CoffeeScript re-write. Has a working plot, but so far no hover labels.

This commit is contained in:
Olly Smith 2012-02-23 08:11:31 +00:00
parent f740d80c14
commit f729b1530a
3 changed files with 387 additions and 279 deletions

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
{"period": "1995 Q4", "licensed": 1702, "sorned": 0},
{"period": "1994 Q4", "licensed": 1732, "sorned": 0}
new Morris.Line("graph", {
data: tax_data,
xkey: 'period',
ykeys: ['licensed', 'sorned'],
@ -53,4 +53,4 @@

192 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
# The original line graph.
window.Morris = {}
class window.Morris.Line
# Initialise the graph.
# @param {string} id Target element's DOM ID
# @param {Object} options
constructor: (id, options) ->
@el = $ document.getElementById(id)
@options = $.extend @defaults, options
# bail if there's no data
if is undefined or is 0
@el.addClass 'graph-initialised'
# Default configuration
lineWidth: 3
pointSize: 4
lineColors: [
marginTop: 25
marginRight: 25
marginBottom: 30
marginLeft: 25
numLines: 5
gridLineColor: '#aaa'
gridTextColor: '#888'
gridTextSize: 12
gridStrokeWidth: 0.5
# Do any necessary pre-processing for a new dataset
precalc: ->
# extract labels
@xlabels = $.map, (d) => d[@options.xkey]
@ylabels = @options.labels
# extract series data
@series = []
for ykey in @options.ykeys
@series.push $.map, (d) -> d[ykey]
# translate x labels into nominal dates
# note: currently using decimal years to specify dates
@xvals = $.map @xlabels, (x) => @parseYear x
@xmin = Math.min.apply null, @xvals
@xmax = Math.max.apply null, @xvals
if @xmin is @xmax
@xmin -= 1
@xmax += 1
# use $.map to flatten arrays and find the max y value
all_y_vals = $.map @series, (x) -> Math.max.apply null, x
@ymax = Math.max(20, Math.max.apply(null, all_y_vals))
# Clear and redraw the graph
redraw: ->
# remove child elements (get rid of old drawings)
# the raphael drawing instance
@r = new Raphael(@el[0])
# calculate grid dimensions
left = @measureText(@ymax, @options.gridTextSize).width + @options.marginLeft
width = @el.width() - left - @options.marginRight
height = @el.height() - @options.marginTop - @options.marginBottom
dx = width / (@xmax - @xmin)
dy = height / @ymax
# quick translation helpers
transX = (x) =>
if @xvals.length is 1
left + width / 2
left + (x - @xmin) * dx
transY = (y) =>
return @options.marginTop + height - y * dy
# draw y axis labels, horizontal lines
lineInterval = height / (@options.numLines - 1)
for i in [0..@options.numLines-1]
y = @options.marginTop + i * lineInterval
v = Math.round((@options.numLines - 1 - i) * @ymax / (@options.numLines - 1))
@r.text(left - @options.marginLeft/2, y, v)
.attr('font-size', @options.gridTextSize)
.attr('fill', @options.gridTextColor)
.attr('text-anchor', 'end')
@r.path("M" + left + "," + y + 'H' + (left + width))
.attr('stroke', @options.gridLineColor)
.attr('stroke-width', @options.gridStrokeWidth)
# draw x axis labels
prevLabelMargin = null
xLabelMargin = 50 # make this an option?
