Refactor redraw()

This commit is contained in:
Olly Smith 2012-03-18 19:10:20 +00:00
parent 64cfa4a0ff
commit ad8d0b6a8c

View File

@ -111,6 +111,66 @@ class Morris.Line
@options.ymin = Math.min parseInt(@options.ymin[5..], 10), ymin
@options.ymin = ymin
# Some instance variables for later
@pointGrow = Raphael.animation r: @options.pointSize + 3, 25, 'linear'
@pointShrink = Raphael.animation r: @options.pointSize, 25, 'linear'
@elementWidth = null
@elementHeight = null
# column hilight events
@prevHilight = null
@el.mousemove (evt) =>
@updateHilight evt.pageX
if @options.hideHover
@el.mouseout (evt) =>
@hilight null
touchHandler = (evt) =>
touch = evt.originalEvent.touches[0] or evt.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]
@updateHilight touch.pageX
return touch
@el.bind 'touchstart', touchHandler
@el.bind 'touchmove', touchHandler
@el.bind 'touchend', touchHandler
# Do any size-related calculations
calc: ->
w = @el.width()
h = @el.height()
if @elementWidth != w or @elementHeight != h
# calculate grid dimensions
@maxYLabelWidth = Math.max(
@measureText(@options.ymin + @options.units, @options.gridTextSize).width,
@measureText(@options.ymax + @options.units, @options.gridTextSize).width)
@left = @maxYLabelWidth + @options.marginLeft
@width = @el.width() - @left - @options.marginRight
@height = @el.height() - @options.marginTop - @options.marginBottom
@dx = @width / (@xmax - @xmin)
@dy = @height / (@options.ymax - @options.ymin)
# calculate series data point coordinates
@columns = (@transX(x) for x in @xvals)
@seriesCoords = []
for s in @series
scoords = []
$.each s, (i, y) =>
if y == null
scoords.push(x: @columns[i], y: @transY(y))
# calculate hover margins
@hoverMargins = $.map @columns.slice(1), (x, i) => (x + @columns[i]) / 2
# quick translation helpers
transX: (x) =>
if @xvals.length is 1
@left + @width / 2
@left + (x - @xmin) * @dx
transY: (y) =>
return @options.marginTop + @height - (y - @options.ymin) * @dy
# Clear and redraw the graph
@ -120,38 +180,28 @@ class Morris.Line
# the raphael drawing instance
@r = new Raphael(@el[0])
@hilight(if @options.hideHover then null else 0)
# calculate grid dimensions
maxYLabelWidth = Math.max(
@measureText(@options.ymin + @options.units, @options.gridTextSize).width,
@measureText(@options.ymax + @options.units, @options.gridTextSize).width)
left = maxYLabelWidth + @options.marginLeft
width = @el.width() - left - @options.marginRight
height = @el.height() - @options.marginTop - @options.marginBottom
dx = width / (@xmax - @xmin)
dy = height / (@options.ymax - @options.ymin)
# quick translation helpers
transX = (x) =>
if @xvals.length is 1
left + width / 2
left + (x - @xmin) * dx
transY = (y) =>
return @options.marginTop + height - (y - @options.ymin) * dy
# draw the grid, and axes labels
drawGrid: ->
# draw y axis labels, horizontal lines
yInterval = (@options.ymax - @options.ymin) / (@options.numLines - 1)
firstY = Math.ceil(@options.ymin / yInterval) * yInterval
lastY = Math.floor(@options.ymax / yInterval) * yInterval
for lineY in [firstY..lastY] by yInterval
v = Math.floor(lineY)
y = transY(v)
@r.text(left - @options.marginLeft/2, y, v + @options.units)
y = @transY(v)
@r.text(@left - @options.marginLeft/2, y, v + @options.units)
.attr('font-size', @options.gridTextSize)
.attr('fill', @options.gridTextColor)
.attr('text-anchor', 'end')
@r.path("M" + left + "," + y + 'H' + (left + width))
@r.path("M#{@left},#{y}H#{@left + @width}")
.attr('stroke', @options.gridLineColor)
.attr('stroke-width', @options.gridStrokeWidth)
@ -172,7 +222,7 @@ class Morris.Line
xpos = i
labelText = if @options.parseTime then i else @columnLabels[@columnLabels.length-i-1]
label = @r.text(transX(xpos), @options.marginTop + height + @options.marginBottom / 2, labelText)
label = @r.text(@transX(xpos), @options.marginTop + @height + @options.marginBottom / 2, labelText)
