const request = require('request'), Core = require('./core'); class Kspdmp extends Core { run(state) { request({ uri: 'http://'+this.options.address+':'+this.options.port_query, timeout: this.options.socketTimeout }, (e,r,body) => { if(e) return this.fatal('HTTP error'); let json; try { json = JSON.parse(body); } catch(e) { return this.fatal('Invalid JSON'); } for (const one of json.players) { state.players.push({name:one.nickname,}); } for (const key of Object.keys(json)) { state.raw[key] = json[key]; } = json.server_name; state.maxplayers = json.max_players; if (json.players) { const split = json.players.split(', '); for (const name of split) { state.players.push({name:name}); } } this.finish(state); }); } } module.exports = Kspdmp;