for i in [Math.ceil(@xmin)..Math.floor(@xmax)]
label = @r.text(transX(i), @options.marginTop + height + @options.marginBottom / 2, i)
.attr('font-size', @options.gridTextSize)
.attr('fill', @options.gridTextColor)
labelBox = label.getBBox()
# ensure a minimum of `xLabelMargin` pixels between labels
if prevLabelMargin is null or prevLabelMargin <= labelBox.x
prevLabelMargin = labelBox.x + labelBox.width + xLabelMargin
# draw the actual series
columns = (transX(x) for x in @xvals)
seriesCoords = []
for s in @series
seriesCoords.push($.map(s, (y, i) -> x: columns[i], y: transY(y)))
for i in [seriesCoords.length-1..0]
coords = seriesCoords[i]
if coords.length > 1
path = @createPath coords, @options.marginTop, left, @options.marginTop + height, left + width
.attr('stroke', @options.lineColors[i])
.attr('stroke-width', @options.lineWidth)
seriesPoints = ([] for i in [0..seriesCoords.length-1])
for i in [seriesCoords.length-1..0]
for c in seriesCoords[i]
circle =, c.y, @options.pointSize)
.attr('fill', @options.lineColors[i])
.attr('stroke-width', 1)
.attr('stroke', '#ffffff')
# hover labels
hoverMargins = $.map columns.slice(1), (x, i) -> (x + columns[i]) / 2
# create a path for a data series
createPath: (coords, top, left, bottom, right) ->
path = ""
grads = @gradients coords
for i in [0..coords.length-1]
c = coords[i]
if i is 0
path += "M#{c.x},#{c.y}"
g = grads[i]
lc = coords[i - 1]
lg = grads[i - 1]
ix = (c.x - lc.x) / 4
x1 = lc.x + ix
y1 = Math.min(bottom, lc.y + ix * lg)
x2 = c.x - ix
y2 = Math.min(bottom, c.y - ix * g)
path += "C#{x1},#{y1},#{x2},#{y2},#{c.x},#{c.y}"
return path
# calculate a gradient at each point for a series of points
gradients: (coords) ->
$.map coords, (c, i) ->
if i is 0
(coords[1].y - c.y) / (coords[1].x - c.x)
else if i is (coords.length - 1)
(c.y - coords[i - 1].y) / (c.x - coords[i - 1].x)
(coords[i + 1].y - coords[i - 1].y) / (coords[i + 1].x - coords[i - 1].x)
measureText: (text, fontSize = 12) ->
tt = @r.text(100, 100, text).attr('font-size', fontSize)
ret = tt.getBBox()
return ret
parseYear: (year) ->
m = year.toString().match /(\d+) Q(\d)/
n = year.toString().match /(\d+)\-(\d+)/
if m
parseInt(m[1], 10) + (parseInt(m[2], 10) * 3 - 1) / 12
else if n
parseInt(n[1], 10) + (parseInt(n[2], 10) - 1) / 12
parseInt(year, 10)

View File

@ -1,293 +1,209 @@
(function() {
/*global jQuery: false, Raphael: false */
window.Morris = {};
function parse_year(year) {
var m = year.toString().match(/(\d+) Q(\d)/);
var n = year.toString().match(/(\d+)\-(\d+)/);
if (m) {
return parseInt(m[1], 10) + (parseInt(m[2], 10) * 3 - 1) / 12;
else if (n) {
return parseInt(n[1], 10) + (parseInt(n[2], 10) - 1) / 12;
else {
return parseInt(year, 10);
window.Morris.Line = (function() {
function setup_graph(config) {
/*jshint loopfunc: true */
var data =;
if (data.length === 0) {
var xlabels = $.map(data, function (d) { return d[config.xkey]; });
var series = config.ykeys;
var labels = config.labels;
if (!data || !data.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
series[i] = $.map(data, function (d) { return d[series[i]]; });
var xvals = $.map(xlabels, function (x) { return parse_year(x); });
var xmin = Math.min.apply(null, xvals);
var xmax = Math.max.apply(null, xvals);
if (xmin === xmax) {
xmin -= 1;
xmax += 1;
var ymax = Math.max(20, Math.max.apply(null,
$.map(series, function (s) { return Math.max.apply(null, s); })));
var r = new Raphael(this[0]);
var margin_top = 25, margin_bottom = 30, margin_right = 25;
var tt = r.text(100, 100, ymax).attr('font-size', 12);
var margin_left = 25 + tt.getBBox().width;
var h = this.height() - margin_top - margin_bottom;
var w = this.width() - margin_left - margin_right;
var dx = w / (xmax - xmin);
var dy = h / ymax;
function trans_x(x) {
if (xvals.length === 1) {
return margin_left + w / 2;
function Line(id, options) {
this.el = $(document.getElementById(id));
