var Iconv = require('iconv').Iconv; var Iconv_converters = {}; function getIconv(from) { var to = 'utf-8'; var key = from+'---'+to; if(!(key in Iconv_converters)) { Iconv_converters[key] = new Iconv(from, to); } return Iconv_converters[key]; } function Reader(query,buffer) { this.query = query; this.buffer = buffer; this.i = 0; } Reader.prototype = { offset: function() { return this.i; }, skip: function(i) { this.i += i; }, string: function() { var args =; var options = {}; if(args.length == 0) { options = {}; } else if(args.length == 1) { if(typeof args[0] == 'string') options = { delimiter: args[0] }; else if(typeof args[0] == 'number') options = { length: args[0] }; else options = args[0]; } options.encoding = options.encoding || this.query.encoding; if(options.encoding == 'latin1') options.encoding = 'windows-1252'; var start = this.i+0; var end = start; if(!('length' in options)) { // terminated by the delimiter var delim = options.delimiter || this.query.delimiter; if(typeof delim == 'string') delim = delim.charCodeAt(0); while(true) { if(end >= this.buffer.length) return ''; if(this.buffer.readUInt8(end) == delim) break; end++; } this.i = end+1; } else { end = start+options.length; if(end > this.buffer.length) return ''; this.i = end; if(options.stripnull && this.buffer.readUInt8(end-1) == 0) end--; } var out = this.buffer.slice(start, end); var enc = options.encoding; if(enc == 'utf8' || enc == 'ucs2' || enc == 'binary') { out = out.toString(enc); } else { var converter = getIconv(enc); out = converter.convert(out).toString(); } return out; }, uint: function(bytes) { var r = 0; if(this.i+bytes <= this.buffer.length) { if(this.query.byteorder == 'be') { if(bytes == 1) r = this.buffer.readUInt8(this.i); else if(bytes == 2) r = this.buffer.readUInt16BE(this.i); else if(bytes == 4) r = this.buffer.readUInt32BE(this.i); else if(bytes == 8) r = Bignum.fromBuffer(this.buffer.slice(this.i,this.i+8),{endian:'big',size:'auto'}); } else { if(bytes == 1) r = this.buffer.readUInt8(this.i); else if(bytes == 2) r = this.buffer.readUInt16LE(this.i); else if(bytes == 4) r = this.buffer.readUInt32LE(this.i); else if(bytes == 8) r = Bignum.fromBuffer(this.buffer.slice(this.i,this.i+8),{endian:'little',size:'auto'}); } } this.i += bytes; return r; }, float: function() { var r = 0; if(this.i+4 <= this.buffer.length) { if(this.query.byteorder == 'be') r = this.buffer.readFloatBE(this.i); else r = this.buffer.readFloatLE(this.i); } this.i += 4; return r; }, pascal: function(enc) { if(this.i >= this.buffer.length) return ''; var length = this.buffer.readUInt8(this.i); this.i++; return this.string({ encoding: enc, length: length, stripnull: true }); }, done: function() { return this.i >= this.buffer.length; } }; module.exports = Reader;