servers, outside OpenNic, resolve alternative domain names, today: level3 && norton * [OpenNIC](https://www.opennic.org/): .bbs, .chan, .dyn, .fur, .geek, .gopher, .indy, .libre, .neo, .null, .o, .oss, .oz, .parody, .pirate * [Emercoin](https://emercoin.com/en/tech-solutions?page=49#services): .bazar, .coin, .amc, .lib, * [FurNIC](http://www.nic.fur/): .fur * [Namecoin](https://namecoin.org/): .bit * [New Nations](http://new-nations.net/en/): .ku, .te, .ti, .uu ## sources [framagit (gitlab) (framasoft service)](https://framagit.org/sdeb/nstest/blob/master/README.md#nstest) ## license * [LPRAB / WTFPL](https://framagit.org/sdeb/nstest/blob/master/LICENSE.md) ![compteur](https://framaclic.org/h/nstest-gif)