2012-10-21 22:33:49 +01:00

351 lines
12 KiB

class Morris.Line extends Morris.Grid
# Initialise the graph.
constructor: (options) ->
return new Morris.Line(options) unless (@ instanceof Morris.Line)
init: ->
# Some instance variables for later
@pointGrow = Raphael.animation r: @options.pointSize + 3, 25, 'linear'
@pointShrink = Raphael.animation r: @options.pointSize, 25, 'linear'
# column hilight events
@prevHilight = null
@el.mousemove (evt) =>
@updateHilight evt.pageX
if @options.hideHover
@el.mouseout (evt) =>
@hilight null
touchHandler = (evt) =>
touch = evt.originalEvent.touches[0] or evt.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]
@updateHilight touch.pageX
return touch
@el.bind 'touchstart', touchHandler
@el.bind 'touchmove', touchHandler
@el.bind 'touchend', touchHandler
# Default configuration
lineWidth: 3
pointSize: 4
lineColors: [
pointWidths: [1]
pointStrokeColors: ['#ffffff']
pointFillColors: []
hoverPaddingX: 10
hoverPaddingY: 5
hoverMargin: 10
hoverFillColor: '#fff'
hoverBorderColor: '#ccc'
hoverBorderWidth: 2
hoverOpacity: 0.95
hoverLabelColor: '#444'
hoverFontSize: 12
smooth: true
hideHover: false
xLabels: 'auto'
xLabelFormat: null
# Do any size-related calculations
# @private
calc: ->
# calculate series data point coordinates
@columns = (@transX(x) for x in @xvals)
@seriesCoords = []
for s in @series
scoords = []
$.each s, (i, y) =>
if y == null
scoords.push(x: @columns[i], y: @transY(y))
# calculate hover margins
@hoverMargins = $.map @columns.slice(1), (x, i) => (x + @columns[i]) / 2
# Draws the line chart.
draw: ->
@hilight(if @options.hideHover then null else 0)
# draw the x-axis labels
# @private
drawXAxis: ->
# draw x axis labels
ypos = @bottom + @options.gridTextSize * 1.25
xLabelMargin = 50 # make this an option?
prevLabelMargin = null
drawLabel = (labelText, xpos) =>
label = @r.text(@transX(xpos), ypos, labelText)
.attr('font-size', @options.gridTextSize)
.attr('fill', @options.gridTextColor)
labelBox = label.getBBox()
# ensure a minimum of `xLabelMargin` pixels between labels, and ensure
# labels don't overflow the container
if (prevLabelMargin is null or prevLabelMargin <= labelBox.x) and
labelBox.x >= 0 and (labelBox.x + labelBox.width) < @el.width()
prevLabelMargin = labelBox.x + labelBox.width + xLabelMargin
if @options.parseTime
if @columnLabels.length == 1 and @options.xLabels == 'auto'
# where there's only one value in the series, we can't make a
# sensible guess for an x labelling scheme, so just use the original
# column label
drawLabel(@columnLabels[0], @xvals[0])
for l in Morris.labelSeries(@xmin, @xmax, @width, @options.xLabels, @options.xLabelFormat)
drawLabel(l[0], l[1])
for i in [0..@columnLabels.length]
labelText = @columnLabels[@columnLabels.length - i - 1]
drawLabel(labelText, i)
# draw the data series
# @private
drawSeries: ->
for i in [@seriesCoords.length-1..0]
coords = @seriesCoords[i]
smooth = @options.smooth is true or
$.inArray(@options.ykeys[i], @options.smooth) > -1
if coords.length > 1
path = @createPath coords, @bottom, smooth
.attr('stroke', @colorForSeries(i))
.attr('stroke-width', @options.lineWidth)
@seriesPoints = ([] for i in [0..@seriesCoords.length-1])
for i in [@seriesCoords.length-1..0]
for c in @seriesCoords[i]
if c == null
circle = null
circle =, c.y, @options.pointSize)
.attr('fill', @pointFillColorForSeries(i) || @colorForSeries(i))