.attr('font-size', @options.gridTextSize)
.attr('fill', @options.gridTextColor)
labelBox = label.getBBox()
@ -181,28 +231,20 @@ class Morris.Line
prevLabelMargin = labelBox.x + labelBox.width + xLabelMargin
# draw the actual series
columns = (transX(x) for x in @xvals)
seriesCoords = []
for s in @series
scoords = []
$.each s, (i, y) =>
if y == null
scoords.push(x: columns[i], y: transY(y))
for i in [seriesCoords.length-1..0]
coords = seriesCoords[i]
# draw the data series
drawSeries: ->
for i in [@seriesCoords.length-1..0]
coords = @seriesCoords[i]
if coords.length > 1
path = @createPath coords, @options.marginTop, left, @options.marginTop + height, left + width
path = @createPath coords, @options.marginTop, @left, @options.marginTop + @height, @left + @width
.attr('stroke', @options.lineColors[i])
.attr('stroke-width', @options.lineWidth)
seriesPoints = ([] for i in [0..seriesCoords.length-1])
for i in [seriesCoords.length-1..0]
for c in seriesCoords[i]
@seriesPoints = ([] for i in [0..@seriesCoords.length-1])
for i in [@seriesCoords.length-1..0]
for c in @seriesCoords[i]
if c == null
circle = null
@ -210,93 +252,8 @@ class Morris.Line
.attr('fill', @options.lineColors[i])
.attr('stroke-width', 1)
.attr('stroke', '#ffffff')
# hover labels
hoverHeight = @options.hoverFontSize * 1.5 * (@series.length + 1)
hover = @r.rect(-10, -hoverHeight / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingY, 20, hoverHeight + @options.hoverPaddingY * 2, 10)
.attr('fill', @options.hoverFillColor)
.attr('stroke', @options.hoverBorderColor)
.attr('stroke-width', @options.hoverBorderWidth)
.attr('opacity', @options.hoverOpacity)
xLabel = @r.text(0, (@options.hoverFontSize * 0.75) - hoverHeight / 2, '')
.attr('fill', @options.hoverLabelColor)
.attr('font-weight', 'bold')
.attr('font-size', @options.hoverFontSize)
hoverSet = @r.set()
yLabels = []
for i in [0..@series.length-1]
yLabel = @r.text(0, @options.hoverFontSize * 1.5 * (i + 1.5) - hoverHeight / 2, '')
.attr('fill', @options.lineColors[i])
.attr('font-size', @options.hoverFontSize)
updateHover = (index) =>
xLabel.attr('text', @columnLabels[index])
for i in [0..@series.length-1]
yLabels[i].attr('text', "#{@seriesLabels[i]}: #{@prettifylabel(@series[i][index])}#{@options.units}")
# recalculate hover box width
maxLabelWidth = Math.max.apply null, $.map yLabels, (l) ->
maxLabelWidth = Math.max maxLabelWidth, xLabel.getBBox().width
hover.attr 'width', maxLabelWidth + @options.hoverPaddingX * 2
hover.attr 'x', -@options.hoverPaddingX - maxLabelWidth / 2
# move to y pos
yloc = Math.min.apply null, $.map @series, (s) =>
transY s[index]
if yloc > hoverHeight + @options.hoverPaddingY * 2 + @options.hoverMargin + @options.marginTop
yloc = yloc - hoverHeight / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingY - @options.hoverMargin
yloc = yloc + hoverHeight / 2 + @options.hoverPaddingY + @options.hoverMargin
yloc = Math.max @options.marginTop + hoverHeight / 2 + @options.hoverPaddingY, yloc
yloc = Math.min @options.marginTop + height - hoverHeight / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingY, yloc
xloc = Math.min left + width - maxLabelWidth / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingX, columns[index]
xloc = Math.max left + maxLabelWidth / 2 + @options.hoverPaddingX, xloc
hoverSet.attr 'transform', "t#{xloc},#{yloc}"
hideHover = ->
# column hilight
hoverMargins = $.map columns.slice(1), (x, i) -> (x + columns[i]) / 2
prevHilight = null
pointGrow = Raphael.animation r: @options.pointSize + 3, 25, 'linear'
pointShrink = Raphael.animation r: @options.pointSize, 25, 'linear'
hilight = (index) =>
if prevHilight isnt null and prevHilight isnt index
for i in [0..seriesPoints.length-1]
if seriesPoints[i][prevHilight]
seriesPoints[i][prevHilight].animate pointShrink