this.options = $.extend(this.defaults, options);
if ( === void 0 || === 0) return;
else {
return margin_left + (x - xmin) * dx;
function trans_y(y) {
return margin_top + h - y * dy;
// draw horizontal lines
var num_lines = 5;
var line_interval = h / (num_lines - 1);
for (i = 0; i < num_lines; i++) {
var y = margin_top + i * line_interval;
r.text(margin_left - 12, y, Math.floor((num_lines - 1 - i) * ymax / (num_lines - 1)))
.attr('font-size', 12)
.attr('fill', '#888')
.attr('text-anchor', 'end');
r.path("M" + (margin_left) + "," + y + "L" + (margin_left + w) + "," + y)
.attr('stroke', '#aaa')
.attr('stroke-width', 0.5);
// calculate the columns
var cols = $.map(xvals, trans_x);
var hover_margins = $.map(cols.slice(1),
function (x, i) { return (x + cols[i]) / 2; });
Line.prototype.defaults = {
lineWidth: 3,
pointSize: 4,
lineColors: ['#0b62a4', '#7A92A3', '#4da74d', '#afd8f8', '#edc240', '#cb4b4b', '#9440ed'],
marginTop: 25,
marginRight: 25,
marginBottom: 30,
marginLeft: 25,
numLines: 5,
gridLineColor: '#aaa',
gridTextColor: '#888',
gridTextSize: 12,
gridStrokeWidth: 0.5
var last_label = null;
var ylabel_margin = 50;
for (i = Math.ceil(xmin); i <= Math.floor(xmax); i++) {
var label = r.text(trans_x(i), margin_top + h + margin_bottom / 2, i)
.attr('font-size', 12)
.attr('fill', '#888');
if (last_label !== null) {
var bb1 = last_label.getBBox();
var bb2 = label.getBBox();
if (bb1.x + bb1.width + ylabel_margin > bb2.x) {
Line.prototype.precalc = function() {
var all_y_vals, ykey, _i, _len, _ref,
_this = this;
this.xlabels = $.map(, function(d) {
return d[_this.options.xkey];
this.ylabels = this.options.labels;
this.series = [];
_ref = this.options.ykeys;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
ykey = _ref[_i];
this.series.push($.map(, function(d) {
return d[ykey];
else {
last_label = label;
this.xvals = $.map(this.xlabels, function(x) {
return _this.parseYear(x);
this.xmin = Math.min.apply(null, this.xvals);
this.xmax = Math.max.apply(null, this.xvals);
if (this.xmin === this.xmax) {
this.xmin -= 1;
this.xmax += 1;
else {
last_label = label;
all_y_vals = $.map(this.series, function(x) {
return Math.max.apply(null, x);
return this.ymax = Math.max(20, Math.max.apply(null, all_y_vals));
// draw the series
var series_points = [];
for (var s = (series.length - 1); s >= 0; s--) {
var path = '';
var lc = null;
var lg = null;
// translate the coordinates into screen positions
var coords = $.map(series[s],
function (v, idx) { return {x: cols[idx], y: trans_y(v)}; });
if (coords.length > 1) {
// calculate the gradients
var grads = $.map(coords, function (c, i) {
Line.prototype.redraw = function() {
var c, circle, columns, coords, dx, dy, height, hoverMargins, i, label, labelBox, left, lineInterval, path, prevLabelMargin, s, seriesCoords, seriesPoints, transX, transY, v, width, x, xLabelMargin, y, _i, _j, _len, _len2, _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _ref5, _ref6, _ref7,
_this = this;
this.r = new Raphael(this.el[0]);
left = this.measureText(this.ymax, this.options.gridTextSize).width + this.options.marginLeft;
width = this.el.width() - left - this.options.marginRight;
height = this.el.height() - this.options.marginTop - this.options.marginBottom;
dx = width / (this.xmax - this.xmin);
dy = height / this.ymax;
transX = function(x) {
if (_this.xvals.length === 1) {
return left + width / 2;
} else {
return left + (x - _this.xmin) * dx;
transY = function(y) {
return _this.options.marginTop + height - y * dy;
lineInterval = height / (this.options.numLines - 1);
for (i = 0, _ref = this.options.numLines - 1; 0 <= _ref ? i <= _ref : i >= _ref; 0 <= _ref ? i++ : i--) {
y = this.options.marginTop + i * lineInterval;
v = Math.round((this.options.numLines - 1 - i) * this.ymax / (this.options.numLines - 1));