.attr('stroke-width', @strokeWidthForSeries(i))
.attr('stroke', @strokeForSeries(i))
# create a path for a data series
# @private
createPath: (coords, smooth) ->
path = ""
if smooth
grads = @gradients coords
for i in [0..coords.length-1]
c = coords[i]
if i is 0
path += "M#{c.x},#{c.y}"
g = grads[i]
lc = coords[i - 1]
lg = grads[i - 1]
ix = (c.x - lc.x) / 4
x1 = lc.x + ix
y1 = Math.min(@bottom, lc.y + ix * lg)
x2 = c.x - ix
y2 = Math.min(@bottom, c.y - ix * g)
path += "C#{x1},#{y1},#{x2},#{y2},#{c.x},#{c.y}"
path = "M" + $.map(coords, (c) -> "#{c.x},#{c.y}").join("L")
return path
# calculate a gradient at each point for a series of points
# @private
gradients: (coords) ->
$.map coords, (c, i) ->
if i is 0
(coords[1].y - c.y) / (coords[1].x - c.x)
else if i is (coords.length - 1)
(c.y - coords[i - 1].y) / (c.x - coords[i - 1].x)
(coords[i + 1].y - coords[i - 1].y) / (coords[i + 1].x - coords[i - 1].x)
# draw the hover tooltip
# @private
drawHover: ->
# hover labels
@hoverHeight = @options.hoverFontSize * 1.5 * (@series.length + 1)
@hover = @r.rect(-10, -@hoverHeight / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingY, 20, @hoverHeight + @options.hoverPaddingY * 2, 10)
.attr('fill', @options.hoverFillColor)
.attr('stroke', @options.hoverBorderColor)
.attr('stroke-width', @options.hoverBorderWidth)
.attr('opacity', @options.hoverOpacity)
@xLabel = @r.text(0, (@options.hoverFontSize * 0.75) - @hoverHeight / 2, '')
.attr('fill', @options.hoverLabelColor)
.attr('font-weight', 'bold')
.attr('font-size', @options.hoverFontSize)
@hoverSet = @r.set()
@yLabels = []
for i in [0..@series.length-1]
yLabel = @r.text(0, @options.hoverFontSize * 1.5 * (i + 1.5) - @hoverHeight / 2, '')
.attr('fill', @colorForSeries(i))
.attr('font-size', @options.hoverFontSize)
# @private
updateHover: (index) =>
@xLabel.attr('text', @columnLabels[index])
for i in [0..@series.length-1]
@yLabels[i].attr('text', "#{@options.labels[i]}: #{@yLabelFormat(@series[i][index])}")
# recalculate hover box width
maxLabelWidth = Math.max.apply null, $.map @yLabels, (l) ->
maxLabelWidth = Math.max maxLabelWidth, @xLabel.getBBox().width
@hover.attr 'width', maxLabelWidth + @options.hoverPaddingX * 2
@hover.attr 'x', -@options.hoverPaddingX - maxLabelWidth / 2
# move to y pos
yloc = Math.min.apply null, $.map @series, (s) =>
@transY s[index]
if yloc > @hoverHeight + @options.hoverPaddingY * 2 + @options.hoverMargin + @top
yloc = yloc - @hoverHeight / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingY - @options.hoverMargin
yloc = yloc + @hoverHeight / 2 + @options.hoverPaddingY + @options.hoverMargin
yloc = Math.max @top + @hoverHeight / 2 + @options.hoverPaddingY, yloc
yloc = Math.min @bottom - @hoverHeight / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingY, yloc
xloc = Math.min @right - maxLabelWidth / 2 - @options.hoverPaddingX, @columns[index]
xloc = Math.max @left + maxLabelWidth / 2 + @options.hoverPaddingX, xloc
@hoverSet.attr 'transform', "t#{xloc},#{yloc}"
# @private
hideHover: ->
# @private
hilight: (index) =>
if @prevHilight isnt null and @prevHilight isnt index
for i in [0..@seriesPoints.length-1]
if @seriesPoints[i][@prevHilight]
@seriesPoints[i][@prevHilight].animate @pointShrink
if index isnt null and @prevHilight isnt index
for i in [0..@seriesPoints.length-1]
if @seriesPoints[i][index]