if index isnt null and prevHilight isnt index
for i in [0..seriesPoints.length-1]
if seriesPoints[i][index]
seriesPoints[i][index].animate pointGrow
updateHover index
prevHilight = index
if index is null
updateHilight = (x) =>
x -= @el.offset().left
for hoverIndex in [hoverMargins.length..0]
if hoverIndex == 0 || hoverMargins[hoverIndex - 1] > x
hilight hoverIndex
@el.mousemove (evt) =>
updateHilight evt.pageX
if @options.hideHover
@el.mouseout (evt) =>
hilight null
touchHandler = (evt) =>
touch = evt.originalEvent.touches[0] or evt.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]
updateHilight touch.pageX
return touch
@el.bind 'touchstart', touchHandler
@el.bind 'touchmove', touchHandler
@el.bind 'touchend', touchHandler
hilight(if @options.hideHover then null else 0)
# create a path for a data series
createPath: (all_coords, top, left, bottom, right) ->
@ -333,6 +290,79 @@ class Morris.Line
(coords[i + 1].y - coords[i - 1].y) / (coords[i + 1].x - coords[i - 1].x)
# draw the hover tooltip
drawHover: ->
# hover labels
@hoverHeight = @options.hoverFontSize * 1.5 * (@series.length + 1)
@hover = @r.rect(-10, -@hoverHeight / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingY, 20, @hoverHeight + @options.hoverPaddingY * 2, 10)
.attr('fill', @options.hoverFillColor)
.attr('stroke', @options.hoverBorderColor)
.attr('stroke-width', @options.hoverBorderWidth)
.attr('opacity', @options.hoverOpacity)
@xLabel = @r.text(0, (@options.hoverFontSize * 0.75) - @hoverHeight / 2, '')
.attr('fill', @options.hoverLabelColor)
.attr('font-weight', 'bold')
.attr('font-size', @options.hoverFontSize)
@hoverSet = @r.set()
@yLabels = []
for i in [0..@series.length-1]
yLabel = @r.text(0, @options.hoverFontSize * 1.5 * (i + 1.5) - @hoverHeight / 2, '')
.attr('fill', @options.lineColors[i])
.attr('font-size', @options.hoverFontSize)
updateHover: (index) =>
@xLabel.attr('text', @columnLabels[index])
for i in [0..@series.length-1]
@yLabels[i].attr('text', "#{@seriesLabels[i]}: #{@prettifylabel(@series[i][index])}#{@options.units}")
# recalculate hover box width
maxLabelWidth = Math.max.apply null, $.map @yLabels, (l) ->
maxLabelWidth = Math.max maxLabelWidth, @xLabel.getBBox().width
@hover.attr 'width', maxLabelWidth + @options.hoverPaddingX * 2
@hover.attr 'x', -@options.hoverPaddingX - maxLabelWidth / 2
# move to y pos
yloc = Math.min.apply null, $.map @series, (s) =>
@transY s[index]
if yloc > @hoverHeight + @options.hoverPaddingY * 2 + @options.hoverMargin + @options.marginTop
yloc = yloc - @hoverHeight / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingY - @options.hoverMargin
yloc = yloc + @hoverHeight / 2 + @options.hoverPaddingY + @options.hoverMargin
yloc = Math.max @options.marginTop + @hoverHeight / 2 + @options.hoverPaddingY, yloc
yloc = Math.min @options.marginTop + @height - @hoverHeight / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingY, yloc
xloc = Math.min @left + @width - maxLabelWidth / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingX, @columns[index]
xloc = Math.max @left + maxLabelWidth / 2 + @options.hoverPaddingX, xloc
@hoverSet.attr 'transform', "t#{xloc},#{yloc}"
hideHover: ->
hilight: (index) =>
if @prevHilight isnt null and @prevHilight isnt index
for i in [0..@seriesPoints.length-1]
if @seriesPoints[i][@prevHilight]
@seriesPoints[i][@prevHilight].animate @pointShrink
if index isnt null and @prevHilight isnt index
for i in [0..@seriesPoints.length-1]
if @seriesPoints[i][index]
@seriesPoints[i][index].animate @pointGrow
@updateHover index
@prevHilight = index
if index is null
updateHilight: (x) =>
x -= @el.offset().left
for hoverIndex in [@hoverMargins.length..0]
if hoverIndex == 0 || @hoverMargins[hoverIndex - 1] > x
@hilight hoverIndex
measureText: (text, fontSize = 12) ->
tt = @r.text(100, 100, text).attr('font-size', fontSize)
ret = tt.getBBox()