const Core = require('./core'); class Battlefield extends Core { constructor() { super(); this.encoding = 'latin1'; } async run(state) { await this.withTcp(async socket => { { const data = await this.query(socket, ['serverInfo']); = data.shift(); state.raw.numplayers = parseInt(data.shift()); state.maxplayers = parseInt(data.shift()); state.raw.gametype = data.shift(); = data.shift(); state.raw.roundsplayed = parseInt(data.shift()); state.raw.roundstotal = parseInt(data.shift()); const teamCount = data.shift(); state.raw.teams = []; for (let i = 0; i < teamCount; i++) { const tickets = parseFloat(data.shift()); state.raw.teams.push({ tickets: tickets }); } state.raw.targetscore = parseInt(data.shift()); state.raw.status = data.shift(); // Seems like the fields end at random places beyond this point // depending on the server version if (data.length) state.raw.ranked = (data.shift() === 'true'); if (data.length) state.raw.punkbuster = (data.shift() === 'true'); if (data.length) state.password = (data.shift() === 'true'); if (data.length) state.raw.uptime = parseInt(data.shift()); if (data.length) state.raw.roundtime = parseInt(data.shift()); const isBadCompany2 = data[0] === 'BC2'; if (isBadCompany2) { if (data.length) data.shift(); if (data.length) data.shift(); } if (data.length) { state.raw.ip = data.shift(); const split = state.raw.ip.split(':'); state.gameHost = split[0]; state.gamePort = split[1]; } else { // best guess if the server doesn't tell us what the server port is // these are just the default game ports for different default query ports if (this.options.port === 48888) state.gamePort = 7673; if (this.options.port === 22000) state.gamePort = 25200; } if (data.length) state.raw.punkbusterversion = data.shift(); if (data.length) state.raw.joinqueue = (data.shift() === 'true'); if (data.length) state.raw.region = data.shift(); if (data.length) state.raw.pingsite = data.shift(); if (data.length) = data.shift(); if (data.length) state.raw.quickmatch = (data.shift() === 'true'); } { const data = await this.query(socket, ['version']); data.shift(); state.raw.version = data.shift(); } { const data = await this.query(socket, ['listPlayers', 'all']); const fieldCount = parseInt(data.shift()); const fields = []; for (let i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { fields.push(data.shift()); } const numplayers = data.shift(); for (let i = 0; i < numplayers; i++) { const player = {}; for (let key of fields) { let value = data.shift(); if (key === 'teamId') key = 'team'; else if (key === 'squadId') key = 'squad'; if ( key === 'kills' || key === 'deaths' || key === 'score' || key === 'rank' || key === 'team' || key === 'squad' || key === 'ping' || key === 'type' ) { value = parseInt(value); } player[key] = value; } state.players.push(player); } } }); } async query(socket, params) { const outPacket = this.buildPacket(params); return await this.tcpSend(socket, outPacket, (data) => { const decoded = this.decodePacket(data); if(decoded) { this.debugLog(decoded); if(decoded.shift() !== 'OK') throw new Error('Missing OK'); return decoded; } }); } buildPacket(params) { const paramBuffers = []; for (const param of params) { paramBuffers.push(Buffer.from(param,'utf8')); } let totalLength = 12; for (const paramBuffer of paramBuffers) { totalLength += paramBuffer.length+1+4; } const b = Buffer.alloc(totalLength); b.writeUInt32LE(0,0); b.writeUInt32LE(totalLength,4); b.writeUInt32LE(params.length,8); let offset = 12; for (const paramBuffer of paramBuffers) { b.writeUInt32LE(paramBuffer.length, offset); offset += 4; paramBuffer.copy(b, offset); offset += paramBuffer.length; b.writeUInt8(0, offset); offset += 1; } return b; } decodePacket(buffer) { if(buffer.length < 8) return false; const reader = this.reader(buffer); const header = reader.uint(4); const totalLength = reader.uint(4); if(buffer.length < totalLength) return false; this.debugLog("Expected " + totalLength + " bytes, have " + buffer.length); const paramCount = reader.uint(4); const params = []; for(let i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) { params.push(reader.pascalString(4)); const strNull = reader.uint(1); } return params; } } module.exports = Battlefield;