this.r.text(left - this.options.marginLeft / 2, y, v).attr('font-size', this.options.gridTextSize).attr('fill', this.options.gridTextColor).attr('text-anchor', 'end');
this.r.path("M" + left + "," + y + 'H' + (left + width)).attr('stroke', this.options.gridLineColor).attr('stroke-width', this.options.gridStrokeWidth);
prevLabelMargin = null;
xLabelMargin = 50;
for (i = _ref2 = Math.ceil(this.xmin), _ref3 = Math.floor(this.xmax); _ref2 <= _ref3 ? i <= _ref3 : i >= _ref3; _ref2 <= _ref3 ? i++ : i--) {
label = this.r.text(transX(i), this.options.marginTop + height + this.options.marginBottom / 2, i).attr('font-size', this.options.gridTextSize).attr('fill', this.options.gridTextColor);
labelBox = label.getBBox();
if (prevLabelMargin === null || prevLabelMargin <= labelBox.x) {
prevLabelMargin = labelBox.x + labelBox.width + xLabelMargin;
} else {
columns = (function() {
var _i, _len, _ref4, _results;
_ref4 = this.xvals;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref4.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
x = _ref4[_i];
return _results;
seriesCoords = [];
_ref4 = this.series;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref4.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
s = _ref4[_i];
seriesCoords.push($.map(s, function(y, i) {
return {
x: columns[i],
y: transY(y)
for (i = _ref5 = seriesCoords.length - 1; _ref5 <= 0 ? i <= 0 : i >= 0; _ref5 <= 0 ? i++ : i--) {
coords = seriesCoords[i];
if (coords.length > 1) {
path = this.createPath(coords, this.options.marginTop, left, this.options.marginTop + height, left + width);
this.r.path(path).attr('stroke', this.options.lineColors[i]).attr('stroke-width', this.options.lineWidth);
seriesPoints = (function() {
var _ref6, _results;
_results = [];
for (i = 0, _ref6 = seriesCoords.length - 1; 0 <= _ref6 ? i <= _ref6 : i >= _ref6; 0 <= _ref6 ? i++ : i--) {
return _results;
for (i = _ref6 = seriesCoords.length - 1; _ref6 <= 0 ? i <= 0 : i >= 0; _ref6 <= 0 ? i++ : i--) {
_ref7 = seriesCoords[i];
for (_j = 0, _len2 = _ref7.length; _j < _len2; _j++) {
c = _ref7[_j];
circle =, c.y, this.options.pointSize).attr('fill', this.options.lineColors[i]).attr('stroke-width', 1).attr('stroke', '#ffffff');
return hoverMargins = $.map(columns.slice(1), function(x, i) {
return (x + columns[i]) / 2;
Line.prototype.createPath = function(coords, top, left, bottom, right) {
var c, g, grads, i, ix, lc, lg, path, x1, x2, y1, y2, _ref;
path = "";
grads = this.gradients(coords);
for (i = 0, _ref = coords.length - 1; 0 <= _ref ? i <= _ref : i >= _ref; 0 <= _ref ? i++ : i--) {
c = coords[i];
if (i === 0) {
path += "M" + c.x + "," + c.y;
} else {
g = grads[i];
lc = coords[i - 1];
lg = grads[i - 1];
ix = (c.x - lc.x) / 4;
x1 = lc.x + ix;
y1 = Math.min(bottom, lc.y + ix * lg);
x2 = c.x - ix;
y2 = Math.min(bottom, c.y - ix * g);
path += "C" + x1 + "," + y1 + "," + x2 + "," + y2 + "," + c.x + "," + c.y;
return path;
Line.prototype.gradients = function(coords) {
return $.map(coords, function(c, i) {
if (i === 0) {
return (coords[1].y - c.y) / (coords[1].x - c.x);
else if (i === xvals.length - 1) {
} else if (i === (coords.length - 1)) {
return (c.y - coords[i - 1].y) / (c.x - coords[i - 1].x);
else {
} else {
return (coords[i + 1].y - coords[i - 1].y) / (coords[i + 1].x - coords[i - 1].x);
for (i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) {
var c = coords[i];
var g = grads[i];
if (i === 0) {
path += "M" + ([c.x, c.y].join(','));
else {
var ix = (c.x - lc.x) / 4;
path += "C" + ([lc.x + ix,
Math.min(margin_top + h, lc.y + ix * lg),
c.x - ix,
Math.min(margin_top + h, c.y - ix * g),
c.x, c.y].join(','));
lc = c;
lg = g;
.attr('stroke', config.line_colors[s])
.attr('stroke-width', config.line_width);
// draw the points
for (i = 0; i < series[s].length; i++) {
var c1 = {x: cols[i], y: trans_y(series[s][i])};
var circle =, c1.y, config.point_size)
.attr('fill', config.line_colors[s])
.attr('stroke-width', 1)
