describe 'Morris.Line', -> it 'should raise an error when the placeholder element is not found', -> my_data = [{x: 1, y: 1}, {x: 2, y: 2}] fn = -> Morris.Line( element: "thisplacedoesnotexist" data: my_data xkey: 'x' ykeys: ['y'] labels: ['dontcare'] ) fn.should.throw(/Graph container element not found/) it 'should make point styles customizable', -> my_data = [{x: 1, y: 1}, {x: 2, y: 2}] red = '#ff0000' blue = '#0000ff' chart = Morris.Line element: 'graph' data: my_data xkey: 'x' ykeys: ['y'] labels: ['dontcare'] pointStrokeColors: [red, blue] pointWidths: [1, 2] pointFillColors: [null, red] chart.strokeWidthForSeries(0).should.equal 1 chart.strokeForSeries(0).should.equal red chart.strokeWidthForSeries(1).should.equal 2 chart.strokeForSeries(1).should.equal blue (null == chart.pointFillColorForSeries(0)) (chart.pointFillColorForSeries(0) || chart.colorForSeries(0)).should.equal chart.colorForSeries(0) chart.pointFillColorForSeries(1).should.equal red describe 'generating column labels', -> it 'should use user-supplied x value strings by default', -> chart = Morris.Line element: 'graph' data: [{x: '2012 Q1', y: 1}, {x: '2012 Q2', y: 1}] xkey: 'x' ykeys: ['y'] labels: ['dontcare'] -> x.label).should == ['2012 Q1', '2012 Q2'] it 'should use a default format for timestamp x-values', -> d1 = new Date(2012, 0, 1) d2 = new Date(2012, 0, 2) chart = Morris.Line element: 'graph' data: [{x: d1.getTime(), y: 1}, {x: d2.getTime(), y: 1}] xkey: 'x' ykeys: ['y'] labels: ['dontcare'] -> x.label).should == [d2.toString(), d1.toString()] it 'should use user-defined formatters', -> d = new Date(2012, 0, 1) chart = Morris.Line element: 'graph' data: [{x: d.getTime(), y: 1}, {x: '2012-01-02', y: 1}] xkey: 'x' ykeys: ['y'] labels: ['dontcare'] dateFormat: (d) -> x = new Date(d) "#{x.getYear()}/#{x.getMonth()+1}/#{x.getDay()}" -> x.label).should == ['2012/1/1', '2012/1/2'] describe 'rendering lines', -> beforeEach -> @defaults = element: 'graph' data: [{x:0, y:1, z:0}, {x:1, y:0, z:1}, {x:2, y:1, z:0}, {x:3, y:0, z:1}, {x:4, y:1, z:0}] xkey: 'x' ykeys: ['y', 'z'] labels: ['y', 'z'] lineColors: ['#abcdef', '#fedcba'] smooth: true continuousLine: false shouldHavePath = (regex, color = '#abcdef') -> # Matches an SVG path element within the rendered chart. # # Sneakily uses line colors to differentiate between paths within # the chart. $('#graph').find("path[stroke='#{color}']").attr('d').should.match regex it 'should generate smooth lines when options.smooth is true', -> Morris.Line @defaults shouldHavePath /M[\d\.]+,[\d\.]+(C[\d\.]+(,[\d\.]+){5}){4}/ it 'should generate jagged lines when options.smooth is false', -> Morris.Line $.extend(@defaults, smooth: false) shouldHavePath /M[\d\.]+,[\d\.]+(L[\d\.]+,[\d\.]+){4}/ it 'should generate smooth/jagged lines according to the value for each series when options.smooth is an array', -> Morris.Line $.extend(@defaults, smooth: ['y']) shouldHavePath /M[\d\.]+,[\d\.]+(C[\d\.]+(,[\d\.]+){5}){4}/, '#abcdef' shouldHavePath /M[\d\.]+,[\d\.]+(L[\d\.]+,[\d\.]+){4}/, '#fedcba' it 'should ignore undefined values', ->[2].y = undefined Morris.Line @defaults shouldHavePath /M[\d\.]+,[\d\.]+(C[\d\.]+(,[\d\.]+){5}){3}/ it 'should ignore null values when options.continuousLine is true', ->[2].y = null Morris.Line $.extend(@defaults, continuousLine: true) shouldHavePath /M[\d\.]+,[\d\.]+(C[\d\.]+(,[\d\.]+){5}){3}/ it 'should break the line at null values when options.continuousLine is false', ->[2].y = null Morris.Line @defaults shouldHavePath /(M[\d\.]+,[\d\.]+C[\d\.]+(,[\d\.]+){5}){2}/ describe '#createPath', -> it 'should generate a smooth line', -> testData = [{x: 0, y: 10}, {x: 10, y: 0}, {x: 20, y: 10}] path = Morris.Line.createPath(testData, true, 0) path.should.equal 'M0,10C2.5,7.5,7.5,0,10,0C12.5,0,17.5,7.5,20,10' it 'should generate a jagged line', -> testData = [{x: 0, y: 10}, {x: 10, y: 0}, {x: 20, y: 10}] path = Morris.Line.createPath(testData, false, 0) path.should.equal 'M0,10L10,0L20,10' it 'should prevent paths from descending below the bottom of the chart', -> testData = [{x: 0, y: 20}, {x: 10, y: 10}, {x: 20, y: 30}] path = Morris.Line.createPath(testData, true, 10) path.should.equal 'M0,20C2.5,17.5,7.5,10,10,10C12.5,11.25,17.5,25,20,30' it 'should break the line at null values', -> testData = [{x: 0, y: 10}, {x: 10, y: 0}, {x: 20, y: null}, {x: 30, y: 10}, {x: 40, y: 0}] path = Morris.Line.createPath(testData, true, 0) path.should.equal 'M0,10C2.5,7.5,7.5,2.5,10,0M30,10C32.5,7.5,37.5,2.5,40,0' it 'should ignore leading and trailing null values', -> testData = [{x: 0, y: null}, {x: 10, y: 10}, {x: 20, y: 0}, {x: 30, y: 10}, {x: 40, y: null}] path = Morris.Line.createPath(testData, true, 0) path.should.equal 'M10,10C12.5,7.5,17.5,0,20,0C22.5,0,27.5,7.5,30,10'