import Core from './core.js' export default class openttd extends Core { async run (state) { { const [reader, version] = await this.query(0, 1, 1, 4) if (version >= 4) { const numGrf = reader.uint(1) state.raw.grfs = [] for (let i = 0; i < numGrf; i++) { const grf = {} = reader.part(4).toString('hex') grf.md5 = reader.part(16).toString('hex') state.raw.grfs.push(grf) } } if (version >= 3) { state.raw.date_current = this.readDate(reader) state.raw.date_start = this.readDate(reader) } if (version >= 2) { state.raw.maxcompanies = reader.uint(1) state.raw.numcompanies = reader.uint(1) state.raw.maxspectators = reader.uint(1) } = reader.string() state.raw.version = reader.string() state.raw.language = this.decode( reader.uint(1), ['any', 'en', 'de', 'fr'] ) state.password = !!reader.uint(1) state.maxplayers = reader.uint(1) state.numplayers = reader.uint(1) state.raw.numspectators = reader.uint(1) = reader.string() state.raw.map_width = reader.uint(2) state.raw.map_height = reader.uint(2) state.raw.landscape = this.decode( reader.uint(1), ['temperate', 'arctic', 'desert', 'toyland'] ) state.raw.dedicated = !!reader.uint(1) } { const [reader, version] = await this.query(2, 3, -1, -1) // we don't know how to deal with companies outside version 6 if (version === 6) { state.raw.companies = [] const numCompanies = reader.uint(1) for (let iCompany = 0; iCompany < numCompanies; iCompany++) { const company = {} = reader.uint(1) = reader.string() company.year_start = reader.uint(4) company.value = reader.uint(8).toString() = reader.uint(8).toString() company.income = reader.uint(8).toString() company.performance = reader.uint(2) company.password = !!reader.uint(1) const vehicleTypes = ['train', 'truck', 'bus', 'aircraft', 'ship'] const stationTypes = ['station', 'truckbay', 'busstation', 'airport', 'dock'] company.vehicles = {} for (const type of vehicleTypes) { company.vehicles[type] = reader.uint(2) } company.stations = {} for (const type of stationTypes) { company.stations[type] = reader.uint(2) } company.clients = reader.string() state.raw.companies.push(company) } } } } async query (type, expected, minver, maxver) { const b = Buffer.from([0x03, 0x00, type]) return await this.udpSend(b, (buffer) => { const reader = this.reader(buffer) const packetLen = reader.uint(2) if (packetLen !== buffer.length) { this.logger.debug('Invalid reported packet length: ' + packetLen + ' ' + buffer.length) return } const packetType = reader.uint(1) if (packetType !== expected) { this.logger.debug('Unexpected response packet type: ' + packetType) return } const protocolVersion = reader.uint(1) if ((minver !== -1 && protocolVersion < minver) || (maxver !== -1 && protocolVersion > maxver)) { throw new Error('Unknown protocol version: ' + protocolVersion + ' Expected: ' + minver + '-' + maxver) } return [reader, protocolVersion] }) } readDate (reader) { const daysSinceZero = reader.uint(4) const temp = new Date(0, 0, 1) temp.setFullYear(0) temp.setDate(daysSinceZero + 1) return temp.toISOString().split('T')[0] } decode (num, arr) { if (num < 0 || num >= arr.length) { return num } return arr[num] } }