@seriesPoints[i][index].animate @pointGrow
@updateHover index
@prevHilight = index
if index is null
# @private
updateHilight: (x) =>
x -= @el.offset().left
for hoverIndex in [@hoverMargins.length..0]
if hoverIndex == 0 || @hoverMargins[hoverIndex - 1] > x
@hilight hoverIndex
# @private
colorForSeries: (index) ->
@options.lineColors[index % @options.lineColors.length]
# @private
strokeWidthForSeries: (index) ->
@options.pointWidths[index % @options.pointWidths.length]
# @private
strokeForSeries: (index) ->
@options.pointStrokeColors[index % @options.pointStrokeColors.length]
# @private
pointFillColorForSeries: (index) ->
@options.pointFillColors[index % @options.pointFillColors.length]
# generate a series of label, timestamp pairs for x-axis labels
# @private
Morris.labelSeries = (dmin, dmax, pxwidth, specName, xLabelFormat) ->
ddensity = 200 * (dmax - dmin) / pxwidth # seconds per `margin` pixels
d0 = new Date(dmin)
spec = Morris.LABEL_SPECS[specName]
# if the spec doesn't exist, search for the closest one in the list
if spec is undefined
for name in Morris.AUTO_LABEL_ORDER
s = Morris.LABEL_SPECS[name]
if ddensity >= s.span
spec = s
# if we run out of options, use second-intervals
if spec is undefined
spec = Morris.LABEL_SPECS["second"]
# check if there's a user-defined formatting function
if xLabelFormat
spec = $.extend({}, spec, {fmt: xLabelFormat})
# calculate labels
d = spec.start(d0)
ret = []
while (t = d.getTime()) <= dmax
if t >= dmin
ret.push [spec.fmt(d), t]
return ret
# @private
minutesSpecHelper = (interval) ->
span: interval * 60 * 1000
start: (d) -> new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours())
fmt: (d) -> "#{Morris.pad2(d.getHours())}:#{Morris.pad2(d.getMinutes())}"
incr: (d) -> d.setMinutes(d.getMinutes() + interval)
# @private
secondsSpecHelper = (interval) ->
span: interval * 1000
start: (d) -> new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours(), d.getMinutes())
fmt: (d) -> "#{Morris.pad2(d.getHours())}:#{Morris.pad2(d.getMinutes())}:#{Morris.pad2(d.getSeconds())}"
incr: (d) -> d.setSeconds(d.getSeconds() + interval)
span: 17280000000 # 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
start: (d) -> new Date(d.getFullYear(), 0, 1)
fmt: (d) -> "#{d.getFullYear()}"
incr: (d) -> d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + 1)
span: 2419200000 # 28 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
start: (d) -> new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), 1)
fmt: (d) -> "#{d.getFullYear()}-#{Morris.pad2(d.getMonth() + 1)}"
incr: (d) -> d.setMonth(d.getMonth() + 1)
span: 86400000 # 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
start: (d) -> new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate())
fmt: (d) -> "#{d.getFullYear()}-#{Morris.pad2(d.getMonth() + 1)}-#{Morris.pad2(d.getDate())}"
incr: (d) -> d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1)
"hour": minutesSpecHelper(60)
"30min": minutesSpecHelper(30)
"15min": minutesSpecHelper(15)
"10min": minutesSpecHelper(10)
"5min": minutesSpecHelper(5)
"minute": minutesSpecHelper(1)
"30sec": secondsSpecHelper(30)
"15sec": secondsSpecHelper(15)
"10sec": secondsSpecHelper(10)
"5sec": secondsSpecHelper(5)
"second": secondsSpecHelper(1)
"year", "month", "day", "hour",
"30min", "15min", "10min", "5min", "minute",
"30sec", "15sec", "10sec", "5sec", "second"