import * as dns from 'dns' import punycode from 'punycode/punycode.js' import { promisify } from 'util' const dnsLookupAsync = promisify(dns.lookup) const dnsResolveAsync = promisify(dns.resolve) export default class DnsResolver { /** * @param {Logger} logger */ constructor (logger) { this.logger = logger } isIp (host) { return !!host.match(/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) } /** * Response port will only be present if srv record was involved. * @param {string} host * @param {number} ipFamily * @param {string=} srvRecordPrefix * @returns {Promise<{address:string, port:number=}>} */ async resolve (host, ipFamily, srvRecordPrefix) { this.logger.debug('DNS Lookup: ' + host) if (this.isIp(host)) { this.logger.debug('Raw IP Address: ' + host) return { address: host } } const asciiForm = punycode.toASCII(host) if (asciiForm !== host) { this.logger.debug('Encoded punycode: ' + host + ' -> ' + asciiForm) host = asciiForm } if (srvRecordPrefix) { this.logger.debug('SRV Resolve: ' + srvRecordPrefix + '.' + host) let records try { records = await dnsResolveAsync(srvRecordPrefix + '.' + host, 'SRV') if (records.length >= 1) { this.logger.debug('Found SRV Records: ', records) const record = records[0] const srvPort = record.port const srvHost = if (srvHost === host) { throw new Error('Loop in DNS SRV records') } return { port: srvPort, ...await this.resolve(srvHost, ipFamily, srvRecordPrefix) } } this.logger.debug('No SRV Record') } catch (e) { this.logger.debug(e) } } this.logger.debug('Standard Resolve: ' + host) const dnsResult = await dnsLookupAsync(host, ipFamily) // For some reason, this sometimes returns a string address rather than an object. // I haven't been able to reproduce, but it's been reported on the issue tracker. let address if (typeof dnsResult === 'string') { address = dnsResult } else { address = dnsResult.address } this.logger.debug('Found address: ' + address) return { address } } }