const Core = require('./core'); class Cs2d extends Core { async run(state) { { const reader = await this.sendQuery( Buffer.from('\x01\x00\x03\x10\x21\xFB\x01\x75\x00', 'binary'), Buffer.from('\x01\x00\xfb\x01', 'binary') ); const flags = reader.uint(1); state.raw.flags = flags; state.password = this.readFlag(flags, 0); state.raw.registeredOnly = this.readFlag(flags, 1); state.raw.fogOfWar = this.readFlag(flags, 2); state.raw.friendlyFire = this.readFlag(flags, 3); state.raw.botsEnabled = this.readFlag(flags, 5); state.raw.luaScripts = this.readFlag(flags, 6); = this.readString(reader); = this.readString(reader); state.raw.numplayers = reader.uint(1); state.maxplayers = reader.uint(1); state.raw.gamemode = reader.uint(1); if (state.raw.botsEnabled) { state.raw.numbots = reader.uint(1); } else { state.raw.numbots = 0; } } { const reader = await this.sendQuery( Buffer.from('\x01\x00\xFB\x05', 'binary'), Buffer.from('\x01\x00\xFB\x05', 'binary') ); state.raw.numplayers2 = reader.uint(1); while(!reader.done()) { const player = {}; = reader.uint(1); = this.readString(reader); = reader.uint(1); player.score = reader.uint(4); player.deaths = reader.uint(4); if (state.bots.length < state.raw.numbots) { state.bots.push(player); } else { state.players.push(player); } } } } async sendQuery(request, expectedHeader) { // Send multiple copies of the request packet, because cs2d likes to just ignore them randomly await this.udpSend(request); await this.udpSend(request); return await this.udpSend(request, (buffer) => { const reader = this.reader(buffer); const header = reader.part(4); if (!header.equals(expectedHeader)) return; return reader; }); } readFlag(flags, offset) { return !!(flags & (1 << offset)); } readString(reader) { const length = reader.uint(1); return reader.string({length:length}); } } module.exports = Cs2d;