Roughly complete coffeescript port. Still ugly though.

This commit is contained in:
Olly Smith 2012-02-23 21:59:45 +00:00
parent 0514145522
commit b8302f24b9

View File

@ -40,13 +40,22 @@ class window.Morris.Line
gridTextColor: '#888'
gridTextSize: 12
gridStrokeWidth: 0.5
hoverPaddingX: 10
hoverPaddingY: 5
hoverMargin: 10
hoverFillColor: '#fff'
hoverBorderColor: '#ccc'
hoverBorderWidth: 2
hoverOpacity: 0.95
hoverLabelColor: '#444'
hoverFontSize: 12
# Do any necessary pre-processing for a new dataset
precalc: ->
# extract labels
@xlabels = $.map, (d) => d[@options.xkey]
@ylabels = @options.labels
@columnLabels = $.map, (d) => d[@options.xkey]
@seriesLabels = @options.labels
# extract series data
@series = []
@ -55,7 +64,7 @@ class window.Morris.Line
# translate x labels into nominal dates
# note: currently using decimal years to specify dates
@xvals = $.map @xlabels, (x) => @parseYear x
@xvals = $.map @columnLabels, (x) => @parseYear x
@xmin = Math.min.apply null, @xvals
@xmax = Math.max.apply null, @xvals
if @xmin is @xmax
@ -140,7 +149,84 @@ class window.Morris.Line
# hover labels
hoverHeight = @options.hoverFontSize * 1.5 * (@series.length + 1)
hover = @r.rect(-10, -hoverHeight / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingY, 20, hoverHeight + @options.hoverPaddingY * 2, 10)
.attr('fill', @options.hoverFillColor)
.attr('stroke', @options.hoverBorderColor)
.attr('stroke-width', @options.hoverBorderWidth)
.attr('opacity', @options.hoverOpacity)
xLabel = @r.text(0, (@options.hoverFontSize * 0.75) - hoverHeight / 2, '')
.attr('fill', @options.hoverLabelColor)
.attr('font-weight', 'bold')
.attr('font-size', @options.hoverFontSize)
hoverSet = @r.set()
yLabels = []
for i in [0..@series.length-1]
yLabel = @r.text(0, @options.hoverFontSize * 1.5 * (i + 1.5) - hoverHeight / 2, '')
.attr('fill', @options.lineColors[i])
.attr('font-size', @options.hoverFontSize)
updateHover = (index) =>
xLabel.attr('text', @columnLabels[index])
for i in [0..@series.length-1]
yLabels[i].attr('text', "#{@seriesLabels[i]}: #{@commas(@series[i][index])}")
# recalculate hover box width
maxLabelWidth = Math.max.apply null, $.map yLabels, (l) ->
maxLabelWidth = Math.max maxLabelWidth, xLabel.getBBox().width
hover.attr 'width', maxLabelWidth + @options.hoverPaddingX * 2
hover.attr 'x', -@options.hoverPaddingX - maxLabelWidth / 2
# move to y pos
yloc = Math.min.apply null, $.map @series, (s) =>
transY s[index]
if yloc > hoverHeight + @options.hoverPaddingY * 2 + @options.hoverMargin + @options.marginTop
yloc = yloc - hoverHeight / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingY - @options.hoverMargin
yloc = yloc + hoverHeight / 2 + @options.hoverPaddingY + @options.hoverMargin
yloc = Math.max @options.marginTop + hoverHeight / 2 + @options.hoverPaddingY, yloc
yloc = Math.min @options.marginTop + height - hoverHeight / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingY, yloc
xloc = Math.min left + width - maxLabelWidth / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingX, columns[index]
xloc = Math.max left + maxLabelWidth / 2 + @options.hoverPaddingX, xloc
hoverSet.attr 'transform', "t#{xloc},#{yloc}"
hideHover = ->
# column hilight
hoverMargins = $.map columns.slice(1), (x, i) -> (x + columns[i]) / 2
prevHilight = null
pointGrow = Raphael.animation r: @options.pointSize + 3, 25, 'linear'
pointShrink = Raphael.animation r: @options.pointSize, 25, 'linear'
hilight = (index) =>
if prevHilight isnt null and prevHilight isnt index
for i in [0..seriesPoints.length-1]
seriesPoints[i][prevHilight].animate pointShrink
if index isnt null and prevHilight isnt index
for i in [0..seriesPoints.length-1]
seriesPoints[i][index].animate pointGrow
updateHover index
prevHilight = index
if index is null
updateHilight = (x) =>
x -= @el.offset().left
for i in [hoverMargins.length..1]
if hoverMargins[i - 1] > x
hilight i
@el.mousemove (evt) =>
updateHilight evt.pageX
touchHandler = (evt) =>
touch = evt.originalEvent.touches[0] or evt.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]
updateHilight touch.pageX
return touch
@el.bind 'touchstart', touchHandler
@el.bind 'touchmove', touchHandler
@el.bind 'touchend', touchHandler
hilight 0
# create a path for a data series
@ -190,4 +276,10 @@ class window.Morris.Line
parseInt(year, 10)
# make long numbers prettier by inserting commas
# eg: commas(1234567) -> '1,234,567'
commas: (num) ->
Math.max(0, num).toFixed(0).replace(/(?=(?:\d{3})+$)(?!^)/g, ',')
# vim: set et ts=2 sw=2 sts=2