.attr('stroke', '#ffffff');
series_points[series_points.length - 1].push(circle);
// hover labels
var label_height = 12;
var label_padding_x = 10;
var label_padding_y = 5;
var label_margin = 10;
var yvar_labels = [];
var label_float_height = (label_height * 1.5) * (series.length + 1);
var label_float = r.rect(-10, -label_float_height / 2 - label_padding_y, 20, label_float_height + label_padding_y * 2, 10)
.attr('fill', '#fff')
.attr('stroke', '#ccc')
.attr('stroke-width', 2)
.attr('opacity', 0.95);
var xvar_label = r.text(0, (label_height * 0.75) - (label_float_height / 2), '')
.attr('fill', '#444')
.attr('font-weight', 'bold')
.attr('font-size', label_height);
var label_set = r.set();
for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
var yl = r.text(0, (label_height * 1.5 * (i + 1.5)) - (label_float_height / 2), '')
.attr('fill', config.line_colors[i])
.attr('font-size', label_height);
function commas(v) {
v = v.toString();
var r = "";
while (v.length > 3) {
r = "," + v.substr(v.length - 3) + r;
v = v.substr(0, v.length - 3);
r = v + r;
return r;
function update_float(index) {;
xvar_label.attr('text', xlabels[index]);
for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
yvar_labels[i].attr('text', labels[i] + ': ' + commas(series[i][index]));
// calculate bbox width
var bbw = Math.max(xvar_label.getBBox().width,
Math.max.apply(null, $.map(yvar_labels, function (l) { return l.getBBox().width; })));
label_float.attr('width', bbw + label_padding_x * 2);
label_float.attr('x', -label_padding_x - bbw / 2);
// determine y-pos
var yloc = Math.min.apply(null, $.map(series, function (s) { return trans_y(s[index]); }));
if (yloc > label_float_height + label_padding_y * 2 + label_margin + margin_top) {
yloc = yloc - label_float_height / 2 - label_padding_y - label_margin;
else {
yloc = yloc + label_float_height / 2 + label_padding_y + label_margin;
yloc = Math.max(margin_top + label_float_height / 2 + label_padding_y, yloc);
yloc = Math.min(margin_top + h - label_float_height / 2 - label_padding_y, yloc);
var xloc = Math.min(margin_left + w - bbw / 2 - label_padding_y, cols[index]);
xloc = Math.max(margin_left + bbw / 2 + label_padding_x, xloc);
label_set.attr('transform', 't' + xloc + ',' + yloc);
function hide_float() {
// column hilighting
var self = this;
var prev_hilight = null;
var point_grow = Raphael.animation({r: config.point_size + 3}, 25, "linear");
var point_shrink = Raphael.animation({r: config.point_size}, 25, "linear");
function highlight(index) {
var j;
if (prev_hilight !== null && prev_hilight !== index) {
for (j = 0; j < series_points.length; j++) {
if (index !== null && prev_hilight !== index) {
for (j = 0; j < series_points.length; j++) {
prev_hilight = index;
if (index === null) {
function update_hilight(x_coord) {
var x = x_coord - self.offset().left;
for (var i = hover_margins.length; i > 0; i--) {
if (hover_margins[i - 1] > x) {
this.mousemove(function (evt) {
function touchhandler(evt) {
var touch = evt.originalEvent.touches[0] ||
return touch;
this.bind('touchstart', touchhandler);
this.bind('touchmove', touchhandler);
this.bind('touchend', touchhandler);
$.fn.hml = function (options) {
var config = {
line_width: 3,
point_size: 4,
line_colors: [
if (options) {
$.extend(config, options);
return this.each(function () {$(this), config);
Line.prototype.measureText = function(text, fontSize) {
var ret, tt;
if (fontSize == null) fontSize = 12;
tt = this.r.text(100, 100, text).attr('font-size', fontSize);
ret = tt.getBBox();
return ret;
Line.prototype.parseYear = function(year) {
var m, n;
m = year.toString().match(/(\d+) Q(\d)/);
n = year.toString().match(/(\d+)\-(\d+)/);
if (m) {
return parseInt(m[1], 10) + (parseInt(m[2], 10) * 3 - 1) / 12;
} else if (n) {
return parseInt(n[1], 10) + (parseInt(n[2], 10) - 1) / 12;
} else {
return parseInt(year, 10);
return Line;