#!/bin/bash version=0.0.2 date="07/2017" projet="simpledebian" contact="IRC freenode ##sdeb ou https://framagit.org/kyodev/kyopages/issues" script="getInfo" urlScript="https://framagit.org/kyodev/kyopages/raw/master/scripts/getInfo" urlNotice="" ##### license LPRAB/WTFPL # auteur: simpledebian # contributeurs: kyodev ##### PATH='/bin:/usr/bin' ; IFS=' ' f__affichage(){ # définition couleurs YELLOW="$(printf "\033[0;33m")" # ? GREEN="$(printf "\033[0;32m")" # ok BLUE="$(printf "\033[0;34m")" # info RED="$(printf "\033[0;31m")" # alerte COLOR="$(printf "\033[0m")" # standard # clear printf "$BLUE" cat << 'EOF' _ ___ __ __ _ ___| |_|_ _|_ __ / _| ___ / _' |/ _ \ __|| || '_ \| |_ / _ \ | (_| | __/ |_ | || | | | _| (_) | \__, |\___|\__|___|_| |_|_| \___/ |___/ EOF echo -e "$YELLOW version $version - $date$COLOR\n" } # affichage $1 en rouge, $1++ optionnels en bleu, sortie script sur erreur f__error() { echo -e "\n$RED Erreur critique: $1 $COLOR" for (( i=2 ; i<=$# ; i++ )); do echo -e " $BLUE${!i}"; done echo "$COLOR" exit 1 } # affichage des paramètres en bleu, ligne vide à la fin f__info() { for (( i=1 ; i<=$# ; i++ )); do echo -e " $BLUE${!i}"; done echo "$COLOR" } # detect system architecture, assign $architecture : i386 | x86_64, return 1 on unknown architecture # remarque, debian: dpkg --print-architecture affiche i386 f__architecture(){ case "$(uname -m)" in amd64 | x86_64 ) architecture="x86_64";; i?86 | x86 ) architecture="i686";; * ) case "$(getconf LONG_BIT)" in 64 ) architecture="x86_64";; 32 ) architecture="i686";; *) return 1 esac ;; esac } # test dépendances (commandes disponibles), $1 liste commandes ou $1...$x, si manquant, avertissement des paquets manquants f__requis(){ local dependsFail for i in $@; do if [ ! "$(which $i)" ]; then dependsFail+="$i " fi done [ -z "$dependsFail" ] || f__error "paquet(s) manquant(s)" \ "vous devez avoir le(s) paquet(s) $i pour exploiter ce script, installation,$RED en root$COLOR:" \ "apt install $dependsFail" } fi_divers(){ local uptime=$(uptime -p) local lastboot=$(last -R -n 1 --time-format iso reboot | head -n 1 | grep -o '[0-9:T+-]*' | sed 's/T/ /') #dépend de apt install lsb-release, debian standard juste : lsb-base [ -x "/usr/bin/lsb_release" ] && local description=$(lsb_release -ds) local uname=$(uname -rmo) local parametreKernel=$(sed 's/root=[^ ]*//;s/[ ]\+/, /g;s/^BOOT_IMAGE=[^ ]*//' /proc/cmdline) echo "dernier boot: $lastboot, uptime: $uptime""$rcmd" [ $description ] && echo "description: $description""$rcmd" echo "uname: $uname""$rcmd" echo "parametreKernel: $parametreKernel""$rcmd" } fi_carte_reseau(){ netcards="$(lspci -nnk | grep -iEA 3 'network|ethernet')" } trim_quotes() { # thanks neofetch trim_output="${1//\'}" trim_output="${trim_output//\"}" printf "%s" "$trim_output" } get_de() { # thanks neofetch de="${XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP/i3}" de="${de/'X-'}" de="${de/Budgie:GNOME/Budgie}" # Fallback to using xprop. [[ -n "$DISPLAY" && -z "$de" ]] && de="$(xprop -root | awk '/KDE_SESSION_VERSION|^_MUFFIN|xfce4|xfce5/')" # Format strings case "$de" in "KDE_SESSION_VERSION"*) de="KDE${de/* = }" ;; *"TDE_FULL_SESSION"*) de="Trinity" ;; *"MUFFIN"* | "Cinnamon") de="$(cinnamon --version)"; de="${de:-Cinnamon}" ;; *"xfce4"*) de="XFCE4" ;; *"xfce5"*) de="XFCE5" ;; esac } get_distro() { # thanks neofetch [[ "$distro" ]] && return case "$os" in "Linux" | "GNU") if type -p lsb_release >/dev/null; then case "$distro_shorthand" in "on") lsb_flags="-sir" ;; "tiny") lsb_flags="-si" ;; *) lsb_flags="-sd" ;; esac distro="$(lsb_release $lsb_flags)" elif type -p guix >/dev/null; then distro="GuixSD" elif type -p crux >/dev/null; then distro="$(crux)" case "$distro_shorthand" in "on") distro="${distro//version}" ;; "tiny") distro="${distro//version*}" ;; esac else # Source the os-release file for file in /etc/os-release /usr/lib/os-release /etc/*release /usr/lib/*release; do source "$file" && break done # Format the distro name. case "$distro_shorthand" in "on") distro="${NAME:-${DISTRIB_ID}} ${VERSION_ID:-${DISTRIB_RELEASE}}" ;; "tiny") distro="${NAME:-${DISTRIB_ID:-${TAILS_PRODUCT_NAME}}}" ;; "off") distro="${PRETTY_NAME:-${DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION}} ${UBUNTU_CODENAME}" ;; esac # Workarounds for distros that go against the os-release standard. [[ -z "${distro// }" ]] && distro="$(awk '/BLAG/ {print $1; exit}' /etc/*ease /usr/lib/*ease)" [[ -z "${distro// }" ]] && distro="$(awk -F '=' '{print $2; exit}' /etc/*ease /usr/lib/*ease)" fi grep -qi 'Debian' /etc/issue && distro="$(echo $distro | sed 's/"//g') $(cat /etc/debian_version)" distro="$(trim_quotes "$distro")" ;; esac [[ -z "$distro" ]] && distro="$os (Unknown)" } fi_pastebinit(){ pastebinit -b http://markdownshare.com/ -i "$fileOutput" } fi__curl(){ curl -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -F "text=<$fileOutput" https://markdownshare.com/create/ #-A, --user-agent and -e, --referer options #If you wish to allow a post to expire then add an expire= parameter too: #expire=Nh Expire in N hours. #expire=Nd Expire in N days. } # initialisation f__affichage f__architecture || f__error "Architecture non supportée" "vous pouvez contacter contacter $projet $contact pour parfaire le script" fileOutput="getInfo_rapport.md" rcmd=" " # retour ligne markdown f__requis "pastebinit" os="$(uname -s)" fileLogs="/var/log/sdeb_getFinfo.log" dateRapport=$(date +"%d %b %Y %H:%M %z") rm "$fileOutput" &>/dev/null echo -e "# getInfo $version\n" > "$fileOutput" echo -e "Rapport au $dateRapport sur $(uname -n)\n" >> "$fileOutput" echo -e "## système" >> "$fileOutput" fi_divers | tee -a "$fileOutput" get_de && echo "DE: $de""$rcmd" | tee -a "$fileOutput" get_distro && echo "distro: $distro""$rcmd" | tee -a "$fileOutput" echo -e "## réseau" >> "$fileOutput" fi_carte_reseau && echo "$netcards""$rcmd" | tee -a "$fileOutput" fi__curl echo exit {"link":"https://markdownshare.com/view/5b934dde-473e-4d34-b1e4-7d624cedca40", "raw":"https://markdownshare.com/raw/5b934dde-473e-4d34-b1e4-7d624cedca40", "edit":"https://markdownshare.com/edit/af25b45a5b945963223f8aeb773decf8", "delete":"https://markdownshare.com/delete/af25b45a5b945963223f8aeb773decf8", "id":"5b934dde-473e-4d34-b1e4-7d624cedca40", "auth":"af25b45a5b945963223f8aeb773decf8" } bug markdownshare: "```" n'est pas interprété en

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