const varint = require('varint'), async = require('async'), Core = require('./core'); function varIntBuffer(num) { return Buffer.from(varint.encode(num)); } function buildPacket(id,data) { if(!data) data = Buffer.from([]); const idBuffer = varIntBuffer(id); return Buffer.concat([ varIntBuffer(data.length+idBuffer.length), idBuffer, data ]); } class Minecraft extends Core { run(state) { /** @type Buffer */ let receivedData; async.series([ (c) => { // build and send handshake and status TCP packet const portBuf = Buffer.alloc(2); portBuf.writeUInt16BE(this.options.port_query,0); const addressBuf = Buffer.from(this.options.address,'utf8'); const bufs = [ varIntBuffer(4), varIntBuffer(addressBuf.length), addressBuf, portBuf, varIntBuffer(1) ]; const outBuffer = Buffer.concat([ buildPacket(0,Buffer.concat(bufs)), buildPacket(0) ]); this.tcpSend(outBuffer, (data) => { if(data.length < 10) return false; const expected = varint.decode(data); data = data.slice(varint.decode.bytes); if(data.length < expected) return false; receivedData = data; c(); return true; }); }, (c) => { // parse response let data = receivedData; const packetId = varint.decode(data); if(this.debug) console.log("Packet ID: "+packetId); data = data.slice(varint.decode.bytes); const strLen = varint.decode(data); if(this.debug) console.log("String Length: "+strLen); data = data.slice(varint.decode.bytes); const str = data.toString('utf8'); if(this.debug) { console.log(str); } let json; try { json = JSON.parse(str); delete json.favicon; } catch(e) { return this.fatal('Invalid JSON'); } state.raw = json; state.maxplayers = json.players.max; if(json.players.sample) { for(const player of json.players.sample) { state.players.push({ id:, name: }); } } while(state.players.length < { state.players.push({}); } this.finish(state); } ]); } } module.exports = Minecraft;