class Morris.Bar extends Morris.Grid # Initialise the graph. # constructor: (options) -> return new Morris.Bar(options) unless (@ instanceof Morris.Bar) super($.extend {}, options, parseTime: false) # setup event handlers # init: -> @cumulative = @options.stacked @prevHilight = null @el.mousemove (evt) => @updateHilight evt.pageX if @options.hideHover @el.mouseout (evt) => @hilight null touchHandler = (evt) => touch = evt.originalEvent.touches[0] or evt.originalEvent.changedTouches[0] @updateHilight touch.pageX return touch @el.bind 'touchstart', touchHandler @el.bind 'touchmove', touchHandler @el.bind 'touchend', touchHandler # Default configuration # defaults: barSizeRatio: 0.75 barGap: 3 barColors: [ '#0b62a4' '#7a92a3' '#4da74d' '#afd8f8' '#edc240' '#cb4b4b' '#9440ed' ] hoverPaddingX: 10 hoverPaddingY: 5 hoverMargin: 10 hoverFillColor: '#fff' hoverBorderColor: '#ccc' hoverBorderWidth: 2 hoverOpacity: 0.95 hoverLabelColor: '#444' hoverFontSize: 12 hideHover: false # Do any size-related calculations # # @private calc: -> @calcBars() @calcHoverMargins() # calculate series data bars coordinates and sizes # # @private calcBars: -> for row, idx in @data row._x = @left + @width * (idx + 0.5) / @data.length row._y = for y in row.y if y? then @transY(y) else null # calculate hover margins # # @private calcHoverMargins: -> @hoverMargins = for i in [1...@data.length] @left + i * @width / @data.length # Draws the bar chart. # draw: -> @drawXAxis() @drawSeries() @drawHover() @hilight(if @options.hideHover then null else @data.length - 1) # draw the x-axis labels # # @private drawXAxis: -> # draw x axis labels ypos = @bottom + @options.gridTextSize * 1.25 xLabelMargin = 50 # make this an option? prevLabelMargin = null for i in [0...@data.length] row = @data[@data.length - 1 - i] label = @r.text(row._x, ypos, row.label) .attr('font-size', @options.gridTextSize) .attr('fill', @options.gridTextColor) labelBox = label.getBBox() # ensure a minimum of `xLabelMargin` pixels between labels, and ensure # labels don't overflow the container if (not prevLabelMargin? or prevLabelMargin >= labelBox.x + labelBox.width) and labelBox.x >= 0 and (labelBox.x + labelBox.width) < @el.width() prevLabelMargin = labelBox.x - xLabelMargin else label.remove() # draw the data series # # @private drawSeries: -> groupWidth = @width / numBars = if @options.stacked? then 1 else @options.ykeys.length barWidth = (groupWidth * @options.barSizeRatio - @options.barGap * (numBars - 1)) / numBars leftPadding = groupWidth * (1 - @options.barSizeRatio) / 2 zeroPos = if @ymin <= 0 and @ymax >= 0 then @transY(0) else null @bars = for row, idx in @data lastTop = 0 for ypos, sidx in row._y if ypos != null if zeroPos top = Math.min(ypos, zeroPos) bottom = Math.max(ypos, zeroPos) else top = ypos bottom = @bottom left = @left + idx * groupWidth + leftPadding left += sidx * (barWidth + @options.barGap) unless @options.stacked size = bottom - top top -= lastTop if @options.stacked @r.rect(left, top, barWidth, size) .attr('fill', @colorFor(row, sidx, 'bar')) .attr('stroke-width', 0) lastTop += size else null # draw the hover tooltip # # @private drawHover: -> # hover labels @hoverHeight = @options.hoverFontSize * 1.5 * (@options.ykeys.length + 1) @hover = @r.rect(-10, -@hoverHeight / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingY, 20, @hoverHeight + @options.hoverPaddingY * 2, 10) .attr('fill', @options.hoverFillColor) .attr('stroke', @options.hoverBorderColor) .attr('stroke-width', @options.hoverBorderWidth) .attr('opacity', @options.hoverOpacity) @xLabel = @r.text(0, (@options.hoverFontSize * 0.75) - @hoverHeight / 2, '') .attr('fill', @options.hoverLabelColor) .attr('font-weight', 'bold') .attr('font-size', @options.hoverFontSize) @hoverSet = @r.set() @hoverSet.push(@hover) @hoverSet.push(@xLabel) @yLabels = [] for i in [0...@options.ykeys.length] yLabel = @r.text(0, @options.hoverFontSize * 1.5 * (i + 1.5) - @hoverHeight / 2, '') .attr('font-size', @options.hoverFontSize) @yLabels.push(yLabel) @hoverSet.push(yLabel) # @private updateHover: (index) => row = @data[index] @xLabel.attr('text', row.label) for y, i in row.y @yLabels[i].attr('fill', @colorFor(row, i, 'hover')) @yLabels[i].attr('text', "#{@options.labels[i]}: #{@yLabelFormat(y)}") # recalculate hover box width maxLabelWidth = Math.max.apply null, (l.getBBox().width for l in @yLabels) maxLabelWidth = Math.max maxLabelWidth, @xLabel.getBBox().width @hover.attr 'width', maxLabelWidth + @options.hoverPaddingX * 2 @hover.attr 'x', -@options.hoverPaddingX - maxLabelWidth / 2 # move to y pos yloc = (@bottom + @top) / 2 xloc = Math.min @right - maxLabelWidth / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingX, @data[index]._x xloc = Math.max @left + maxLabelWidth / 2 + @options.hoverPaddingX, xloc @hoverSet.attr 'transform', "t#{xloc},#{yloc}" # @private hideHover: -> @hoverSet.hide() # @private hilight: (index) => if index isnt null and @prevHilight isnt index @updateHover index @prevHilight = index if not index? @hideHover() # @private updateHilight: (x) => x -= @el.offset().left for hoverIndex in [0...@hoverMargins.length] break if @hoverMargins[hoverIndex] > x @hilight hoverIndex # @private # # @param row [Object] row data # @param sidx [Number] series index # @param type [String] "bar" or "hover" colorFor: (row, sidx, type) -> if typeof @options.barColors is 'function' r = { x: row.x, y: row.y[sidx], label: row.label } s = { index: sidx, key: @options.ykeys[sidx], label: @options.labels[sidx] }, r, s, type) else @options.barColors[sidx % @options.barColors.length]